for those who completed fully act 4 with 3 energy per tile...



  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    Mods delete or close this thread. I don't care anymore about this since I already fully completed act 4 with 3 energy and it seems mixed comments are coming in from all walks of life. Peace

    So you want them to close it because you apparently expected everyone to jump up and start screaming with you about compensation...? Things get old, their value goes down, and in this game's case, there's also a heckuva lot more to spend energy on than there used to be. The energy requirement isn't part of the 'challenge' of Act 4, it's just an annoyance, and simple patience gets you through it without any units spent. It affects me not one whit if they drop it to 2, except in where it may affect the calculus for the points to energy ratio for Completion.
  • PlanetEarthPlanetEarth Member Posts: 113
    Amonthir wrote: »
    Mods delete or close this thread. I don't care anymore about this since I already fully completed act 4 with 3 energy and it seems mixed comments are coming in from all walks of life. Peace

    So you want them to close it because you apparently expected everyone to jump up and start screaming with you about compensation...? Things get old, their value goes down, and in this game's case, there's also a heckuva lot more to spend energy on than there used to be. The energy requirement isn't part of the 'challenge' of Act 4, it's just an annoyance, and simple patience gets you through it without any units spent. It affects me not one whit if they drop it to 2, except in where it may affect the calculus for the points to energy ratio for Completion.

    I f you think that 4 T2 Alpha are not valuable then...
  • ElusiveElusive Member Posts: 45

    Just move on, those rewards are not as useful as when we got them using 3 energy per tile. They took too long to reduce that actually.
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  • NiteAndDaeNiteAndDae Member Posts: 670 ★★★
    Probably not. Kabam is arguably already taking a hit by reducing the energy costs, so doubt they would double down on that and compensate those already done.
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    edited January 2019
    it's old content, it should be reduced..
  • PlanetEarthPlanetEarth Member Posts: 113
    Philly3974 wrote: »
    it's old content, it should be reduced..

    have you explore it 100%?
  • Philly3974Philly3974 Member Posts: 360
    Philly3974 wrote: »
    it's old content, it should be reduced..

    have you explore it 100%?

    Yes, on my main acct... not yet on my 2nd acct..
  • LibertyPrimeV1LibertyPrimeV1 Member Posts: 4,179 ★★★★★
    It goes back to 3 Energy tomorrow (January 16th) from what I understand.

    "We are happy to report that Act 4 Energy requirements will now permanently be 2 Energy Per Tile!

    In the past, we’ve reduced the Energy Cost per tile from 3 to 2 for special occasions and Events, and during this time, we see a lot of Summoners make some significant progress in completing or exploring what is arguably one of the first big challenges in a Summoner’s journey.

    We hope this change helps more Summoners make their way through Act 4 and achieve the Conqueror status, and then encourages them to push to become Uncollected!"

    it does what do the ppl who had to use 3 energy per tile get back?

    My bad, just saw the Announcement
  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    Nop, nothing will be given in this scenario. Act 4 is here for many years now, enough to fully explore it many times without using a single energy refil


    I spent several energy refills, but under no circumstance, I believe, a compensation is needed.
  • Ben345qBen345q Member Posts: 168
    maybe you should have waited all this time to start act 4 in Hope's of them doing exactly this
  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    I can see merit in both sides of this discussion.

    On the one hand, it's old and already been nerfed to hell. So what does it matter now? Yeah, if you had a certain set of champs.. You could rip thru it. But assuming everyone that completed it back when it was harder has those champs is unfair.

    On the other, changing long-standing things in the game simply to make them easier is a head scratcher for me. I don't see any real reason in changing the nrg cost. I get wanting players to progress, that makes sense. But act 4 was already made easier before this. Whether or not someone used refills is immaterial because they used their time, and they dealt with champs being locked away from other game modes. Many did it at its original difficulty as well.

    Imo, this would be similar to saying 4* crystals will now cost 1000 or 1500 shards. Not the same, obv. But similar. Or reducing 5* cost. It just wouldn't sit right with many players.

    And don't get me wrong... It's not that I'm a difficulty stalwart. Make some things easier, sure. But go about it in the same way. All I want is consistency in the end. If a resource or item is changed, make it even out in the end. Same for champs. Change them all you want. Make them the complete opposite of what they are, just gimme what I need to respond to the changes. Maybe that's too much to ask, maybe there's too much work involved in a solution like that.

    And honestly, tossing a handful of refills at players isn't that big of a deal. It's certainly not worth anyone flipping out on either side of the discussion. The idea that things would be made to even out when changes occur would be more important than the items themselves imo.
  • OzyrionOzyrion Member Posts: 16
    Hope they don't give any compensation because its not needed at all. First requirements were 3 energy,now they are 2. They did a nice improvement if we can call it like that, be happy and keep living on with it.
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  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,087 ★★★
    I think instead of Compensation they should just reset everyone that did act 4 100% and let them do it again with 2 energy now.
  • 10or_Strong10or_Strong Member Posts: 1,204 ★★★

    You started this thread, and since you didn't have all of us fall in line with your thinking that somehow we are owed compensation, you want the disagreeing masses to stop commenting and showing you we disagree? Only those that fall into your line of thinking should be commenting and giving you that validation you are craving?

