Is Aegon the most bs monthly boss fight?



  • LeNoirFaineantLeNoirFaineant Member Posts: 8,688 ★★★★★
    A_Noob_Is1 wrote: »
    uhhh... Ice Phoenix.....the hydra adaptoid....

    The hydra adaptoid was literally the easiest boss we have ever had lol. 2* Ronan...
  • RiderofHellRiderofHell Member Posts: 4,734 ★★★★★
    If you thought Ægon was tough in UC wait they he rips you a new one in A6 far worser lol
  • TonyStarkTonyStark Member Posts: 354

    Don't block. He's quite aggressive and walks right into backdraft intercepts like no one's business. If you blow the AA parry stun in fight 1, get your intercept game face on and take care of business the next few fights. His combo strike power only matters if he touches you, after all...

    His combo increases over time. Doesn't matter if he touches you or not.
  • XxOriginalxXXxOriginalxX Member Posts: 1,324 ★★★

    You should've set your avatar to Emma Frost just for this comment lmao

    Cap is prettier than she’ll ever be
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    I think some of y'all are confusing "hard" with "BS".

    @Mirage_Turtle hit the nail on the head.

    That #### was by far the most BS fight Kabam has had. For reasons already explained, there was no counter for her save Mephisto (and he was a new champ at the time so not many people had him).

    There was nothing you could do except try and damage her as much as possible in the first few seconds, die, revive, rinse and repeat until you beat her.

    Kabam recognized this, nerfed her and gave a really good comp package which was unprecedented at the time.

    She was nearly impossible to 1 shot and it cost players a lot of resources.

    Other so called "BS" fights had counters such as AA for pre-nerf Aegon. Many of us 1 shot him... same with Champion. Thanos was skill, patience and preparation and was far from BS.

    There hasn't been and probably will never be a fight like Ice Phoenix again.
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    He was a pain as a boss, but let's not forget how completely game-breaking he is as a playable character. I've already seen vids of him smashing through LoL fights like it's act 3 content. ...but Doc Strange was too OP and had to get nerfed into the ground. His gameplay vids make blade look mundane.
  • Evil_Monkey88Evil_Monkey88 Member Posts: 125
    Emma frost and omega red were much more BS.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    I have beat him 4 times out of 8 attempts in uncollected. Its so annoying, if you don't one shot him you have to restart. I use Archangel but RNG can suck.
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  • DaileyDailey Member Posts: 283 ★★
    I unferstand the frustration as I don’t have the time to restart if I don’t one shot aegon. It seems from most posts he’s either too easy or too hard. A lot of people in this game have tons of champs and put a lot of time or money into this game. Then there others as myself that cannot put in a ton of time but now I won’t put in the money either. I don’t want to buy my way out of the frustrating middle class.
  • DragonFire2DragonFire2 Member Posts: 181
    He’s tough but if you got Sparky, Ronan, Morningstar, or Voodoo, you got a good chance to kill him with no items. For me, Infinity War Thanos was way harder. But the month before that one was the worst, with the dark Hyperion, Vision, all them. That is the only uncollected quest I have not been able to 100%.
  • SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
    I'm a super mediocre player and I had trouble with Aegon only the very first time I fought him.

    When I went back to 100%'d that section, I one shot him with a 4* Arch Angel every time no problem at all. I would just parry/stun and heavy, then back off for his L1 and wait for the unstoppable to expire, then repeat. I would throw in an L1 or L2 as I had an opportunity. AA would one shot him in under 60 seconds each run. I had no special synergies.

    This was actually the easiest Uncollected monthly event for me personally in some time. I used zero items except my first fight with Aegon when I wasn't sure what was going on in my first run through.

    I’ve seen video of this guy playing MCoC - “super mediocre player” is being generous!

  • Abolitionist333_Abolitionist333_ Member Posts: 426
    Sabre and Km made easy work of Aegon. 27 hits, no regen.
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    No infinity thanos was much worse than aegon
  • NojokejaymNojokejaym Member Posts: 4,127 ★★★★★
    No infinity thanos was much worse than aegon

    thanos was easy
  • SMNYSMNY Member Posts: 69
    Nojokejaym wrote: »

    thanos was easy

    That's what she said.
  • MrTicTac19992008MrTicTac19992008 Member Posts: 608 ★★★
    I'm now 5/13 against Aegon. Nearly there.
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  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,401 Guardian
    On the one hand, I agree in general that as a design Aegon was not a good idea. I wouldn't do it that way myself. On the other hand, I don't think he was anywhere near the hardest uncollected boss. The problem was that you needed to be willing to use a meta strategy most players aren't willing to use: exit and try again if his combo gets too high rather than throw yourself repeatedly at that one fight.

    The psychological block is not wanting to "waste" energy but energy is actually cheap. Trying to avoid wasting energy by spending a gigaton of potions and failing anyway is not saving anything. It does also take time to rerun the path but again, the cost of that time is small compared to trying to beat a super-high combo Aegon.

    Maybe the intent was to actually present a scenario where the player couldn't just spend their way past the fight if they failed. If so I think there are better ways of doing that. In particular, I would have made that Aegon a midboss rather than the end boss to emphasize that exiting and restarting was a more obvious choice.

    If you think every map must allow players to simply bash their way forward no matter what, then this was broken. If you think players should sometimes have to surrender and try again then this wasn't horrible, just not ideal. Uncollected Thanos was a better version of this, because it was much more obvious that restarting was a good option compared to bashing forward.

