Character Wishlist Thread 3.0



  • cUbA_LiBrEcUbA_LiBrE Member Posts: 1,123 Guardian
    edited January 2019
    Captain Britain


    Class: Mystik

    Passive: Captain Britain is getting x charges for every x seconds he is not getting damages (even block damage). His is getting more powerful the more confident he is. Getting damage is reducing his confident charges by x (blocked damage simple, direkt damage tripple).
    Every confident charge is boosting his strength

    Signature ability:
    He can carry x charges with him to the next fight. The more he gets the more powerful he'll get. Unblockable, bleed immune, poison immune maybe even limbo? etc.

    Note: this will be a champion for the advanced player who has to intercept a lot to keep this charges. He will loose rapidly his charges while blocking and even more with direkt damage.
  • hajahashajahas Member Posts: 4
    5* scarlet witch
  • 5ft_of_Fury5ft_of_Fury Member Posts: 1
    STAN LEE!!
    Fantastic Four
    Because he is so awesome it bears repeating.... Mr. Stan Lee.
  • TrueAssassin9000TrueAssassin9000 Member Posts: 7
    Nova (Sam Alexander)
    Black Knight (Sir Percy)

  • Laksh1995Laksh1995 Member Posts: 213
    In characters I wish there was molecule man
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85

    Weekly update on the community's most-requested champs Ranker list...


    • Champs recently added include Jocasta, OG android Human Torch, Shocker, Spider-Man Noir, and Forge;
    • Holidays rocked the list as Summoners have now tripled the number of votes the list had a month ago;
    • In two weeks Galactus catapulted upward: from #118 to #25 last week, and now #7 on the list.
    • The following gained 100 or more spots: Spider-Verse Morales, Psyche, Namora, Nico Minoru, Darkstar;
    • Summoners want to get dangerous: Darkwing Duck gained 153 spots week, vaulting into the top 100;
    • Voting has ruthlessly demoted Nick Fury (MCU), Son of Hulk Skaar, Blob, Toad, Wonder-Man, and Hellcat.

    When you vote, please note that you can click "LOAD MORE" at the bottom of the page to upvote your favorite lower-ranked characters beyond rank #100 and #200 (and soon #300).

    When you make a request here, you can also vote for that champ in the community list, or add the character if it's not on the list yet. For instance, nobody has yet added Demolition Man, Dum-Dum Dugan, Silk, or Bill Foster (Giant Man). (Note: champs can be added from your computer, but not apparently from your mobile device.)

    Remember to check back frequently!

  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★★
    We for sure need some good new Mystic Champions, Symbionte Supreme was a good one but, c'mon, only ONE mystic in 2018. I would love to know why The Ancient One and Kaecilius weren't added alongside Mordo, also, as Marvel is investing on Runaways, me as a fan am dying to see Sister Grimm a.k.a. Nico Minoru sinces Tina had a cameo in Doctor Strange's movie and Nico is about to use Kaecilius power in the series
  • HankSpectorHankSpector Member Posts: 65
    When I said "lower card I ment less known/popular like spiderman or iron man and so on...

    Anyway some more I'd like to see are as follows...

    Amadeus Cho {totally awesome hulk}(Science)
    Cleo (Mystic)
    White Tiger {Ava Ayala}(Mystic)
    Nova{both Sam Alexander and Richard Rider}(Cosmic)
    Robbie Reyes (Mystic)
    Mockingbird (Skill)
    Nick Fury (Skill)
    Deathlok (Tech)
    Spider Woman (Science)
    Tigra (Mystic)
    Scarlet Spider {Both Kaine recent and Ben 90's} (Science)
    Quicksilver (Science-MCU/Mutant-Comic)
    Synapse (skill)
    Shadowcat (mutant)
    Crystal (cosmic)
    Gorgon (cosmic)
    Triton (skill)
    Inferno (cosmic)
    Iso (cosmic)
    Forge (mutant)
    Angel (mutant)
    Darwin (mutant)
    Havoc (mutant)
    Banshee (mutant)
    Viv (tech)
    Jubilee (Mutant/Mystic-Vampire)
    Spider-Man 2099 (science)
    Wong (mystic)
    Northstar (mutant)
    Mantis (cosmic)
    Rescue (tech)
    Iron heart (tech)
    Captain Britain (mystic)
    Silver sable (skill)
    Sunspot (mutant)
    Juggerduck (mystic)
    Blue Marvel (science)
    Adam warlock (cosmic)
    Quasar {Kincaid} (cosmic)
    Honey Badger (mutant)
    Toxin (cosmic) {pat mulligan}
    Namor (mutant)
    Mr Fantastic (skill)
    Thing (skill)
    Invisible woman (cosmic)
    Human torch (cosmic)
    Cloak (science)
    Dagger (science)
    Man Thing (mystic)
    Giant Man {foster} (science)
    Hank Pym (science)
    Wasp {Janet Van Dyne} (science)
    Enigma (tech)
    Living lightning (science)

