Version 21.2 Discussion Thread - Google Play Update Available Soon!



  • LynnixLynnix Member Posts: 16
    How can some people not understand others frustration. Alot of money is spent on this game and when youre lookin forward to playing an event abd seeing others in your alliance play said event and you can can you not be a little salty. The last thing anybody wants is an excuse or to wait an additional extended period of time to play an event you were supposed to be able to access that day. Those players who are so condescending to those who are upset need to get your head out of the sand and stop being a lemming to the cause. Im a little annoyed at whats happened but beyond sick of haters hating.
  • Swank777Swank777 Member Posts: 64
    This is beyond aggregating but to further be slapped in the face metaforicly by kabam and be told we will now have to wait a month to collect rewards iOS users were able to get today is extremely hard to swallow I do not believe they really understand how mad they are making part of the community and how all these hours later is the update still not available smh
  • Swank777Swank777 Member Posts: 64
    Aggravating *
  • AdiMukh555AdiMukh555 Member Posts: 756 ★★★
    What about the Trials of the alchemist?
    Will it be available for the Android users too now?
    Or do we have to wait till February
  • fu2_10fu2_10 Member Posts: 58
    Ladies and Gentlemen! Progress has been made! The Update is now propagating to the Google Play Store, and should be available to everybody very soon!

    Thank you all for your patience as we worked with our partners to get this resolved.

    This doesnt help me get the rewards for the trials of the alchemist any sooner!!! I needed those shards today to get my next 5 star, and now I cant get them for even longer. In a game where we already have to be EXTREMELY patient to make progress, now you guys have made it even worse. This is just amazing that your solution to the problem is to make it so we cant play the content we want to play FOR ALMOST A WHOLE MONTH. I'm just speechless.
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    I said it earlier, and others have said it too. Just give us a link to the apk file and be done with the drama already. Fact is, anyone with a small amount of internet know how could've found the server space, uploaded the apk, and posted the link here (average update packs are around 30-40 mb). Not that they would need to as Kabam should have ample space on their home page server.

    Places like Trucos and the MCoC InfoBot would then relay the link to a good chunk of the community. After that, the few stragglers left would find out about the link via Global, or their Alliance mates. The small percentage left out, you know, the ones left scratching their heads now that aren't on LINE, the forum, turned Global off etc would have to wait or would get lucky and find out via Google search.

    If Google REALLY IS TO BLAME, then skip the middle man and reach them a lesson. This community of players is rather tight knit and I'm sure this game would get the attention without them being a mediator for the update. At the end of the day, I'm sure they'll still be collecting on every purchase Android players make in game regardless of skipping their service for this 1 particular update. The only people getting bonked hard on the noggin are the Android players. Not Google. Kabam is even taking heat and losing a SMALL amount of sales as a result of salty players who otherwise would've made a purchase today.

    Truth is, a few days from now once all the drama and dust settles, every thing will be business as usual. Players will be on to their next gripe, and nothing will change. Maybe a handful of people quit. Fact is, it's such a small blip in the grand scheme, it doesn't really matter to the company. I'm sure there are those within that want to do more. Doesn't mean they can. Sad, but true. In the meantime, we shall wait, and hope for the best.
  • King363672King363672 Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    Accidentally they launched trial earlier and lots of people played and got extra rewards that was not double dipping
    I just got the update everyone check your stores
  • King363672King363672 Member Posts: 403 ★★★
    King363672 wrote: »
    Accidentally they launched trial earlier and lots of people played and got extra rewards that was not double dipping

    Now you are closing trial for Android to avoid double .
    Double standards
  • doctorbdoctorb Member Posts: 1,935 ★★★★
    Update up, yahhhh
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,311 ★★★★★
    Ladies and Gentlemen! Progress has been made! The Update is now propagating to the Google Play Store, and should be available to everybody very soon!

    Thank you all for your patience as we worked with our partners to get this resolved.

    Downloaded and thanks. Anyway to give Android users a crack at Diablo?
    Aaaannndddd no trial
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian
    Nevermind, it's live
  • Swank777Swank777 Member Posts: 64
    Kabam Mike you still have not resolved the issues keep trying though please we expect to be treated better than this
  • Shamanriver77Shamanriver77 Member Posts: 105
    @Kabam Miike you are kidding us we al wait this for the update and no trails until February. How on earth is this fair. Favouring Apple once again and us android users lose traction and vital resources as a result. Sorry you going to have to do better than this
  • Swank777Swank777 Member Posts: 64
    We demand you offer us the same opportunities @ the trials as iOS users waiting a month is unacceptable you need to do better than this
  • Nemesis666Nemesis666 Member Posts: 186
    Bummer. We have enuff time to take on the trials.

    The Trial is still going to be locked to iOS for this time. I know this is far from the most elegant solution, but we did it so that we could get our make-up event in place.

    Completely misread that original announcement as that you would be locking it from IOS
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  • krauserhuntkrauserhunt Member Posts: 365 ★★
    _GRINDER_ wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike

    Need clarification on this.

    What will happen if an ios user logs in on the 6th Feb using an Android device . How are uiu stopping that ? You need to assure the player base that things will be kept fair

    Good one mate. My iOS device lags but I was able to complete a run with one revive on expert.

    Now to log in on 6 Feb on my main Android.
  • Swank777Swank777 Member Posts: 64
    Kabam Mike please reconsider in a effort to be both constructive and FAIR that is not a acceptable solution to further penalize us by making us continue to wait for rewards others already had the opportunity to get please try to think of a more constructive solution to this problem I know the right thing to do is often harder than the easy way out but try to be both constructive and FAIR mk
  • bubba_flabsbubba_flabs Member Posts: 4
    Its 4:30pm in Sydney and the update is out. I thought i would do the trial yet it was locked for iOS? I dont want to wait a month to do something i could do today that i will end up forgetting. Why was it locked? Does any timezone not have enough time?
  • NEO_mr_AndersonNEO_mr_Anderson Member Posts: 1,075 ★★★
    I'm on Android. Downloaded, but, no trial.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    edited January 2019
    Still don't have it here, nevermind just got it about 5-6 minutes ago
  • CyberWolvzCyberWolvz Member Posts: 18
    I have already updated my Android and even restarted my S9+ device. But still that Alchemist Quest isnt showing??!
  • CyberWolvzCyberWolvz Member Posts: 18
    Android users should be compensated for this.lags. its not our fault if we dont use iOS device. Game should be available for all types of smartphones
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★

    The Trial is still going to be locked to iOS for this time. I know this is far from the most elegant solution, but we did it so that we could get our make-up event in place.

    So just for clarification... you said make up trial... does that mean us android users still have to wait till the 6th of February? Im saying this because i downloaded it and this is my event quest screen as of 2 minutes ago...
  • Neon_BlakkNeon_Blakk Member Posts: 12
    I just updated to 21.2 on Google Play, but no new alchemist trial? WTF?!
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