AW boosts — missing

It’s been weeks since advanced power boost and invulnerability boosts appeared at loyalty store. No way this is simply RNG.
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or perfect timing for Kabam...
-kabaam needs to increase spending, so is keeping the boosts out of the store.
-players just received the refund from the Mystic dispersion change, and therefore something something Kabaam,
-RNG isn't true rng, kabaam has their thumb on the scale keeping them out.
But somehow explaining over and over what random actually is makes you a kabaam apologist.
Edit: GD forum lag.
Move along,.... move along ......
I haven't kept track deliberately, but I've noticed the grey boost going MIA myself, and it seems to have been a longer gap than random chance would suggest was likely.
I've noticed that one bug that probably looks like a set of different bugs to most players keeps coming up and could be responsible for this and other similar problems. The game (like most games like this) uses multiple indirection indexed lists to keep track of things. In other words, what the game "engine" "handles" are generally pointers to the actual things we "see." When someone (developer) makes a mistake, a typo or other kind of error, things can "dangle" in unusual ways. That period of time a few months ago when we were seeing MS_ID_XXX messages on screen instead of the normal combat spam is a kind of pointer indirection error: we are seeing handles that point to things that don't exist, so the game defaults to showing the handle.
If the game is using some kind of random algorithm to determine which boosts to sell, or even just a non-random cyclical one, if someone made a typo in a part of that data, the game might just be skipping over the errant data and putting the next item up for sale, or something like that. I suspect this is the cause for lots of "missing things" bugs. When players see a champ missing from a crystal and think the developers forgot to put them there, I tend to think it is more likely the developer put 5_star_Captian_Marvel in there instead of 5_star_Captain_Marvel by mistake, and then when they went to double check it looked like it was there at a glance.
I dunno why games like this don't have a "compile time" error that gets thrown when they load content data with unreferenced labels (the programming equivalent of bad pointers). But most seem not to.
The question about the random boosts being available has already been answered here and we've shared everyone's feedback about wanting to see them more often with the rest of the team.