    Baron Zemo (skill)
    Bullseye (skill)
    Hulk 2099 (science)
    Arnim Zola (tech)
    Nightmare (mystic)
    Hammerhead (skill)
    Silvermane (tech)
    Black cat (skill)
    Kraven the hunter (skill)
    Scorpion (tech)
    Green Goblin {ultimate}(science)
    Prowler (skill)
    Whiplash (tech)
    Crimson Dynamo (tech)
    Mandarin (mystic)
    Iron monger (tech)
    Malekith the accursed (mystic)
    Enchantress (mystic)
    The executioner (cosmic)
    Red King (tech)
    Mysterio (tech)
    Hobgoblin (tech)
    Jack o lantern (tech)
    Mr sinister (mutant)
    Apocalypse (mutant)
    Lady deathstrike (tech)
    Radioactive man(science)
    Atlas (science)
    Techno (tech)
    Mach IV (tech)
    Songbird (tech)
    Titania (cosmic)
    Absorbing man (mystic)
    Leader (science/tech-mech suit)
    Zzzax (science)
    Batroc the Leaper (skill)
    Klaw (tech)
    Man-Ape (skill)
    Mystique (mutant)
    Shocker (tech)
    Titus (tech)
    Power Princess (mystic)
    Hala the Accuser (cosmic)
    Blizzard (tech)
    Blob (mutant)
    Dracula (mystic)
    Maximus the Mad (tech)
    Gorr the God Butcher (cosmic)
    Anti Man (science)
    Agamotto the all-seeing (mystic)
    Jackal (science)
    Superior octopus (tech)
    Clash (tech)
    Maniac (skill)
    Sebastian shaw (mutant)
    Sandman (science)
    Lizard (science)
    Speed Demon (science)
    Doctor Spectrum (cosmic)
    Nighthawk (skill) {not Darkhawk}
    Dr doom (mystic/tech-infamous ironman)
    Madame Masque (tech)
    Viper (science)
    Madame hydra (skill)
    The challenger (cosmic/quantum-final boss in story like maestro or collector)
    Cosmic Ghost Rider (cosmic or mystic)
    Pymtron (tech)
    Living Laser (science)
    Sauron (mutant)

    If curious about champ type picks please look up the character to see reasoning. :)
  • МетеликМетелик Member Posts: 1
    When will Doctor Doom be added?
  • TrueAssassin9000TrueAssassin9000 Member Posts: 7
    Conan the barbarian
    and Hercules
  • Sgt_P00NSgt_P00N Member Posts: 3
    Hey Kabam Fam lol first post here!!! I read quite a few I have not seen these guys mentioned but would be awesome champions to have.

    Hell boy (obviously the Good Samaritan must be included!!!)
    Liz Sherman

    If you haven’t Seen The Next avengers it’s kinda predictable but still awesome

    James Rogers son of Black widow and Cap
    Henay Pym son of Giant man and Wasp
    Torunn daughter of Thor and Sif
    Azari son of Storm and Black Panther
    Francis Barton mocking bird and Hawkeye
    Funny Maestro is an ally in this timeline.
    Maybe a cool time travel event quest!

