Do you support spending in mcoc?

I personally think it’s absurd to continuously spend money on a mobile video game, when there are better things you could do with it. After all, anything that you buy is just a digital resource, and basically is free to generate for Kabam. Just wondering what you guys think.
Who am I to tell others what to do with their money
It is basically just as absurd to buy theater movie tickets. You could just wait to watch it at home and the popcorn would be much cheaper. It is just as absurd to spend lots of money on a restaurant meal when you could just buy the minimum nutritional requirements for a tiny fraction of that cost. At the end of the day spending money on experiences and entertainment is no more or less valid than spending money on tangible things.
On the subject of “free to make.” The game costs money to make. The items don’t cost money to make. But we don’t directly pay for development costs. We pay indirectly by the purchases we make, for those of us that aren’t f2p. I once went to a client to fix something that was broken. It was something they hired a less experienced person to install in the first place, and failed. I told them I would only fix it for the same cost as I would charge to install in the first place. As it turned out, I was able to find six mistakes that were made and fix them in about ten minutes. They suggested to me they should only have to pay for ten minutes of my time instead of the fixed fee. I suggested to them that next time they could call someone else. They were paying for expertise, not time.
You aren’t paying for items in the game, because you don’t own anything in the game. You’re paying for the right to use those things in the game. Only you know if the right to use those things is worth your money.
It is perfeclty good and valid for anyone to spend their money on whatevea brings them enjoyment.
Some people spend $200 on a noght out drinking,
People spend $50 going to movies, or ten pin bowling or similar for a few hours enjoyment.
Some people buy something that just sits on display in their house.
Some people spend money on expensive food and drinks.
You would easily spend $50 - $100 on a few hours worth of fun in many many different situations.
Dont compare spending money in a video game to the purchase of goods. It will never work. Yes you get nothing when you purchase a cideo game. However if you buy a $500 table what have you really got?
Compare ot instead to spending money on an enjoyable time.
You spend $50 on a movie, what have you got? A few hours of fun.
Spend $100 on drinks, what have you got? A few hours of fun.
Spend $40 at the arcade, what have you got? A few hours of fun.
Spend $50 bucks on a video game, what have you got? Many many many many hours of fun.
Yes you might spend $50 now and $50 later and $50 later but is that really any dofferent to seeing 3 movies? I actually argue that maybe more enjoyment comes from the money spent in a video game.
Tl:dr. Dont compare spending in a game to making a purchase. Compare it to spending money on having a good time.
Aslong as one spends wat they can afford all is good.
Gaming is a hobby and people like to spend money on their hobbies. As long as they are only using disposable income and aren't going hungry to do so, then it's all good.
The time they spend for game development .
And still this game is free for all .
Why we earned money to spend for our needs and desires whether you are spending it in game or buying something in real life
LMFAOOOOOOOO!! A big fat ad in the middle of a fight... WONDERFUL 😂😂😂
@MaatMan: bro, did you think somebody was gone read all that? 🤣
So that the game remains ad free
I got carried away.
But i did put tl:dr at the end.
Did u read it? Lol
Well maybe not in the middle of the fight but just when during log in - press X and done. That way they still get a good amount of money generated by their ads
I don’t play many games but how many games allow you to play all contents of the game without forcing you to purchase to open a content or item?
However, lately it seems that content is being developed and initiated with the intent of making you spend said money to complete. It’s almost to the point that unless you spend money, like in energy, shards for higher tiers, or buffs, you can’t progress not matter your skill set.
I think that’s what the main complaint is on this topic.
Here's a tangential question: would you prefer content as above, difficult, most people will need to use units and items, and likely money in the end, to complete, or content that isn't so end-game focused that requires units/money to enter in the first place?
One gives you more guaranteed success for an up front fee.. the other gives you content tha can costs as little or as much as your roster, skill and inventory will allow.
I have no first hand knowledge of what Kabam's intent is when they develop content, but I can say if their intent is to force players to spend money to make progress in the game they are incredibly bad at it. As long as you aren't in some sort of race with anyone else, this game is incredibly free to play friendly. You can literally, and I mean literally have rank 4 5* champions if the only thing you've ever done in the game is log in consistently. You could be blind and playing the game with your assistance dog's snout and still have at least a couple of champions at the second highest rank in the game just from the login calendar rewards.
It takes either a lot of time or a lot of money to go very fast. But it takes no money at all to get everywhere eventually. That is the ideal free to play game. Anyone who says they can't progress without spending is somehow doing it worse than someone who literally cannot do anything except figure out how to log in once a morning. If you want to see what a dedicated veteran free to play player can accomplish over a long period of time, see Brian Grant's account. If you want to see what a free to play player can accomplish in less than a year and a half and playing only part time, see Seatin's free to play account. It is a heck of a lot.