Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Jack_OHara wrote: »
    I feel like an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. event would be a really cool idea, especially because of the HYDRA event last summer. However, if this was going to be an event, I think it should be called 'Directors of S.H.I.E.L.D. Or something like that. I put down a rough draft of the characters to give a feel for what these Champions would be like. They're not too overpowered, but I chose them only because they're solid characters that more than deserve a place in the Contest.

    2 new Champions to add:

    Director Nick Fury: (Avengers/Captain America: The Winter Soldier version)

    Not particularly sure what kind of abilities to add to him, but his class would definitely be Skill.

    Possible Abilities:
    - Similarly to Sabretooth, he gains Fury on every hit. For the sole reason that he is Nick FURY
    - Critical hits
    - Bleed/Stun on Special Attacks

    Special Attacks:
    SP1: 'Trouble Still Comes Around': Nick Fury unloads a clip directly into the opponent
    SP2: 'Helicarrier Bombardment': Missile Attacks from off-screen (Yondu)
    SP3: 'Keep Both Eyes Open': Maybe just him beating up on the defender, with a little S.H.I.E.L.D. salute (Iron Patriot)

    - Hawkeye, Black Widow, and Coulson: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.
    - Captain America (WWII, Classic, Infinity War): Friends
    - Iron Man, Iron Man Infinity War: Friends

    Director Phil Coulson: (Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 4 version, with robotic hand)

    Again, not sure about abilities, but he should either be Tech, because some of his abilities would be for his robot hand, or Science because of his Kree blood.

    Possible Abilities:
    - Physical Resistance, as a result of his Kree blood
    - Poison Immune: like Captain Marvel, he also possesses Kree physiology
    - Ability Accuracy Reduction (against robots): Coulson's robot hand can interrupt signals/block communications
    - Critical Hits: Coulson's hand gives him increased power and strength (only when he hits with his left hand)

    Special Attacks:
    SP1: 'CLASSIFIED': Coulson attacks using his 'laser finger' on his hand (this is a joke made in AoS Season 3)
    SP2: 'We Cannot Let Them Win': A combination of shield attacks and Icer shots, a less acrobatic Taskmaster SP1
    SP3: 'A Part of Something Bigger': This could be a combination of all of his hand's abilities (super strength, lasers, shield, etc.), with a shot from the Destroyer gun (that he used to shoot Loki and Garrett) at the end

    - Hawkeye, Black Widow, Nick Fury, Quake: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Quake is on Coulson's team, not Nick Fury's)
    - Quake: Teammates
    - Captain America: Idol (might be a better option for this)
    - Loki: Nemesis (just because Loki killed him)

    (Another cool thing would be for his block animation to have his laser shield with the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo from his arm)

    P.S. I saw other posts had this, but however unlikely it may be, I would be psyched to get either of these guys if they were put in the game because of this post. Preferably, awakened 5 stars. Only adding this because it would be super cool to have these guys.

    Thanks a lot for such a fun game,


    While we're on shield characters go ahead and add Ghost Rider ( Robbie Reyes) Deathlok and Absorbing Man/ Carl Creel
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Also add Lash
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    To elaborate on my champ request

    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
    Class Mystic

    Signature ability Damnation
    Whenever striking an opponent with active buffs, GR has a 50 % chance to remove the buff and replace it with degeneration

    Whenever struck, even if the hit is blocked, GR gains 1 spirit charge, once GR gains 15 spirit charges he loses all spirit charges and gains 2 fury buffs that last 5 seconds, in addition GRs attacks also become unblockable for the 5 second duration.

