Can we get a new champ in the loyalty store.......preferably someone useful

Let’s face it, UC just isn’t a coveted champ that anyone wants to spend that much loyalty on. The way the game is trending he just doesn’t stand up to the new champs in terms of abilities and usefulness. I think it is past time for a new champion to take his place. Or leave him in there just give us someone else to drop our hard earned loyalty on as well.
I could get the 5* as well but I already have immune champs so It seems like a waste to me
All of the armor breaks! All of the effectiveness!
Falcon + Vulture = DOUBLE RAPTOR
All of the disappointment! More disapppointment! DOUBLE RAPTOR DISAPPOINTMENT!
Netflix DD + Iron Fist + Luke Cage (oh my excitement, 3?!?) = Sorry this idea got cancelled just as it was getting good.
Spider Gwen + Kamala Khan = The Wrath of Khan!!!!!
Spam sp1 for maximum self doubt and existential crisis!!!!!!!!!!!!
Abomination + Electro = I’m just kidding please don’t. Aka Omega pain in the butt.
All viable options.
I've been wanting to do this forever. Buy batches of 10 GM Arena crystals at a time, still waiting for a 5* Punisher.
(Max duped my 4* Punisher long ago)
That's the problem we have gotten responses on this before and they were always something like not having plans to do that and then the thread closes. I would rather have a mod say maybe this sounds good guys instead of saying the team said no I will keep trying to encourage this as a future possibility.
"Currently" and "at this time" though, so things could change in the future I guess...
Maybe somewhat on the lines of
4* Unstoppable Colossus- 100k
5* - 350k
4* Immortal Iron Fist- 250k
5* 500k
4* Punisher - 350k
5*- 600k
4* Kang- 400k
5* -750k
4* Thanos- 500k
5*- 1,000,000 loyalty
I don't remember if duping 3* UC from the loyalty crystal drops ISO, but if it does then I think buying the alliance crystals (although you are limited to one per day) is a more efficient way of turning loyalty into ISO. You'll get one 3* UC about every 20 crystals, and that's about 18 of them from 365 crystals. I think that adds up to significantly more ISO than a single 4* dup. Even better if you don't want even the single 4* UC as a trophy, because then you're getting about 36 dups (35 if you have never pulled 3* UC before) for the cost of duping 4* UC once (pulling twice).
You also forgot the one and only, Dr. Patriot