  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 ★★
    Am I really the only person who wants Mister Negative. I mean come on. A guy with energy manipulation, strength, healing, corruption (mind control, not bad cops). Not to mention he could also bring in Anti-Venom, the second coolest simbiote.
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85
    edited January 2019
    Sgt_P00N wrote: »
    Hell boy (obviously the Good Samaritan must be included!!!)
    Liz Sherman
    Hellboy and Liz are Dark Horse Comics properties, not Marvel. But your idea about adding Next Avengers: Heroes of Tomorrow characters is interesting for sure. I've never seen anyone suggest them.
    Anyway some more I'd like to see are as follows...
    You're doing some real yeoman's work on this, sir! That's an incredible list. I'm loving the detail and class suggestions. Please let me know if you have any thoughts on the descriptions I made on the poll.
    JayCee wrote: »
    Am I really the only person who wants Mister Negative(?)
    No, you're not, but in my opinion Mister Negative needs votes.
  • Barnes13Barnes13 Member Posts: 20
    stak wrote: »
    Adam Warlock - we have Thanos in the game so we need his long time foil
    I'm assuming they're going to wait for him to be in a movie first
  • Barnes13Barnes13 Member Posts: 20
    Infinity War Thor definitely should have been added
  • uzer26uzer26 Member Posts: 3
    edited January 2019
    I have no wish list for new champs because you guys have lots, BUT I do have 1 suggestion, regarding CAPTAIN MARVEL.

    She needs to be stronger. In MCU, she'll be one of the best but in the game, she's just "ok". She needs to be HIGHER (in other words, give her higher chance to get power gain, like hyperion), FURTHER (in other words, add more abilities once duped) & FASTER (in other words, give her a better chance to evade perhaps like daredevil)

    And most importantly, please make her SPECIAL 3 different from Ms Marvel, and make it more dramatic, more powerful and more action.
  • uzer26uzer26 Member Posts: 3
    Btw, please guys, ENOUGH of Spider Man. Yeah he's great but seriously, there are lots of other marvel characters out there, please don't make this game fill with spider man.
  • uzer26uzer26 Member Posts: 3
    APOCALYPSE should NOT be a playable character. He should be like Thanos.
  • WeeHobbit89WeeHobbit89 Member Posts: 146
    Bring in some more characters from the Blade universe.
    Or professor X and mystique but I guess professor X isn’t really a fighter so not sure how he can be in it
  • JeniouisJeniouis Member Posts: 276
    Heimdall (Ragnorak)
    Skill Champ
    All Seeing buff where he evades all evade all attacks for 4 seconds and then it cools down for 11 secs.
  • JeniouisJeniouis Member Posts: 276
    Bring in some more characters from the Blade universe.
    Or professor X and mystique but I guess professor X isn’t really a fighter so not sure how he can be in it

    Professor X could work similarly to M.O.D.O.K.

    He could speeds forwards and collides into the defender with his chair, or his chair could have some basic weaponry included with it. Like small missiles. He can still punch. And for his third special....he could create a projection of himself. Similar to what he did in X-Men: Apocalypse.
  • LumpNASTYYYYLumpNASTYYYY Member Posts: 1
    I don’t think any of these would be new but knowing what’s on the MCU slate here are a few I think and hope are doable:


    With the Cabal being present as of this event I hope next months event introduces
    Dr Doom
    Fantastic Four

    Other cool entires would be

  • joymahbubmorshedjoymahbubmorshed Member Posts: 2
    Sir When your team put scarlet witch as 5 star champion
  • NerveNerve Member Posts: 2

    Hi. My wish list has couple subgroups
    1.Existing characters skin
    - Red Scull WWII
    - Scarlet Witch MCU
    - Winter Solider Wakanda gear
    - Thor (Infinity War)
    - Storm (Blue Team)
    - Hawkeye (Civil War)
    - Old Man Hawkeye
    - Moon Knight (suit)
    -Iron Spider Stark Suit
    -Gamorra MCU
    -Drax MCU
    -Ronan MCU
    -Jessica Jones (for players)

    2. Non-existing champions
    - Apocalypse
    - Pyro
    - Kitty Pride
    - Jubilee
    - Azazel
    - Havoc
    - Jean Grey 90’s
    - Charles Xavier
    - Mr. Sinister
    - Mystique
    - Legion
    -Hellfire Club(?)

    -Black Cat
    -Mr. Fantastic

    -Dr. Doom
    -Ebony Mew
    -Adam Warloc
    -Madame Mask
    -Classic Mandarin
    -Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider
    -Orginal Cowboy Ghost Rider
    -Shadow King

    -Nick Fury
    -Lady Sif and other Warriors
    -Silver Sable
    -Kraven the Hunter
    -Hammer Head
    -Baron Zemo
    -Batroc MCU
    -Man Ape

    -Shi’ar Empire charakters (Gladiator etc.)
    -Super Skrull
    -Invisible Woman
    -Human Torch
    -Silver Surfer

    -Pepper Potts “Rescue Suit”
    -Iron Monger
    -Armin Zola
    -Spider Man 2099
    -Ullysses Klaw
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
    Bulls eye and Namor are among deadliest character in marvel universe.
  • NewDawnDebNewDawnDeb Member Posts: 106
  • OurobørosOurobøros Member Posts: 2,097 ★★★★★
    Sgt_P00N wrote: »
    Hey Kabam Fam lol first post here!!! I read quite a few I have not seen these guys mentioned but would be awesome champions to have.

