[iOS] 21.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation

Kabam LyraKabam Lyra Member Posts: 2,936 ★★★★
Hi Summoners!

Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.

As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.

If you are experiencing crashing, lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the iOS version of The Contest, please reply using the template below.

This thread is for iOS users only.

In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name.
Device and Model: (Example, iPhone 7)
Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.”
Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. This thread is only for those on the 21.1 version of the game.
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.

Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.


  • AndyBaron7AndyBaron7 Member Posts: 360
    Player name og kush baron
    Phone iPhone X
    Issue occurs on both cellular and WiFi
    Latest iOS
    Latest kabam update
    Latest carrier update
    Game mode English
    Game issues to many to list but here are the more annoying ones. Corvus glave modok and other champs don’t gain charges from missions or they reset or the icon simply vanishes usually in modes you don’t want this to occur like aw. Hard content controls play up doesn’t happen in easy stuff only hard stuff ai randomly blocks like a ninja mid combo. Unstoppable fights are near on impossible every time I try hit let’s say the champ he go unstoppable mid combo and wreck you or mid special. Champs at times cut right through you or your attacker has a blip and starts trying to fight on his own. Whether this be a dash back or a dash attack into an intercept and usually death. Block fails. Specials randomly lag and the ai blocks it like a ninja combo hit doesn’t matter. Then smash you to the face. Parry fails intercept fails. Champs immunity randomly fails. Some champs bait on all or nothing nodes. Sometimes mid combo attacker will pause and take mass damage or die. Since 11.0 game play quality has diminished. Ai can behave in ways we can’t and at speed we can’t. Randomly bleed champs won’t land a bleed in the whole fight. At times aa won’t do a single bleed doesn’t matter what I do and there not immune. Game can crash on crystal screen get random connectivity messages when connection is fine. Anyways thanks in advance for wasting 5 mins of my life I’ll look forward to hearing of potential fixes by the year 2029. If you could also let me know in advance what’s gonna be broken next month this would assist me in my progression to been a good player. I currently suck but feel it’s not completely my fault lol ( hint hint )
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 681 ★★★★
    Infinite load screen is still a problem for me in the same way it was on last update. I have to restart game multiple times a day. Happens after fights, but longest loads are happening while switching between game modes.
    iOS 12.1
    iPhone 8plus
    On cellular and WiFi
    Latest game build.
  • TigersharksoulTigersharksoul Member Posts: 7
    Tigershark Soul
    IPhone 6
    IOS 11
    Both WiFi and Cellular
    Latest version of MCOC
    I’ve had a lot of lag issues over the past few updates.. it’s been quite sporadic.Happens more often in AW but does happen in Story quest and AQ too. It’s been a constant hassle trying to fight and then it lags for a split second and doesn’t register my moves or I could hit the screen a few times and it does nothing. With the champs, now a days and especially in AW, I get killed quickly because I can’t attack on command and can’t defend properly. On some days I can solo buffed bosses without getting hit, then there are times where I get killed by champs I usually have no problem with because I can’t evade or block/parry, or just stay put when a hit should have happened and it just stood there.
  • Denslo500Denslo500 Member Posts: 905 ★★★
    IGN: Denslo
    iPhone 7 plus
    Only tried on Cell
    iOS 12.1
    MCOC 21.1.0

    Darkhawk fight lag issues on Heroic mode. Lag was off and on throughout fight.
    Will not try on Master level until it is fixed.
  • BigKOBigKO Member Posts: 25
    Ign: wuzu85
    Device: Iphone 5s
    IOS: 10.3
    Cellular or wifi: both
    Game version: 21.1
    Game mode: all of them
    Description: characters stopping mid combo after one or two hits. Often just stand there doing nothing. Also phantom heavies. Heavies start to charge when I'm not even touching the screen or my phone. Can't play normal getting connection issues random, AQ after a fight stuck on loading screen for at least 5minutes or force close
    (timed it 3 times)
  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    I the new EQ every time I try to enter a fight with CG as my attacker the games closes

    I pad mini updated and the latest up date for the game as well
  • 1Jo1Jo Member Posts: 30
    Ign: 1 Jo
    Device: IPhone 6s
    IOS: up to date
    Cellular or wifi: both
    Game version: 21.1
    Game mode: all of them
    Description: champs stop dead when I hit special or heavy randomly and just stand there ready to die, go in opposite direction you move randomly, game keeps buffering. So have to restart game. At the start of season this is pants. One very bored and annoyed user ready to quit. Way to keep the game fresh. Kabamed again!
  • Vossler77Vossler77 Member Posts: 683 ★★
    edited December 2018
    Connection issues. iphone7 both on wifi or cellular. Ign Ozzel. I play alot. Just saying in case you think its all in my heeeaaaddd
  • Sbj5427Sbj5427 Member Posts: 6
    Kabam Lyra wrote: »
    Hi Summoners!

    Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.

    As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.

    If you are experiencing crashing, lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the iOS version of The Contest, please reply using the template below.

    This thread is for iOS users only.

    In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name.
    Device and Model: (Example, iPhone 7)
    Device Operating System: (Example, iOS 11) You can find out the operating system on an iPhone by going to Settings, then General and scrolling down to “Version.”
    Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
    Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the App Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. This thread is only for those on the 21.1 version of the game.
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.

    Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.

  • Sbj5427Sbj5427 Member Posts: 6
    I have iPhone 6 Plus, every time I enter boss mode on event quest I get kicked out then when I try to log bac in it goes to fight only to get a heavy lag into fight MAKIN it impossible to kill boss with unblockable attacks at beginning of the fight
  • Darth_Caedus1Darth_Caedus1 Member Posts: 64
    .Plague doctor.
    IPhone 6+
    21.1 version of the game
    Event quest
    The game crashes when I enter the darkhawk fight. It closes the app completely. And there’s lag when I enter a new section of the game like arena or event quest, or story mode.
  • TaimurKhanTaimurKhan Member Posts: 119
    edited December 2018
    Iphone 8 plus
    Io a 12.1
    My champs are charging heavies even when i am not touching screen. It has ruined so many fights in aq, aw and eq. I played with screen turned other way around, trying to see if my touchscreen has some issue but nope. Few of my alliance mates have also reported the same issue.
  • Darth_Caedus1Darth_Caedus1 Member Posts: 64
    .Plague doctor.
    IPhone 6+
    21.1 version of the game
    Event quest
    The game crashes when I enter the darkhawk fight. It closes the app completely. And there’s lag when I enter a new section of the game like arena or event quest, or story mode.

    Since posting that I have made several attempts at entering the fight an it crashes on me every time, that fight is completely inaccessible

  • Mekh2Mekh2 Member Posts: 14
    edited December 2018
    Ign: Mekh2
    Device: Iphone 6S
    IOS: 12.1
    Cellular or wifi: both
    Game version: 21.1
    Game mode: monthly event quest
    Description: in monthly event quest, after winning a fight, it now takes 30-45 seconds before I get returned to the map screen.
  • EpistriatusEpistriatus Member Posts: 1,253 ★★★★
    Ingame name: Epicrates
    Device and model: ipad air 2 & iphone 5s
    Device operating system: latest > Ios 12.1
    Cellular or wifi: both (cellular is 3g and 4g).
    Game version installed: latest
    Game mode: event quest, arena, aq, aw
    Description of the issue: sigh, here we go: extreme lag at the start of the final boss fight in uncollected (darkhawk, 3.2). Aq: ultron vs red hulk, map 4, lag. Aw, starlord vs don’t know anymore (tier bottom), screen freezes, lag, parry not working. These are just from the last 2 hours. In all game modes: constantly getting the message/banner “problems connecting to network, please check your connection.” This banner pops up at the start of the fight, at the end of the fight, while clicking to “next fight, next series, next gametab,” while levelling or ranking up a champ, basically everytime a thing ingame is clicked that message/banner kinda pops up (50% of the time).
  • ShinobiGuyShinobiGuy Member Posts: 606 ★★★
    In-Game Name: ShinobiGuy
    Device and Model: Ipad Air 2
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1.1
    Cellular or WiFi: Cellular, Telenor (Norwegian Carrier)
    Game Version Installed: 21.1
    Game Mode: Alliance Quest
    Description of the Issue: Get stuck on the loading screen when trying to enter AQ. Takes about 5 min. Champions dont show up in the VS screen. Between matches, back to loading screen that lasts for 5+ minutes.
    Problem is also in all menu browsing. Things are jaggy and slow to appear.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    When I try to fight nighthawk, the game starts the loading screen and just immediately crashes. When i try to reopen it, it asks to continue the fight, but then crashes immediately. I am in a loop of this happening. I was able to break the loop finally force quitting, but then i tried witht he next character and it started all over again. Tried with Capt IW and luke cage on IPhone 6+.
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    .Plague doctor.
    IPhone 6+
    21.1 version of the game
    Event quest
    The game crashes when I enter the darkhawk fight. It closes the app completely. And there’s lag when I enter a new section of the game like arena or event quest, or story mode.

