Will a new DNS improve connectivity problems?

Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
edited February 2019 in General Discussion
I'm curious if Cloudflare's DNS will improve connections to the network? They have an app for iPhone and Android.


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    Prolly not. I just upgraded to 1.5 gigabit internet, which rocks, but I still get the "check your network" message as often as before, which I believe indicates an issue at the source.
  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    Prolly not. I just upgraded to 1.5 gigabit internet, which rocks, but I still get the "check your network" message as often as before, which I believe indicates an issue at the source.

    A DNS is not internet speed, think of it like a phonebook. https://youtu.be/mpQZVYPuDGU
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.
  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.

    Nobody is refuting the issues with connectivity. The question is whether or not a faster DNS would improve the connection. Again, a dns is not internet speed, a dns is not your device. A dns is like a phonebook that connects you to the ip address you are trying to reach.
  • zuffyzuffy Member Posts: 2,263 ★★★★★
    Don’t forget latency. 1gb internet speed but 100ms is ****.
  • SabrefencerSabrefencer Member Posts: 1,433 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    If their servers are ****, it doesn't matter what DNS service you use to connect to them.
  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    zuffy wrote: »
    Don’t forget latency. 1gb internet speed but 100ms is ****.

  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    If their servers are ****, it doesn't matter what DNS service you use to connect to them.

    That's an incredibly short sighted way to view internet access. We are talking about millions of people sending and receiving packets of data from the servers for every little action taken in game. Open a crystal, send and receive data; move one space in AW, send and receive data. There may be ways to alleviate the strain, for instance a faster DNS could reduce the latency between the internet protocol address request.But that isn't the whole story because there are other DNS' that provide better connection by region.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.

    Nobody is refuting the issues with connectivity. The question is whether or not a faster DNS would improve the connection. Again, a dns is not internet speed, a dns is not your device. A dns is like a phonebook that connects you to the ip address you are trying to reach.

    Very unlikely. It could even hurt.

    First of all, DNS query results are generally cached. That means when your phone asks its ISP upstream DNS server to resolve some Kabam server name, that upstream ISP gets the answer and the remembers it. All future queries for some length of time will simply be answered from the cache: the upstream DNS server doesn't look it up over and over again. Furthermore, clients also cache DNS results. That means when your phone does the look up with the upstream DNS, it also caches the answer and doesn't ask again for some time (this is controlled in part by client settings and in part by the advertised TTL of the DNS record). So the actual number of DNS queries that the MCOC client is actually making that actually get ultimately send out of the phone is relatively low. It could be as low as a few per minute, even a few per hour.

    Second, a portion of the MCOC game may be using distributed cloud services. That means if they use something like Google's App engines or other cloud services there isn't a single "server" that the players are getting directed to connect to. It might be many different servers in different parts of the world - or at least different parts of the internet reachable by different ISPs through different routes. To try to direct people to the servers that are likely to be the quickest to communicate with, load balancing DNS servers will sometimes attempt to use the source IP address of the client request to calculate which server is likely the "closest" in network terms, and send a DNS reply that directs them to the best server. So when the game client is programmed to connect to "mainserver.mcoc.kabam.com" that same name might get resolved to many different IP addresses pointing to different cluster server members. If you stop using your own upstream DNS server and instead point to a cloud server like Google or Cloudflare, your DNS requests will ultimately come from them. This might confuse the load directing DNS servers to send you to a Kabam server that is closest to the cloud provider, not closest to your phone. This could cause your performance to actually drop in the worst case scenario.

    If you're doing it for security reasons, that's fine. But doing this to try to speed up MCOC itself is shooting blindfolded behind your back at a tiny moving target. If it helps at all, it is likely due to dumb luck, and it won't necessarily last.
  • Hammerbro_64Hammerbro_64 Member Posts: 7,463 ★★★★★
    Nope. I have sat where I’ve played online games where there are actually multiple people who’s movements have to be accounted for and there are still the occasional connection issues with Mcoc. 90% sure it’s server side, not client side.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.

    Nobody is refuting the issues with connectivity. The question is whether or not a faster DNS would improve the connection. Again, a dns is not internet speed, a dns is not your device. A dns is like a phonebook that connects you to the ip address you are trying to reach.

    It won't help, most of the issues are because kabams servers are so antiqued and outdated that can't handle everything they put into this game.

    Without upgrading or transferring the game to a newer more upgraded one which causes major problems, connectivity issues, codes showing up etc.

    So in the end it really doesn't matter if it's faster dns, a faster internet, a high powered device etc you're still have issues with this game and ^ may cause more issues on top of the existing ones that never get fixed.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.

    Nobody is refuting the issues with connectivity. The question is whether or not a faster DNS would improve the connection. Again, a dns is not internet speed, a dns is not your device. A dns is like a phonebook that connects you to the ip address you are trying to reach.

    It won't help, most of the issues are because kabams servers are so antiqued and outdated that can't handle everything they put into this game.

    Without upgrading or transferring the game to a newer more upgraded one which causes major problems, connectivity issues, codes showing up etc.

    So in the end it really doesn't matter if it's faster dns, a faster internet, a high powered device etc you're still have issues with this game and ^ may cause more issues on top of the existing ones that never get fixed.