    Special attacks
    Note : after using a special attack GR activates a true strike passive, whenever struck GR will lose the true strike passive

    Special 1: GR has a 20% chance to inflict incineration dealing x amount of damage over 5 seconds
    Special 2: GR stacks a number of incineration debuffs on his opp proportionate to the amount of spirit charges GR has active, if GR has no spirit charges active then this attack has a 25% chance to inflict 1 incineration debuff. These incineration debuffs run off after 5 seconds
    Special 3: 100% chance to inflict incineration dealing x amount of damage over 7 seconds. In addition this attack has a 50% chance to power lock the opponets for 8 seconds
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Ghost Rider (Robbie Reyes)
    Class Mystic

    Signature ability Damnation
    Whenever striking an opponent with an active buff GR has a 50% chance to remove the buff and replace it with a degeneration debuff

    Passive spirit charges
    Whenever struck, even if the attack is blocked GR gains 1 spirit charge, whenever GR gains 15 spirit charges he loses all spirit charges and gains 2 fury buffs that last 5 seconds, In addition GRs attacks become unblockable for the 5 second duration. Once the 5 second duration is up GRs spirit charge ablility resets and he is able to gain 1 spirit charge per hit again

    Special attacks
    Note whenever GR uses a special attack GR gains a true strike passive that is removed the next time the opponet lands a successful hit

    Special 1: 20% chance to inflict an incineration debuff dealing x amount of damage over 5 seconds

    Special 2: inflicts 1 incineration debuff that deals x amount of damage over 5 seconds on opponet for every active spirit charge GR has. If GR has no active spirit charges then this attack instead drains 1 bar of the opponets power

    Special 3 : 100 % chance to inflict an incineration debuff dealing x amount of damage over 7 seconds. In addition this attack also has a 40% chance to steal one of the opponets active buffs (if any)
  • HaminHamin Member Posts: 2,444 ★★★★★
    I will be highly upset if they add Robbie before Danny.

    The fact that we have Johnny over Danny is ridiculous.

    Danny Ketch brought GR out of relative obscurity and provided some of the best comic material during that time.
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Also forgot immunities
    GR is immune to bleed and incineration
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Oops my Robbie one got posted twice, I tweaked the second draft though
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Edit to GR Robbie Reyes I have a completely different idea for spirit charges
    Spirit charges
    GR Robbie Reyes gains 1 spirit charge every 2 seconds once he gains 15 spirit charges they are replaced with a power gain buff that last for 5 seconds, in addition his next special attack is unblockable. Once GR hits 15 spirit charges the charges reset
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    Hamin wrote: »
    I will be highly upset if they add Robbie before Danny.

    The fact that we have Johnny over Danny is ridiculous.

    Danny Ketch brought GR out of relative obscurity and provided some of the best comic material during that time.

    Yeah I'd like to see Danny too, but I think we'll see Robbie first because he has a TV appearance and Danny doesn't (that I know of)
  • Marvel2289Marvel2289 Member Posts: 1,008 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Another champion idea
    Class Mystic

    Signature ability the curse
    Dashing back and holding a block for 1.5 seconds activates the curse draining his power and converting it into fury proportionate to the amount of power bars filled if he has less than 1 bar of power, he drains whatever power he has and gains 2 furys. If he has less than 2 bars of power but 1 or greater he drains 1 bar of power and gains 5 fury buffs, if he has less than 3 bars of power but 2 or greater he drains 2 power bars and gains 10 fury buffs, if he has 3 bars of power he drains all 3 and gains 15 fury buffs (each fury buff increase attack by x amount. Attk increase increases with sig level) . Fury buffs are passive and will be removed once the curse ends after it's 10 second runoff, once the curse ends it has a 15 second cool off.
    In addition whenever kurse activates the curse, any active physical resist passive is converted into unstoppable that last 1 second per physical resist passive converted

    Every 2 second kurse gain an armor up. For every armor up his crit increases by x %. Armor up caps at 5 , once armor up is at 5 they run on a 6 second timer before addition whenever kurse lands a heavy attack he converts any active armor up buffs into prowess, if he gains 5 prowess charges they convert into a true strike passive that is removed the next time he is struck. In addition once kurse gains the true strike passive his next special attack is unblockable.

