Ashamed and frustrated..

I actually paid $40 to become uncollected.. I posses God tier champ and I'm level 60. Even with all the boosts I found it difficult.. I like a challenge but this is ridiculous... I see players @ level 40 bragging how easy it was. I used R4 5*Guillotine R4 5* CAIW R4 5* Nebula R3 5* Proxima midnight and 4* R5 CAWW2 ... It's really no fun if you have to p ay to get ahead.. I've redone my masteries more times than I can count..
Well, first of all if it isn't fun, why do it? This is a game; if you are deliberately not having fun you're doing it wrong.
It can be difficult seeing others progress faster than you: don't let it get to you. A lot of people will progress faster than you no matter what you do or what you spend. You'll progress faster than many other people no matter what they do. That's just how massively multiplayer games go.
Probably the thing you have to unlearn the most is the notion that if you have "god tier" champs you should be able to do this or that. "God tier" is just what people call the best or most desirable champs, and those are both subjective opinions and radically oversimplified rankings. There are different champs that are different at different things: there's no such thing as a champ that is the best at everything. And ultimately you have to drive them, and your skills and experience with the game count for far more than the strength of your roster. And ultimately it takes experience to get good at the game regardless of roster. Again, some people will build those skills quickly and others slowly, because everyone is different.
But you have to be able to be happy with your own progress, judged by your own reasonable goals. Otherwise the game will be a chore and not a game, and that's pointless.
It’s all about the champions you roll too with luck.
And working your synergies
If you had ghost / Corvus / Blade / Domino / Hyperion / and some others, it would have made it a whole lot easier
God tier is more like:
AA (awakened)
Corvus Glaive
Blade(awakened really helps on health but insane damage dealer regardless)
Void(Awakened)(high sig)
Hyperion (being awakened helps)
Stark Spidey
Ghost(requires skill)
I'm not saying those aren't great champs.
But AA and Corvus are head and shoulders above any of them.
If it bleeds and takes poison damage AA is so incredible it's not really fair.
And that's like 60 percent of champs
Then Corvus wrecks everyone unless you are on buffet
In that case you can use AA, blade, void, or SS.
If it's machaoism then use Hyperion and Corvus.
If it's neither a high sig Scarlett witch is insane.
If you had AA and Corvus you would have spent next to nothing.
So don't be hard on yourself
You find challenging content difficult? “Even with all the boosts I found it difficult” and “I like a challenge” are contradicting statements. Make up your mind.
Players can brag about how easy it was, but that’s what everyone says to save themselves face.
I’m not gonna mince my words and say pretty things that you wanna hear. If you’re having problems with content, scale down the difficulty and skill up. You wanna rush content then you’ll have to pay the price. No 2 ways around it.
also too,
anyone level 40 who beats the collector and claims it is easy, is in one of few catagories,
- spends like a whale
- is insanely skilled
- or totally full of BS
the collector is not Easy for anyone with 5/50 and 3/45 champs.
doable yes. but easy.... hell no...
Watching videos on YouTube will help with champ selection, Act 5 , as you should know, is all about bringing the right champs. I studied the path and watch videos on others going through the path, it’s extremely helpful.
I used all 5/50 duped 4* champs. CAIW (sig 99), SW (sig 99), AA (sig 40), Corvus (sig 20) and Sparky (sig 60). Corvus was the MVP with the collector and AA did half the “easy” path alone.
Uhmmmmm, you don’t have a Sabre and Km as a 4-5 or 6? Sabre is great vs the collector with km synergy; makes him relatively easy.
If you had to pay to reach a goal, you shouldn't be surprised when you find you need to continue to pay to reach similar goals. If "lower level" players with specific champs can do it without spending, then they were able to do it without spending. They aren't you, and you're not them.
To be fair, 5/50 versions of better champs (say, og vision, high sig SW) paired with your Cap IW would have saved you some $$. It's all about the champs and synergies, after all...
Also: don’t be too hard on yourself, practice makes perfect, enjoy uncollected rewards
This. This applies to all of us. Peer pressure, things that you read in the forums, maybe even the wrong alliance for your level are things that stress you and add on the pressure in your head to do high end contect as fast as you can. There is really no need for that. You force it all on yourself.
this post is hilarious I paid a lot more but then I only had 4* 5/50's back then
try paying for £30 worth of units to finish initial run on act 5.4 then pulling 2 5*S and them being falcon and Colossus
But if ur a player who plays leisurely then there is no scope of feeling ashamed.
U probably did not join this game with the intention of making YouTube videos to earn a few dollars so there is absolutely no need for u to feel like u have failed in ur long as the game does not gnaws at ur mental reasoning keep playing. In case u reach that stage where ur rational thinking starts getting affected due to this game then bro know its time to give up this game coz addiction of any form is detrimental to health n wealth.
I agree, the definition of easy is vastly subjective on this forum, I believe. Some say it was super easy for them when it was at all possible to finish the content. I'd take the statement with a grain of salt. For others, it ain't easy if you can't finish it an auto-play.
I'm not sure where I am on that scale... If I can't finish it without using a lot of potions I probably don't find it easy.
Your mileage might vary, and all that...
I think I blew through over 300 free crystals that day
Did you pay someone else to do it or simply pay for the resources to complete it? If the latter, no shame in that at all, congratulations on becoming Uncollected. If the former... well...
Blss, this game is specifically designed to encourage you to spend. Whether it is designing content that requires spend (in items or cash) for the 95% to beat it, or catch 22 content that the 95% will need the rewards from to be able to beat it consistently, or worst of all from designing a gambling element that for some people probably acts as the worst kind of slot machine.
However, that's how kabam get paid. And without you and others (and me - £20 in 18 months or so?) spending every now and again, this game wouldn't exist. Seatin said he spent over £12k I believe? I dread to think what the average mmxi (or whatever they are called) spends.
Console yourself that you've spent relatively little in cash or time terms compared to very many. And that the game design is desperately trying to get you to spend and (in my opinion) in an addicted manner for the gambling elements.
Note that that's why some countries have banned these types of games; as they could be considered not computer games, but gambling games.
I for one would happily pay a subscription for a less "fun and interactive" game but that actually felt rewarding to the 95%. If you enjoy the game; the monthly quests, AQ, AW, arena, collecting characters - whichever element it is and it only cost you £40 in about a year or so, I'd say that is good value. Particularly compared to the worryingly overpriced (in my view) deals that kabam offer regularly.
You got it dude don't worry