Dungeons Stuck [Merged Threads]

Anyone having issues with dungeons? I entered one and couldn’t move. Backed out and then it wouldn’t let me back in. Now I’ve lost my champs (regen time) and lost the dungeon. I submitted a support ticket but was wondering if anyone else experienced this?
Post edited by Kabam Lyra on
My partner just got kicked out of another dungeon and we had to exit out on room 3 of Dungeon 7. Thi season happens every 5 dungeons or so.
Considering you have a big dungeon event coming up that has big unit costs attached, I think it’s fair we get some sort of update on these bugs. We should definitely not be punished if the bugs happen on the special event, which I’m pretty sure will happen.
I doubt many people would be happy losing rank 5s and then having the week long cool down you guys ridiculously set up. Or even worse paying hundreds of units and having your grind ruined.
Dungeons are already a frustating chore. No need to add technical issues to it.
When I came back in, without even being matched, my champions were in cooldown for no reason
Please fix
Every time i join a party i just kicked out and lost my champ.
Sometimes if i could start dungeon that happend to my partner in dungeon he just kick out !
Lost 4 team so far and have zero point !
In my picture all I could see was the menu but he was in the dungeon.
When will dungeons work?
Keeps freezing, can’t see chat, getting kicked out regularly and everytime we have to wait for champs to be refreshed or pay to refresh them. Is it really a bug or a way for kabam to make money out of us?
iPhone se
12.1.2 iOS
Latest mcoc update
Was on WiFi, signal:strong
(FYI this flashing in the video is the game not responding when I try to move this was before my partner left)
Device Operating System: Latest iOS 12
Mobile Carrier: AT&T
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 874281
Game Mode: Dungeons
Champions Affected: All
Active Boosts: None
Description of the Issue: Couldn't move in dungeon. Clicking node flashed both the chat and boost icons. Exited app, clicking 'continue' from dungeon banner or 'Go' from dungeon chat kicks me back to the main MCOC home screen.
I always play dungeons on WiFi and I have a LG G7 ThinQ on Android 8.0.
Thanks... but now we only have half the points...