    Every time kurse is struck he gains a physical resist passive. Physical resist passive caps at 10

    Heavy: kurse heavy attack cannot be interrupted
    Medium and light hits: each medium and light hit has a 25% to stack up to 5 armor break debuffs each last 3.5 seconds

    Special 1: if opponent has 3 or more armor break debuffs this attack replaces the armor break debuffs with armor shatter lasting 5 addition this attack has a 15% chance to inflict stun lasting 1.5 seconds

    Special 2: if opponet has 5 armor break debuffs they convert into armor shatter lasting 10 seconds. 50% chance to inflict stun lasting 1.5 seconds

    Special 3: inflicts armor shatter lasting 10 seconds. 100 % chance to inflict stun for 1.5 seconds
  • TheSovietDJTheSovietDJ Member Posts: 55
    Jesus dude, you’re takin up the whole page
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  • TheSovietDJTheSovietDJ Member Posts: 55
    Kabam, if you are going to be adding a Deadpool event,and it’s going to be a romance event,it would literally be perfect timing to add Shiklah some time after the event,like early would work,trust me
  • TheSovietDJTheSovietDJ Member Posts: 55
    I know it takes a lot of time and money into adding a character and coding and stuff,but you can try,Kabam.
  • ZoneX95ZoneX95 Member Posts: 31
    Death Seed or All New Sentry, Dr Doom
  • PleasureDomePleasureDome Member Posts: 93
    Annihilus (cosmis)
    Blackheart (mystic)
    Skaar (cosmic/science)
    Blob (not Kingpin - mutant)
    Bob, Agent of Hydra (skill)
    The Brood (paired with a X-men update - cosmic)
    Gladiator (from Shi'ar - cosmic)
    The Lizard (science)
    Daken (mutant)
    Rocket Racer (hey you made nightthrasher, why not - skill)
    Wendigo (mystic)
    Stryfe (mutant)
    Fantomex (mutant/tech)
    Jocasta (tech)
    Longshot (science)
    Mojo (???)
    Mandarin (mystic)
    Sauron (mystic)
    Baron Zemo (skill)
    Vulcan (mutant)
    Nimrod (tech)
    Forge (mutant/tech)
    Scarlet Spider-Man (science)
  • ButtehrsButtehrs Member Posts: 7,177 ★★★★★
    Mojo would totally be tech.
  • PleasureDomePleasureDome Member Posts: 93
    @Buttehrs that makes sense, I couldn't quite recall what exactly he was just that he was from a different dimension
  • HeelioHeelio Member Posts: 11
    I would like to suggest 4 possible Mystic champs since that class is a bit short:

    Captain Britain
    Jamie Braddock
    Doctor Druid
    The Black Knight
  • iiM_CoRRuPTiiM_CoRRuPT Member Posts: 1
    You should make an evil version of guillotine, like the sword finally overcame her, kinda like a void to sentry scenario. Personally I think that would be pretty cool
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  • Max_Effort_23Max_Effort_23 Member Posts: 1
    Ancient One pls.
  • Avengers320Avengers320 Member Posts: 684 ★★★
    I have a feeling Kabam made this post to make sure anyone who wants to post about new champs here but don't actually read them
    Thank you zibiit...
    Marvel Contest of Champions
    New Characters Suggetions
    December 2018 in Suggestions and Requests
    I have already sent this idea too kabam. I am an artist a well as a lover of comics. My suggestion was a Character In Honor of the Great Stan Lee. Really want to make this open because I have and idea. Actually two. His out fit is my favorite of the camio outfits in all the movies as The General Lee. One idea was that he switches into the camio suits and receives special abilities. The other is that he summons his greatest hero's and they each partake in the ambush. Sman then Thor and then Hulk. As the meter rises. Then the final assult is all combined...Looking to see alot of ideas...What would your character of General Stan Lee look like. Encouraging artist to post some fan art. Think I did see a tab you can add photos. Thanks

    Kindom Figures
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  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    High Evolutionary
    A geneticist from the 1930s who became obsessed with further evolution experiments which he used on himself. Depending on what he hopes to gain from whatever his current experiments are, he has been a force for the greater good, and for his own dark purposes.