    The complaint that players "shouldn't be punished for losing" is something that I think is true in general, but not always true in the highest levels of difficulty. The problem with "punishing" people for losing is that it discourages continuing to try, which you don't want to do when players are progressing in lower tiers of play. But at the highest tiers of play, not doing so means everyone can simply spend past the difficulty as the final option. You either have to make that option extremely expensive, or non-viable. Champion Chapter Two makes that option potentially very expensive. Uncollected Aegon makes that option mostly non-viable.
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    The Aegon thing was just frustrating based on the fact that if you had a decently long first try against him but didn't get him down, you had no choice but to start the whole level over again. At least with Thanos, if you didn't get him, it wasn't that big of a deal to start over and try again. With Aegon, you had to either wait for your energy to recharge or use an energy refill to get back to him to try again.

    I've never used as many units for a monthly as I did this time, and it was almost exclusively for energy refills. It was a little ridiculous.
  • BLEEDlNG_DGEBLEEDlNG_DGE Member Posts: 324 ★★
    You clearly didn't fight Black Order Guilly... or Ice Phoenix... or Emma Frost... or Hydra Adaptoid.

    Aegon and Champ were some of the easiest bosses we've ever had. The right counters make them child's play. If one shotting them is a problem, practice on master first. Don't get me wrong, mistakes were made and reruns needed but when all went well it was a one-shot slaughter.
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    I'll disagree with that one. I thought Gully and Emma were good, skilled-based challenges. Hydra Adaptoid was a joke only if you had the right champ for him. Ice Pheonix was nothing special as long as you had a champ with high enough health to survive her cold snap. With Aegon, you needed the right champ, good luck with RNG, and had to hope and pray that the game didn't give you a little hiccup that would disrupt your timing.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,401 Guardian
    Carames wrote: »
    I'll disagree with that one. I thought Gully and Emma were good, skilled-based challenges. Hydra Adaptoid was a joke only if you had the right champ for him. Ice Pheonix was nothing special as long as you had a champ with high enough health to survive her cold snap. With Aegon, you needed the right champ, good luck with RNG, and had to hope and pray that the game didn't give you a little hiccup that would disrupt your timing.

    How could Aegon require the game not "hiccup and disrupt your timing" but unblockable guillotine which required constant intercepting did not?

    If you had "the right champ" for Aegon, all you needed was good parry-heavy skills. You did not need particularly good luck with debuffs (an average amount would kill him) and a game timing glitch wouldn't completely eliminate your ability to kill him: it was possible to recover from one or two mistimed parries and turned into blocks. That margin for error did not exist with unblockable Guillotine.
  • CaramesCarames Member Posts: 284 ★★
    edited December 2018
    Gully was the same, but it didn't cost you a bunch of time and an energy refills to come back and try again. That's all I'm saying.

    I had a 4* AA just like most and had no problem with Aegon's movesets, but my game is prone to random momentary pauses.

    If you were in the fight with Aegon long enough to get his combo count up, a pause that resulted in you taking a hit, even a blocked one, meant you were done. And you couldn't just come back in and try again at that point.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,401 Guardian
    Carames wrote: »
    Gully was the same, but it didn't cost you a bunch of time and an energy refills to come back and try again. That's all I'm saying.

    Guillotine was different in a very important way. Aegon has a window of vulnerability where he isn't hard to fight initially, and only becomes extremely difficult to fight when his persistent combo gets too high. Unblockable Guillotine, on the other hand, had no window of vulnerability. She could almost one shot you from the very beginning of the fight, and she would punish any missed intercept with a practically lethal amount of damage. Guillotine did not cost energy to reset and try again because there was nothing to be gained from resetting Guillotine. Resetting Aegon made him much easier to fight than Guillotine, at least for a while. But nothing made unblockable Guillotine initially easier to fight. Aegon costs energy refills. Unblockable Guillotine cost revives. And revives are more expensive, and she took more of them from more players.
  • JayBird_IsTheWordJayBird_IsTheWord Member Posts: 167 ★★
    Uncollected guillotine when Infinity War Thanos was the big boss. That was the most difficult fight I've ever had because it was six times and each time was different.
  • DshuDshu Member Posts: 1,516 ★★★★
    ZombieZedd wrote: »
    Hey guys wanna have ice Phoenix back😊😊😊

    Yes please
  • Heikomat2000Heikomat2000 Member Posts: 11
    The math between refills and revives is somehow broken. It only works if you are actually able to one shot Aegon. Otherwise you are screwed even if revives are cheap.
    I think this is a main driver of complaints about the fight.
  • ZzzZzz Member Posts: 154
    Of cause not Ægon. I think was Ice phoenix
  • Epsilon3Epsilon3 Member Posts: 1,138 ★★★

    Excluding Supreme due to the Summoned Symbiote being a thing

    Hiemdall - bait the Sp1 badly and there’s a NICE chance the Sp2 will straight murder you. Practically unbeatable in second attempts

    Red Skull - the MCoC embodiment of Ferrothorn.

    Emma - Oscilate and she starts stun immune AND inversion

    Omega Red - You needed the patience of a SAINT and a Duped SL or 5* KM synergy WS with no specials… or AoU Vision

    The NAMELESS - Pick one IE Nameless GUILLOTINE!

    INIFINTY GAUNTLESS THANOS! He… was his OWN QUEST! Inversion plus confusing projectiles, the Aspect Genesis super Weapon, Death Touch straight from MtG TCG, oh and a Combined health bar (cause this is a 2-boss boss-rush) or RoL level health and Uncollected level of attack

    I don’t think I need mention that Sentinel.

    Comparatively AEgon is not a challenge but a Damage sink, a time trial! Proxima Midnigbt technically bypasses most of the BS if I’m correct about her blocking ability, and is incentivized to intercept anyways. However any of the truly absurd hitters like AA. Carnage, Storm, Corvus, Hyperion, etc… can our Damage the clock very easily. And so long as your interception “DONT TOUCH ME” game is on fleek none of this should even matter
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