    This is also extremely unlikely to be true. Nobody uses dedicated hardware for this kind of thing anymore. This is an ironically antiquated complaint.
  • Qu1ckshoT32_GamingQu1ckshoT32_Gaming Member Posts: 153 ★★
    I appreciate the feedback @DNA3000 I'm not concerned with the data privacy aspect of just the performance aspect. They do use Google Cloud as they had an hours long outage a few months ago because of it.
  • Darkstar4387Darkstar4387 Member Posts: 2,145 ★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.

    Nobody is refuting the issues with connectivity. The question is whether or not a faster DNS would improve the connection. Again, a dns is not internet speed, a dns is not your device. A dns is like a phonebook that connects you to the ip address you are trying to reach.

    It won't help, most of the issues are because kabams servers are so antiqued and outdated that can't handle everything they put into this game.

    Without upgrading or transferring the game to a newer more upgraded one which causes major problems, connectivity issues, codes showing up etc.

    So in the end it really doesn't matter if it's faster dns, a faster internet, a high powered device etc you're still have issues with this game and ^ may cause more issues on top of the existing ones that never get fixed.

    This is also extremely unlikely to be true. Nobody uses dedicated hardware for this kind of thing anymore. This is an ironically antiquated complaint.

    Did I say anything about hardware, this game is old as dirt and their server can't handle it all so it needs constant maintenance and goes down an insane amount of times. Besides what kind of server do they have anyway?

    I have played and play multiple mobile games in the past and the only other game I have ever had as much Network, connection issues, crashes, lag were the legends games by space time studios and I have never seen their code bleed through into their game and others.

    Why do you think this game has so many issues and connection issues then on many devices, many operating systems etc since you do seem to know a lot
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,461 Guardian
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    No you could have the fastest internet and the most advanced device and you'll still get connection issues because it's on THEIR END not ours.

    Nobody is refuting the issues with connectivity. The question is whether or not a faster DNS would improve the connection. Again, a dns is not internet speed, a dns is not your device. A dns is like a phonebook that connects you to the ip address you are trying to reach.

    It won't help, most of the issues are because kabams servers are so antiqued and outdated that can't handle everything they put into this game.

    Without upgrading or transferring the game to a newer more upgraded one which causes major problems, connectivity issues, codes showing up etc.

    So in the end it really doesn't matter if it's faster dns, a faster internet, a high powered device etc you're still have issues with this game and ^ may cause more issues on top of the existing ones that never get fixed.

    This is also extremely unlikely to be true. Nobody uses dedicated hardware for this kind of thing anymore. This is an ironically antiquated complaint.

    Did I say anything about hardware, this game is old as dirt and their server can't handle it all so it needs constant maintenance and goes down an insane amount of times. Besides what kind of server do they have anyway?

    Yes, you did say something about hardware. And then immediately followed it up with another statement that only makes sense in the context of dedicated hardware. Talking about "transferring the game to a newer" anything implies hardware (because transferring the game to a newer base operating system has zero chance of making the game more stable). And then talking about needing constant maintenance also implies hardware. Neither of those things really happens or at least is described as such, in modern virtualized systems or distributed cloud computing resources.
    I have played and play multiple mobile games in the past and the only other game I have ever had as much Network, connection issues, crashes, lag were the legends games by space time studios and I have never seen their code bleed through into their game and others.

    Why do you think this game has so many issues and connection issues then on many devices, many operating systems etc since you do seem to know a lot

    Lots of reasons. Most of which I've seen in other games. We've seen issues probably related to malfunctions in the incremental updater. We've seen problems associated with the framework being updated. Some were related to issues in Google's cloud, and some were likely related to Kabam's own infrastructure integrating with those cloud resources. Some seem to be problems with load, although they seem to be less related to linear load and more related to load amplification (the same silly problem happened with Windows XP's updater and its non-scalable patch sorter with the kindergarten algorithm). Also, what you're calling "code bleed" does happen, albeit more rarely than I've seen here, in many other games. Most often with pointers to resources that require localization, but sometimes with pointers to resources in dynamic tables with entry errors. What you're seeing is the underlying client platform displaying the name of the resource because it can't find the referenced resource. That isn't "code" that's actually just more data: indirect resource pointer data. Or to put it more plainly, you're seeing text that comes from one cell in Excel that is supposed to match up with another piece of data in some other cell in Excel that is macroed into the data bundles that get loaded into the game. I've seen it more frequently in conventional MMOs than in mobile games, but MCOC is far less like most mobile games than it is a stripped down MMO.

    I don't reverse engineer the game, so I can't talk to specifics like whether the game uses data paks or VFS bundles, and I only know very rudimentary information about how the game interacts with the network as a whole. But that still allows for a certain range of problems, and largely eliminates whole swaths of them simply by virtue of basic fundamental architecture limits.
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  • MaatManMaatMan Member Posts: 958 ★★★
    edited February 2019
    Plain and simples a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
    Kabams server is that link.
    What you need to get the best connection possible is low latency. Speed is not as important.
    It appears from the connection review i have done that there is a lot of lag delay caused by dropped packets.
    improving your latency (ping) can help compensate for this packet loss.
    But ultimately it comes from
    Either kabams server being outdated and requiring upgrade,
    Or poor game coding.
    Possibly both.

    So a stronger more stable connection is obviously going to help as your device will be able to potentially recieve more of the packets and request ones to be resent quicker.
    However you can only do sooo much when attempting to polish a turd.

    But its not about speed as much as it is about strength. If it was about speed only there would be vast difference based on your distance from kabams server.
    They need more servers
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