    *Base Stats & Abilities
    #All stats based on 4-Star, Rank 5, Level 50, Signature Level 99
    Health: 17630

    Attack: 1177

    Max PI:

    Without Signature: 3927
    With Signature (99): 4677

    *Class- Science

    *Base Abilities-
    Cruelty, Degeneration, Petrify, Regeneration

    *Persistent Cybernatic Charge-
    High Evolutionary starts a quest with 3 Persistent Cybernatic Charges, gaining an additional charge each time he knocks out an opponent, up to a max of 3 Cybernatic Charges.

    Persistent Cybernatic
    Charges travels with him from fight-to-fight.

    When below X% Health, each Persistent Genome Charge is consumed, Regenerating X% of Base Health per charge. High Evolutionary does not take damage while consuming his Persistent Genome Charges through this ability.

    Helmet grants immunity to all psychic attacks.

    #DEVELOPER NOTE- High evolutionary is protected from the reversed controls by psychic shielding in his helmet.

    *Passive- Precognition Sense:
    Precognition sense of High Evolutionary activates, each time the opponent triggers a Evade, Phasing and Invisibility it has has up to a 100% chance to Degenerate them for X% of his attack, over X seconds. The chance of this ability triggering increases the longer it’s been since it was last triggered.

    #DEVELOPER NOTE-This ability only triggers from a Passive Evade and will not trigger when the opponent uses the Dexterity mastery to evade an attack.

    *All Attacks-
    X% chance to place a Petrify debuff for X seconds, Reducing enemy Power Gain and Regeneration by 33.33%.

    #DEVELOPER NOTE: This ability stack maximum up to 3 Petrify debuff.

    *Special Attack 1- 'Mad Scientist':

    100% chance for Cruelty, increasing your Critical Damage by X% for X seconds.

    *Special Attack 2- 'Leading Genetisict':

    100% Chance to Degenerate opponents for up to X% of your Attack over X seconds.

    #DEVELOPER NOTE: This attack is unblockable.

    *Special Attack 3- 'Evolved Human':

    1.100% chance for Cruelty, increasing your Critical Damage by X% for X seconds.

    2.100% Chance to Degenerate opponents for up to X% of your Attack over X seconds.

    #DEVELOPER NOTE: Some of the hits of High Evolutionary’s Special Attacks are Psychic projectiles. Unlike regular projectiles, they can’t be dodged or avoided by characters like Daredevil, The Hood, or Ghost.

    *Signature Ability-
    Cosmic Awareness:

    With the power of vast matter and energy manipulation High Evolutionarty manipulates his powers efficiently.

    For every 15 hits on combo meter High Evolutionary has a 66% chance of gaining a power gain passive.

    #DEVELOPERS NOTE- As powergain is a passive effect it can't be nullified or staggered.

    2.Heavy Attacks- X% chance to Stun the opponent for X seconds.


  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    edited February 2019
    Weekly Update on the community's Ranker list of most-requested champs.

    Retirement Party!
    Exciting news as Havok (rank #38 on our list this week) enters the Contest today! A sometime-top-15 most-requested future champ, Summoners have ranked Alex Summers consistently in the top-50 most desired characters since the list was created.


    Thank you Kabam! It's always a pleasure to retire a popular champ from our list.


    New Champs Ranked This Week
    • Runaways member (single-character team) Arsenic (Gert) & Old Lace;
    • Classic villains Mole Man and Radioactive Man;
    • Kree: Genis-Vell (aka Photon); Phyla-Vell of the Guardians of the Galaxy;
    • Guardians of the Galaxy: Vance Astro; Nikki; Geena Drake; and Jack Flag
    • The Avril Kincaid version of Quasar
    • Micronauts: Bug; Marionette; Arcturus Rann; and Acroyear.

    Rankings Updates: Past Month
    • Hottest adds: Gamora (MCU) (#5), Dracula (#8), and the Wizard (#9)
    • Coldest adds: Sharon Ventura (#296, #342), Red Ghost (#340), and Mantis (#338)
    • Rapid growth: Juggerduck (#281 to #58); X-23 Weapon Hex (#280 to #59)
    • Rapid decline: Beta Ray Bill (#33 to #241); Goliath (#145 to #347); Mystique (#69 to #266)

    Voting Instructions
    When you vote, click "LOAD MORE" at the bottom of the page to upvote your favorite lower-ranked characters beyond ranks #100, #200, #250, #300, and #350.

