Trials of the Alchemist/Elements Difficulty

So I have been seeing a lot of people voicing their concerns over the difficulty of this new side quest, Trials of the Elements/Alchemist. I wanted to get a feel for how the community perceives this “new” side quest and maybe help to provide some constructive criticism/feedback.
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Please keep this thread constructive and respectful.
Trials of the Alchemist/Elements Difficulty 182 votes
Trials difficulty is spot on. Just challenging enough to test my skills but not overpowered enough for me to fail.
Trials difficulty was pretty close to the mark. They went a tiny bit overboard with random champs and nodes, but a few small minor tweaks and it’s perfect
So if I get stuck I'm not reviving. Not worth it. Stress and care free.
Proud end game player.
Been able to clear Day 7 in the 1st & 2nd week without items with the boosts on. If you don't get all the boosts, it would be quite a bit more difficult.
Not to mention the monthly unavoidable damage/unblockable mechanics if this is any indiction of the direction the game is going then i wont be surprised Act 6 will have the lovely nodes we saw in dungeons and monthly events.
Also unavoidable/unblockable will continue to stick its ugly face
If your team can cover an immunities champion, iceman counter, Dormammu counter and hyperion counter I think you'd be covered for any matchup if you play well but I could be missing a few I don't remember all the champion possibilities.
Yeah it’s bad enough rewards are based on RNG but now quests are starting to be at the mercy of RNG too? It’s no wonder I spend less and less time on here anymore.
with ridic boosts to health and attack on top of non sense nodes (that FEEL cash graby) this trials is only good on master as it makes sense.
what we have to face in epic DOES not make sense.
feels like its there to deplete our resources and units
However, I can see that if I lacked just one single counter to some of the harder champ/node combos that it would be extremely difficult or nearly impossible to make it through. A lot of the new content is coming down to roster development first, skill level second, even though a high level is required for both. I really empathize with alliance mates who have been on a string of bad pulls lately.
If you have to go in blind against extremely beefed up champions (most of which are great defenders in their own right) on highly annoying nodes, you sometimes can’t. In that case, the game crosses the threshold form being hard (fun) into an exercise in frustration (no fun).
After dying three times without even understanding what the hell is going on, and seeing the 33rd ‘check your connection’ message pop up, you might just call it a day.
This was helpful @LilMaddogHT.
Well played and solid selection of champs for the nodes you met. The Punisher fight in the first video made me feel better—I’ve been on that one and gotten plowed, and I don’t have OR or OGV to help me through it. It was similarly ugly.
I appreciate your being willing to drop videos onto the forums instead of offering mockery, like some posters do. That’s constructive and uncommon.
To me, your videos reinforce a few simple things:
(1) Rankups matter. Pick sub-optimal champs, and you will pay for it. I’ve been sitting on cats and AGs for a long time waiting for Stark, Void, KM and others. It’s very tempting to rank another “solid” champ for the now but I’m sure I will regret it later.
(2) pRNG really matters. No one’s cranking through that content without at least a handful of great pulls. If anyone’s got an IF, Drax, Falcon, CW and OML video crushing Epic, I would love to see it.
(3) Skill matters. You handled most of those nodes as well as could be expected. No amount of great champs would have helped you if you didn’t know how to play. You had a plan and executed it.
Thanks again.
Dr. Zola
I'm glad they fixed the masochism node but also they need to fix the spite node. Even if I bring champs that don't get buffs, kabam's boosts trigger the spite anyway. Other than that, the nodes are fine. Yes brawl is annoying but if you pay attention to the timer it is easily worked around.
As for the champion selection, it seems pretty silly that they add champs that require a specific counter (dormammu, iceman, MS) and don't tell us who we are fighting up front. For me it is not a huge deal since I have the champs I can build an entire 5 man team to handle all those situations, but for most people that probably isn't possible.
It is possible to beat iceman without a coldsnap immune champ as long as you have the arc overload boost on, but then you have to deal with the spite power gain for most of the fight. It just comes off as kinda cheap.
I've been able to complete epic every day and I had to use 1 revive the first alchemist trial because I got iceman. All in all the rewards are definitely worth the time/resource investment for me personally.