What Champ Has Evaded And Followed You The Most Throughout Your Time In The Contest?

For me it would have to be Starlord pulled him once as a 3 star 3 years ago and I've never pulled him since sold him to get my first 4 star Magneto (Marvel Now!) which I regret....A lot.
4* Magneto (Marvel Now!) Loves coming from my 4 star pulls, currently sitting at rank 1 level 80 : /
4* Magneto (Marvel Now!) Loves coming from my 4 star pulls, currently sitting at rank 1 level 80 : /
Right now the only champ that really illudes me that I've wanted since I started playing is 4* or higher Gwenpool.
At this stage if I get them I probably won’t even rank them. To long waiting on the RNG.
other than that, I only just got a 3* Abomination last month and still don't have 3*s of Iron Fist, Iron Man, Juggernaut, Magneto, Cyclops NXS or Agent Venom.
I didn't have Winter Soldier at better than 2* for literally years, then got a 4* in August from the cinematic crystals and then got a 3* last month thanks to the one loyalty card.
Went through runs of characters. Black panther, then Bolt, 11 Storms in one day 2,3,4 and 5*, been more random as my team grew.
I've had an mystic Awakening gem with her name on for over a year now...
he's to OP
I just pulled 4☆ Wolverine. He is sig 80 now.