    When you make a request here, you can also vote for that champ in the community list, or add the character if it's not on the list yet. For instance, nobody has yet added Dr. Octopus (Olivia "Liv" Octavius), Gorgon, Malekith, Scarlet Spider (either version), Blizzard, or Weapon H. (Note: champs can be added from your computer, but not apparently from your mobile device.)

    Remember to check back frequently!

  • _杨幂__杨幂_ Member Posts: 2
    Kabam please add Galactus :)
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  • Riggs_97Riggs_97 Member Posts: 111
    Bodhizen wrote: »
    Mister Sinister (Based upon a Rank 5/50 4-Star Champion; Sig Level 99)

    Originally born in the 19th Century, Dr. Nathaniel Essex was a biologist in Victorian England. Dr. Essex dreamed of bringing the perfection of the evolution of the human race to the masses. Performing dangerous and unorthodox experiments, his wife shunned him, her dying words, "To me, you are... utterly… and contemptibly… sinister!" After accepting Apocalypse's offer to turn him into his first Prelate, Essex took on the name Sinister and has since pursued his dream of engineering the perfect mutant!

    Signature Ability - Genius-Level Intellect:
    Mister Sinister's genius has turned toward manipulating his own mind and body. He gains the following benefits:
    • Read Minds (Passive): Mister Sinister is able to read his opponent's thoughts, allowing all of Mister Sinister's attacks a 50% chance to ignore Evade.
    • Telepathic Defenses (Passive): Mister Sinister is immune to Mind Control, such as Emma Frost's ability to invert controls. Whenever Mister Sinister's controls would be inverted, his opponent is automatically Stunned for 2.0 seconds.
    • Sinister Clone: When on the Summoner's offensive team, whenever Mister Sinister is knocked out, he has a 15% chance to be revived and restored to 10% max Health after the fight has ended. This chance increases by 2.5% for each Champion on Mister Sinister's team currently knocked out. If Mister Sinister is defeated by Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team), his chance to be revived is reduced to 0%.

    Max Health: 14,750
    Max Attack: 1,325
    Master Manipulator: Well-timed Blocks have a 15% chance to Taunt the opponents for 5.0 seconds. Opponents that are Taunted have their Attack reduced by 40% and have a 70% higher chance to activate a Special Attack.
    Perfecting Mutation: Mister Sinister has 6 experiments to conduct. Whenever he completes an experiment, he gains 1 Persistent Charge and a Genetic Enhancement Counter, decreasing the amount of damage he takes from Special Attacks by 5.5%. Experiments can be completed in any order.
    • Mister Sinister starts the fight with a number of the above Genetic Enhancement Counters equal to his Persistent Charge.goldenrod]Experiment 1: The Limits of Human Endurance:[/color] Knockout a Skill Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister gains a 33% chance to instantly shrug off Bleed and Shock Debuffs.
    • Experiment 2: Breaking the DNA Code: Knockout a Science Champion. Once this experiment is complete, whenever Mister Sinister gains a Fatigue or Poison Debuff, it is automatically removed after 5.0 seconds and Mister Sinister gains +2500 Critical Rating for 8.0 seconds.
    • Experiment 3: Study Mysticism: Knockout a Mystic Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister gains the ability to dilate his opponent's power. Special Attacks gain a +15% chance to Power Lock the opponent for 4.5 seconds. Cooldown: 6.0 seconds.
    • Experiment 4: Collect Variant Samples: Knockout a Cosmic Champion. Once this experiment is complete, whenever Mister Sinister's opponent gains a Fury Buff, Mister Sinister automatically gains a Cellular Shape-Shifting Buff, granting him +500 Physical Resistance.
    • Experiment 5: Force Field Technology: Knockout a Tech Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister's body is covered by an invisible Force Field. Mister Sinister begins each fight with one Passive Force Field charge, increasing his Block Proficiency by 315.45. Every time his opponent activates a Special Attack, Mister Sinister gains one additional Passive Force Field charge that lasts until the end of the fight.
    • Experiment 6: Catalyze the Mutator Gene: Knockout a Mutant Champion. Once this experiment is complete, Mister Sinister activates his Rapid Regeneration Factor. Whenever Mister Sinister drops below 20% Health, he activates a Passive Regeneration Buff, recovering up to 6,637.5 Health over 8.0 seconds. This occurs only once per fight, and the amount Healed is tied to the Power Meter. If Mister Sinister takes Special Attack damage from Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team), and this puts him at or below 20% Health, this Rapid Regeneration Factor does not trigger.