    Since posting that I have made several attempts at entering the fight an it crashes on me every time, that fight is completely inaccessible

    I am having the same issue on 3.2 boss...I dont know what to do!!! Help please
  • Drummer16Drummer16 Member Posts: 324 ★★
    edited December 2018
    Drummer16 wrote: »
    .Plague doctor.
    IPhone 6+
    21.1 version of the game
    Event quest
    The game crashes when I enter the darkhawk fight. It closes the app completely. And there’s lag when I enter a new section of the game like arena or event quest, or story mode.

    Since posting that I have made several attempts at entering the fight an it crashes on me every time, that fight is completely inaccessible

    I am having the same issue on 3.2 boss...I dont know what to do!!! Help please

    Basically it crashes 2 seconds into loading the fight, tries to recover the fight, tries to load and 2 seconds later crashes, tries to recover the fight, etc. etc. There is no reliable way to break the loop to get back into the game!

    Iphone 6+

    FYI: I tried reinstalling the game, I tried restarting, I tried switching wifi and LTE, and I tried much more just to get the fight to load but something is wrong wtih this fight.
  • SighsohardSighsohard Member Posts: 666 ★★★
    Same here. Haven’t gotten any response from game team either.
  • KOSMOSKOSMOS Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: antonioalfonso
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Alliance War
    Description of the Issue: Battle in node 28 for war on 12/07/2018. Controls were unresponsive (totally unresponsive), resulting on a K.O. as the enemy got me. I recreated the issue one more time in that node, and with the same champions, with the same end-result.
  • KOKCKOKC Member Posts: 49
    so i start the fight against darkhawk and right away i get 3 second lag, either that or my game crashes completely 80% of the time.

    using iphone 6s plus
    Ipad Air, on Wi-Fi. Can usually beat Uncollected, 80-100% dependant on the Event's special lag settings.

    Currently: long screen loading times. Can't even do 1 line to end on Master...it's like 2015!

    The lag on Darkhawk (Master) will kill my entire unscathed 38k PI roster before I can get 10% damage done. Half the time it's on the initial dash back, sometimes I get away with that only for lag to kick in as the next unblockable attack comes in.

    Perhaps Darkhawk has a lot of processing going on? It always seems to be on those types of fights. Anyway, pointless trying Event Quests this month until fixed.

  • KOSMOSKOSMOS Member Posts: 2
    In-Game Name: antonioalfonso
    Device and Model: iPhone 7
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.0
    Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Alliance War
    Description of the Issue: Battle in node 28 for war on 12/07/2018. Controls were unresponsive (totally unresponsive), resulting on a K.O. as the enemy got me. I recreated the issue one more time in that node, and with the same champions, with the same end-result.
  • MbizzMbizz Member Posts: 215 ★★
    iPhone 6
    Game crashes every time I enter fight against uc Darkhawk, then I reboot and start the fight and it’s so laggy I can’t dash back in time to avoid unblockable medium/light attacks.
  • TCRxTCRx Member Posts: 23
    In-Game Name: TCRx
    Device and Model: iPad Pro (A1670)
    Device Operating System: iOS 12.1
    Cellular or WiFi: WiFi only model. Stable DSL capable of streaming 4K tv
    Game Version Installed: 21.1.0
    Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest and Alliance War.
    Description of the Issue: control of game lapses at irregular intervals. Blocks don’t happen. Dash back doesn’t respond. Sometimes I have to swipe Barack 3-4 times before I move back. I also use an iPhone 10xs max, and it happens there too, so it is not my device.
  • DrPITDrPIT Member Posts: 4
    Game crashes before each fight against dark hawk and when I reload the fight there is severe lag and glitching so it is not possible to fight properly. Thank you very much for addressing this.
  • Chumley77Chumley77 Member Posts: 22
    iPhone 6, latest version of game and iOS,
    Every time I pick a champ to fight dark hawk the game completely drops.
  • Oishi1Oishi1 Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2018
    Oishi I
    iPad Air 2
    Latest game version
    Game issue: I can login in the game but after few seconds a “Problems connecting to network. Please check your connection.” appears and I thought it was my internet but it wasn’t because I tried another game and it play smoothly. I’ve been trying to login in whole day and still problem exist. I have no problem after the game updated but after 2 days the problem comes. Kindly fix the issue ASAP coz it is wasting the energy and arenas time.
This discussion has been closed.