Hyperion and mordo too overpowered

Why has nothing been done with Hyperion and mordo. They are way to overpowered. They keep merging other champs but have yet to address the 2 worst while killing other champs. Please fix this or I might say fu
Hyperion is a huge pain in the ass though. One I hate facing the most
Hood works well against him, for me, but you miss a few power gains and it's Ko
I don't have trouble with lower level Hyperions because he usually spams his L1. Higher level Hyperions are ridiculous. I was against a 5* duped Hyperion tonight. He was super aggressive, and his power gain seemed to be on almost as much as it was off. I did not even have to bother trying to bait him. He was relentless, and was gaining power constantly.
That's poor game design plain and simple. It's Gaming 101 that High Risk = High Reward and Low Risk = Low Reward. Power gain, especially on this level, is No Risk = High Reward.
High level Visions can suffer from the same problem. If they are very aggressive and won't bait, you aren't left with any options.
Mordo's power gain is activated every 5 seconds and cannot be stopped when Mordo is struck.
Both Mordo and Hyperion's main strength is power gain, in fact, they focus pretty much all their strength on that. If you can cutoff that power gain (such as nullifying it using Dormammu or SW) or prevent them from gaining power (Power locking with SW, Dormammu, Magik, etc.) or drain it (Vision, the other vision, Winter Soldier), they will very easily go down since you just cutoff their main power and strength.
Some people love to be condescending and dismiss complaints as being the result of not knowing how to play the game well enough. Even the pros say that baiting is not completely reliable. That makes it at least partially based on chance, not on skill.
And I wonder how many people who are against nerfing a clearly god tier champion own him? Maybe their condescension is really just hiding their worry that their OP champions might get nerfed down to a reasonable level and they might actually have to win a fair fight instead of easily rolling over their opponents.
Using the fact that every champion must be equal and be available as a counter to every champion is not a valid comeback just because champions are awarded randomly. The game will be very stale. Part of the reason why champions have such different abilities is to invoke strategy. If you don't have said champs, you either aren't ready or you need to find another strategy.
And frankly, I have no Mordo and Hyperion, but I don't support a nerf to them. They are quite balanced, you need to know how to counter them, and with that champions too.
It's every 8 seconds and once his power gain buff shows up you can stop it by landing a hit on him.
Learn to play them, at first they can be annoying but you can take them down if you learn an stop moaning because it's not easy.
There is a wide range of champs now which can take either of these champs on and win, these champs are also very useful against others so there is no specialising. I've been playing this game a very long time what I find frustrating is relative noobs, moaning a nerf calling when they haven't built a strong roster, knowledge or skill yet. If you're heavy 'parry' player these two will hurt you but if you can play less Parry their charging makes them vulnerable. Take the time learn and understand the game don't just expect to beat everything easily, otherwise it's not a challenging game it's dull.
Haven't played with him very much huh? Every one thinks mordos only real strength is power gain and being pseudo stun immune.
No one takes in to account that he stacks fury and hits like a truck when he does.
Um, i disagree. Mordo is deadly on offense. Just parry, charge the L1, fire it, stun, rinse and repeat. You can just chain degen and stun, so the fight is always in your control
Yes I agree. Have to be careful about 5 hit combos I usually only do 4. If you are fighting a champ with a lot of buffs soul barb is deadly massive amount of damage and last a while
Hyperion is an absolute monster. Definitely one of the toughest champs to fight. He gains his L3 far quicker than anyone else in the game.
I have to fight Mordo or Hyperion with Magik every time, and even then Hype sometimes gets to an L3 before I can power lock. Because of how much power gain can influence a fight, especially in war, I think a timer for Hyperion's power gain is a decent idea.
Nerfing a champ is not a good call if u r having hard time against those...
I never once said that every champion must be equal and able to counter every other champion. But the game will become just as stale if everyone plays OP champions because they are so easy and no one plays the under-powered champions. Rebalancing champions is part of the job of a game developer, especially with a roster this large. Newer champions are frequently over-buffed because the attempt to make them cool and exciting goes overboard, and old champions become obsolete because they can't counter any of the newer abilities.
Dismissing people's complaints as being noobish or whiney is deliberately insulting and immature. In fact, if you have bothered to comprehend what I said, my opinion isn't even that far from your own. My complaints about Hyperion are due to the fact that his extreme power gain requires no skill and countering it is only partially based on skill. Your statement that we need to build a stronger roster or more skill becomes invalid when champions are awarded randomly and counters (in this case, baiting) doesn't always work.
I have played against 5* Hyperions who go from less than 1 bar to 3 bars in a matter of seconds. There isn't time to counter that. I have played against 5* Hyperions who will be baited for the first part of a fight and then stop using their abilities until they hit level 3 no matter what I do. I checked the videos done by highly skilled players, and they confirm that baiting is not reliable. No amount of practice is going to help if baiting is at least partly based on a random chance.
Nerfing does not have to mean a straight-up weakening. They can make power gain interruptible like stunning Ultron out of his heal. They can make power gain based on land a special or a combo. They can even make baiting a more difficult skill as long as they make it more reliable.
I never asked for them to make it easy on me. What I am asking for is better balance and more reliability. If I need to learn a skill to beat certain champs, then I need to be able to rely on that skill to work when I execute properly. I should not have to pray to Ar-En-Gee the Great God of Randomness to smile down on me and make my skills trigger the right reaction.
Also , hold that heavy for 5 seconds and get that 10 fury and watch out. L1 degeneration for between 550-600 damage per tick. plus the stun just roll and repeat and he can finish champs real quick.