    Special Attack 1 — Concussive Blasts: Mister Sinister fires three blasts of concussive energy at his opponent in rapid succession, then crosses his arms, throws his head back and laughs at his opponent.
    • Places two Gene-Splice Counters on the opponent. Opponents with a Gene-Splice Counter cannot Parry attacks.
    • Each Gene-Splice Counter reduces the opponent's Defensive Ability Accuracy by 12.5% for 9.0 seconds. Gene-Splice Counters are twice as potent against Mystic opponents.
    • The damage from this attack is Energy-based.
    Special Attack 2 — Telekinetic Assault: Mister Sinister gathers several objects from his environment, hurling them at his opponent with the power of his mind. This attack has the potential to land 4 hits.
    • 25% chance to Armor Break per hit, each hit removing one enemy Armor Up and applying 110 Armor Rating reduction for 5.0 seconds. The chance to inflict an Armor Break Debuff is doubled against Mystic opponents.
    Special Attack 3 — Genetic Onslaught: Mister Sinister telekinetically grabs his opponent, lifting them up into the air. He then fires a concentrated blast of energy, pummeling his opponent for 12 hits. Mister Sinister then telekinetically flings the body against the far wall of the arena.
    • This Attack Nullfies up to 6 Buffs from Mutant and Mystic Champions. This Attack deals an extra 5% damage for each Buff Nullified.

    • Genetic Experimentation with Cyclops (New Xavier School), Cyclops (Blue Team) or Phoenix: Mister Sinister: Special Attack 1 places 1 additional Gene-Splice Counter on opponents. Cyclops (New Xavier School) or Cyclops (Blue Team): Special Attacks do not reset Cyclops' Combo Meter. Phoenix: Phoenix begins the fight with 2 additional Phoenix Force charges. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Massacre with Gambit or Sabretooth: Mister Sinister: Well-timed Blocks have a +15% chance to Taunt opponents. Gambit: Gambit's unique armor grants him an additional +250 Physical Resistance & +18% Bleed Resistance. Sabretooth: Sabretooth adds 2.5 seconds to the amount of time it takes before a Regeneration stack expires. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • World War II with Magneto and Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Mister Sinister: Heavy Attacks have a +35% chance to inflict a Degeneration Debuff, dealing 4% of Mister Sinister's Attack Rating as Direct Damage over 5.0 seconds. The chance to inflict a Degeneration Debuff is increased by 20% against Mutant and Mystic Champions. Magneto or Magneto (Marvel NOW!): Against enemies reliant on metal, if Magnetism is not active, well-timed Blocks automatically trigger Magnetism. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Scientific Experiments with Emma Frost: Mister Sinister: Gains +15% Attack Rating after completing 3 Experiments. Emma Frost: Gains a +4% chance to Evade basic attacks while in Telepathic Form. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Perfection with Cable: Mister Sinister: Mister Sinister's Genetic Enhancement Counters reduce the amount of damage he takes from Special Attacks by an additional +2% each. Cable: Cable's chance to Regenerate Health whenever a Power threshold is reached continues to work when he is below 25% Health. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.
    • Mutant Scientists with Beast: Mister Sinister: Opponents gain 15% less Power when being struck by Mister Sinister. Beast: Beast takes 60% less damage from Degeneration Debuffs. Unique Synergy: Does not stack with duplicate synergies.

    This is not too far off what Sinister's abilities actually are! Kudos to you @Bodhizen
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