    Hell boy (obviously the Good Samaritan must be included!!!)
    Liz Sherman

    If you haven’t Seen The Next avengers it’s kinda predictable but still awesome

    James Rogers son of Black widow and Cap
    Henay Pym son of Giant man and Wasp
    Torunn daughter of Thor and Sif
    Azari son of Storm and Black Panther
    Francis Barton mocking bird and Hawkeye
    Funny Maestro is an ally in this timeline.
    Maybe a cool time travel event quest!

    Lol Hellboy is not a Marvel character
  • elgaberinoelgaberino Member Posts: 85

    Weekly Update on the community's most-requested champs Ranker list.

    • Recent additions: Equinox, Justice, Goliath, Giant-Man, Atlas, Bushmaster, and Black Mamba;
    • The list has now received over 8,000 Summoner votes in the last four weeks;
    • Apocalypse has more upvotes than Dr. Doom and may soon take over the #1 spot on the list;
    • Rising: Dazzler, Cannonball, Gorilla-Man, White Fox, Moonstone, Nico Minoru, and Namora;
    • Girls go! Titania, Spitfire, Husk, Supergiant, Songbird, and Namorita gained most this week
    • Falling: Mar-Vell, Colleen Wing, Hellcat, Blue Marvel, Strong Guy, Ghost Rider (Red Hulk/Venom).

    ...and most importantly:

    • For the first time, an entry from our list has been added to the Contest.


    Consistently Summoners like you ranked Thing in the top-5 since last year. His entry now is obviously welcome to everyone. Thank you Kabam and the MCOC team! It's CLOBBERIN' TIME!

    The other January champion appears to be the villain Diablo. Nobody ever added him to the community list. Takeaway: we should keep adding and voting for our favorite obscure characters! Maybe Kabam will take notice!

    When you vote, click "LOAD MORE" at the bottom of the page to upvote your favorite lower-ranked characters beyond ranks #100, #200, #250, and #300. For example, classic Brotherhood of Mutants members Blob and Toad are now ranked #222 and #235 respectively.

    When you make a request here, you can also vote for that champ in the community list, or add the character if it's not on the list yet. For instance, nobody has yet added Chameleon, Gorgon, Carrion, Prowler, Batroc the Leaper, or Skurge the Executioner. (Note: champs can be added from your computer, but not apparently from your mobile device.)

    Remember to check back frequently!

  • OshsroOshsro Member Posts: 115
    Champs for 2019
    January 7 in Suggestions and Requests
    Champs that need to be in game
    Champs for 2019 29 votes
    Nifz120majidNojokejaymBryon_502B_Dizzle_01ace930999King_GarfWozzy101DankosaurusGritabitmonomuggkillerahark02Luca_KLethalProtector 14 votes
    SigmatrionYouconfusedOshsro 3 votes
    Alpha flight
    Mister sinister
    Riggs_97BirdReynoldsAnnatarFhfjghhggggjfhfjgKabam Zenokansa 6 votes
    JonibärchenRockypantherxHermitTheFrog 3 votes
    JRock808 1 vote
    WhatWouldPutinDo 1 vote
    Professor x astral armor
    85_widereciever 1 vote
  • SiriusBreakSiriusBreak Member, Guardian Posts: 2,156 Guardian

    Dark Phoenix (Playable)
    Lady Deathstryke


    Nick Fury
    Black Cat
    Silver Sable *
    Ronin (Hawkeye)
    Winter Soldier (Infinity War MCU Variant)


    Captain Marvel (MCU Variant)
    Adam Warlock
    Thor (Infinity War Variant)
    Mantis (MCU Variant)
    The Phalanx


    Robbie Reyes Ghost Rider
    Morbius *
    Scarlet Witch (MCU Variant)


    Quicksilver * (MCU Variant)


    Nova *
    Silver Samurai *
    Iron Spider (MCU)

    * - subject to different class
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