Opinion: top champs in each class and why. Try to change my mind.

1) Iron Patriot - heal, armor up, armor break, multiple stuns
2) Hulkbuster - multiple armor ups and armor breaks
3) Civil Warrior - armor ups, bleed immune, poison immune, power drain, power lock, heal block, AAR
1) She-Hulk - poison immune, various passive debuffs, multiple stuns
2) Spider-Gwen - evade, weaken, double crit damage, auto counter attack, stun, fatigue, armor break
3) Joe Fixit - poison immune, bleed, stun, heal, fatigue, weaken
1) Falcon - bleed, anti evade
2) Moon Knight - stun, bleed, fury, evade
1) Colossus - bleed immune, infinite armor ups, special damage increases based on armor
2) Deadpool X-Force - constant bleed, other bleeds, super power gain
3) White Magneto - heal block, AAR, bleed, insane damage reduction
1) Kamala Kahn - infinite fury stack, poison immune, hard to evade specials
2) Groot - bleed immune, unblockable special, heal, bleed, multiple damage buffs
1) Jane Foster - shock, high stun chance, stagger, hard to evade specials
1) Iron Patriot - heal, armor up, armor break, multiple stuns
2) Hulkbuster - multiple armor ups and armor breaks
3) Civil Warrior - armor ups, bleed immune, poison immune, power drain, power lock, heal block, AAR
1) She-Hulk - poison immune, various passive debuffs, multiple stuns
2) Spider-Gwen - evade, weaken, double crit damage, auto counter attack, stun, fatigue, armor break
3) Joe Fixit - poison immune, bleed, stun, heal, fatigue, weaken
1) Falcon - bleed, anti evade
2) Moon Knight - stun, bleed, fury, evade
1) Colossus - bleed immune, infinite armor ups, special damage increases based on armor
2) Deadpool X-Force - constant bleed, other bleeds, super power gain
3) White Magneto - heal block, AAR, bleed, insane damage reduction
1) Kamala Kahn - infinite fury stack, poison immune, hard to evade specials
2) Groot - bleed immune, unblockable special, heal, bleed, multiple damage buffs
1) Jane Foster - shock, high stun chance, stagger, hard to evade specials
Yeah, but I couldn't justify them over the other top tier helixes and fists.
Heal Block
Insane poison and Bleed Damage
Insane AAR
Lacks “damage control” but given his heavies are about as powerful as White-Mage’s special bleeds and his poisonous block adds even crazier damage I think that balances it out pretty heavily.
-Also White Deadpool vs Cable is a no-go.
Better power gain, regen, constant Degen, poison resistance and immunity, bleed-punish, Incinerate and Concussion, true strike. Lengthy Sp1
-Colossus… Emma? Immune to basically everything, massively heavy specials, and highly durable as well as inverted controls.
For Gears you can empirically replace Hulkbuster with the Iron Man of infinite wars
Lots of armor, lots of armor breaks, autoblock, Incinerate, Shock, Plasma, Heal Block, and Bleed/Cold immune
Just… I’m gonna say Gwenpool and Killmonger with zero context because wow.
Beaker: I actually kinda agree with that SpiderGwen. She gets a lot of flack for her Sp1 but overall she has solid damage output.
But Shehulk? How about pure hulk? Poison immune, amazing stun chaining and so much attack
For Fixit I’m torn between CAIW and Void.
For Saturn I say Hyperion beats your Kamala Khan
I’ll also see your Groot and tell you to KING him while you’re at it.
Stop making fun of the paperclip champs. We can't all be moonhats you know.
How can… bruh you at LEAST have to see that Cable vastly improves everything of White Deadpool
Plus you seem to have misfaith in quantity over quality. I know this is a joke post but man you have to roll with the punches too for it to work
You didn't even give a moonhat suggestion!
The best moonhat champ is Iron Fist clearly. Those armor breaks destroy even the mightiest of armor buffs like IMIW and Killmonger’s reverberation armor, and even crushes diamonds (Emma Frost diamond form).
You make a compelling argument. I almost put him on the moonhat list.
Take some Pepto.
It is a sarcastic post
I suppose the next thing you're going to tell me is that isn't a moonhat.
for me its a toss up between
the teenager bitten by a spider in a billionaires onesie firing white stuff from his wrists (stark Spidey )
or the pessimistic depressed megalomaniac consciousness in a robot body (ultron)
or the Green alien loving orphan from space with a big gun (SL )
I can think of a lot more but it takes effort to type them all
Heisenberg’s shadow is long, even after Mr White’s death...
Get Uncollected with Groot!
Beat Darkhawk with Hulkbuster!!
Let's see the Beyond, Beyond God Tier Champs shine.
Gear has always been OP while moonhat has been historically gimped.
With the nerf to moonhatic dispersion, this has only become more obvious.
I don’t know. I always felt like helix was cream of the crop. When you have a living breathing metal tank and a guy in a gold plated suit constantly taunting you, it’s tough to beat.
This is true. Solid facts, solid argument.
The fist class becomes unstoppable with 5 ranks which is why everyone specs it.
@Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra
Will we ever get a nerf to Pure Fist? I kind of think it's time.