    Compensation is certainly not due, as others have pointed out. There has been plenty of time to complete it, and if you chose to expedite your completion with energy refills, that was your choice. With Act 6 coming soon, I can see a perspective where it makes sense to make Act 4 a bit more accessible; those resources will be needed to allow newer Summoners to progress against an ever growing collection of more complex and demanding content. For those of us that completed Act 4 months or years ago, well, it was the pinnacle of the game at that point. Now we have progressed beyond it, so changes to it really do not affect us. Personally I would benefit much more from them allowing us a way to expand the total amount of energy available to those of us who have been sitting at Level 60 with our 70 energy point cap for a long while, especially as we start seeing content that slips into the 4 energy per tile realm once in a while (a trend I hope does NOT continue into Act 6).
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  • 1haunted_memory1haunted_memory Member Posts: 804 ★★★

    it has been a very long time since I 100% act 4 and act 5, I have energy in my over flow.

    Am I bent, yeah a little. New players have it much easier than the 4 year old vets did. I mean, the champs that they have available to them vs what we had (I never had a perfect block team and still after 4 years don't have a 4* SW)

    If they were to compensate in anyway I would want something better than energy refills, but I am not holding my breath!!!!!
  • phil56201phil56201 Member Posts: 987 ★★★
    Then give back a 1/3rd of the progress you made using those rewards. That would be truly fair.

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  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    It is definitely a significant amount of energy. There's no getting around that part. Energy is a weird thing tho since it reups on its own. I'm imagining that's the crux for kabam.
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  • KrumbledkookieKrumbledkookie Member Posts: 273
    Ya know, I'm in sales for my occupation, and things go on sale, or decrease in price, and we STILL don't get people lining up for "compensation."

    Things change. Roll with it.
  • Cap_PiggzCap_Piggz Member Posts: 48
    This will also help newer players catch up. At this point in the game, a new player will never catch up with the best, but it's nice to see that they are making it a bit easier.
  • Prime_Saviour02Prime_Saviour02 Member Posts: 71
    I like free stuff so yes lol

    We don't need it to be honest, but I definitely wouldn't say no.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,462 Guardian
    Wildpants wrote: »
    Following your logic, once they add the new champion to the crystals they should compensate everyone who grinded arena and spent units/money on GMCs on the first week of any champion's release. Nobody forced you to use energy refills to complete it...



    Progressional games like this are constantly changing, and generally speaking they get easier over time not harder. This is a long discussion but basically the advantage veteran players have is that they have been playing longer and have had more time to make progress. That is an intrinsic advantage to playing longer. If that's all there was, it would become increasingly discouraging for newer players to join the game because they would be starting from further and further behind. To compensate for that, and to keep the playerbase from spreading out across too much power level, this game like most progressional games implement a kind of inflation: the game gets easier to earn rewards and make progress. Because rewards get easier to earn, newer players aren't hopelessly trapped far behind, and veterans can't sit on their laurels.

    Things that were harder for veterans in the past become easier for newer players in the present. Veterans keep their extra time making progress, but newer players have a chance to catch up with enough effort. Also, the game has to capture newer players' attention and newer players are going to compare how they do initially with the current average state of existing players. As the average player's progress rises over time, the rate at which newer players make progress must also slowly climb. This is necessary for the long term health of the game.

    It is more complicated than that, but the bottom line is that when you play long term progressional games, things you did in the past will eventually get easier for newer players starting in the present. You simply have to accept that, and people with experience playing these kinds of games are supposed to know this from day one. Players who aren't experienced game players are supposed to learn this over time.
  • CaptainForce23CaptainForce23 Member Posts: 2
    The main question is when was the decision made to reduce the energy requirement. If it this is really a spur of the moment decision, then no compensation. But if they were already going to reduce the requirement but wait until near the end to announce it, then people who spent units on energy refills during this special event to try to finish act 4 should be compensated.

    Not saying this is their intention but you can never rule out the greed of Kabam.
  • John757John757 Member Posts: 1,087 ★★★
    John757 wrote: »
    I think instead of Compensation they should just reset everyone that did act 4 100% and let them do it again with 2 energy now.

    I know your joking but if I was able to get them rewards again I would be cool with it lol

    Exactly haha
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,462 Guardian
    The main question is when was the decision made to reduce the energy requirement. If it this is really a spur of the moment decision, then no compensation. But if they were already going to reduce the requirement but wait until near the end to announce it, then people who spent units on energy refills during this special event to try to finish act 4 should be compensated.

    Not saying this is their intention but you can never rule out the greed of Kabam.

    I suspect they did this to see what the player reaction was, and when they datamined that players reacted to the energy reduction by pushing harder in Act 4 they decided to make the change permanent. Game operators often do things like that, it falls under the category of improving engagement.

    I suspect the long-complained about fact that Act 4 has some "excessive" energy costs have created a blip in their datamining where Act 4 is a bigger hump for players to try to get over than currently intended. When Act 4 was the highest Act that wasn't a big deal because you don't push players to complete the top level content. But now that it is getting closer to Act 4 being more of the middle than the top, they wanted to see if energy reduction significantly helps. It apparently does.
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