Time to do something with IMIW

He either needs to be nerfed or if a team has more than 3 in their defense than they get 0 for diversity or Lose points and go negative for diversity. The last 4 AW I have seen 5+ IMIW on the opponents teams each match. Come on Kabam, when you see a defender this much, you know something not balanced with the champ.
Which I don’t.... I don’t see any of those defenders anywhere near the amount that I see IMIW.
He’s too easy to fight. Can we change his sig ability to auto block with 1 armor above 15% instead of 4?
He does not need a nerf.
same goes for them Dusas etc. the more the merrier.
Agreed here. Corvus melts IMIW like butter. Even if you don't have a corvus there's sym spidey, medusa, even freaking cyclops. He loses tons of his value on defense when his armor is gone.
I can't remember the last time i saw IMIW get a kill on defense.
Once you master IMIW like the rest of us, come back to complain about Korg, who should be infesting your opponents' defenses by then.
Even korg is getting much easier now. Just a couple months ago it was a guaranteed 2 or 3 kill defender. Now people solo him regularly.
Exactly what he said. Do some research on how to beat him. Not all harder champs need a nerf just cause someone can’t beat him. I still can’t beat Korg worth a darn, but im not gonna ask for a nerf for him. Again, adapt n git gud