Thanks again for the video. The team has taken a look at it and wanted to share some insight. As you know, Parry is very timing specific and the timing window to activate it is extremely small. How it works is that after the player presses block, a small timing window begins that will allow Parry to trigger. If an attack is blocked during this very small window, the Parry will activate.
To prevent spamming block to activate Parry without skilled timing by the player, another short timer is in place that will not allow Parry to activate if the player blocks again within that window.
The very specific timing required to activate Parry is why you may see results like those in your video.
Hope that helps to explain!
But WHEN WAS IT CHANGED. You nicely skirted that issue.
Thanks again for the video. The team has taken a look at it and wanted to share some insight. As you know, Parry is very timing specific and the timing window to activate it is extremely small. How it works is that after the player presses block, a small timing window begins that will allow Parry to trigger. If an attack is blocked during this very small window, the Parry will activate.
To prevent spamming block to activate Parry without skilled timing by the player, another short timer is in place that will not allow Parry to activate if the player blocks again within that window.
The very specific timing required to activate Parry is why you may see results like those in your video.
Hope that helps to explain!
But WHEN WAS IT CHANGED. You nicely skirted that issue.
9/17 😂
If you really do believe that’s the last time it was changed....feel bad for you bro.
It was changed when they moved parry from its original place in the masteries. Since its been moved parry has been really inconsistent. This update is even worse. So your plan was to make it easier to unlock but harder to use. Nice way to balance the odds in your favor.
Been playing for 2 1/2 years and it’s never been this bad.
Thanks again for the video. The team has taken a look at it and wanted to share some insight. As you know, Parry is very timing specific and the timing window to activate it is extremely small. How it works is that after the player presses block, a small timing window begins that will allow Parry to trigger. If an attack is blocked during this very small window, the Parry will activate.
To prevent spamming block to activate Parry without skilled timing by the player, another short timer is in place that will not allow Parry to activate if the player blocks again within that window.
The very specific timing required to activate Parry is why you may see results like those in your video.
Hope that helps to explain!
But WHEN WAS IT CHANGED. You nicely skirted that issue.
9/17 😂
If you really do believe that’s the last time it was changed....feel bad for you bro.
Players have had to effectively re-learn the timing of parry after every update. Sometimes its a marginal change, other times its almost unusable.
I've always been a Parry-based player and can say these adjustments have happened every update saince 12.0 (basically when I had first learned the technique).
Kabam Lyra, I don't like your explanation of the 'window' Tell me how continuously spamming parry is judged plse. For instance is AA stun parry heavy game play spamming? Is Hype stun parry heavy to build furies spamming? These are well known tactics used in the game. Changing the mechanics to prevent this happening is pretty much a silent nerf.... and not a 'fix.
Thanks again for the video. The team has taken a look at it and wanted to share some insight. As you know, Parry is very timing specific and the timing window to activate it is extremely small. How it works is that after the player presses block, a small timing window begins that will allow Parry to trigger. If an attack is blocked during this very small window, the Parry will activate.
To prevent spamming block to activate Parry without skilled timing by the player, another short timer is in place that will not allow Parry to activate if the player blocks again within that window.
The very specific timing required to activate Parry is why you may see results like those in your video.
Hope that helps to explain!
No. We all know how to time a parry. Everyone is correct here that the timing has been drastically changed especially in AQ. Please be transparent about it being intentionally changed. Or admit the last few patches have caused a bug in parry. The game has caused me hundreds of units from using potions for losing health fue to a well timed block that did not register due to a very small window of opportunity hindered by frame rate and lag. It is a mistake to decrease the window of opportunity for a parry because you have to give players enough leeway to account for lag, frame rate, etc. Easy fix, just revert it back to how it was last June. You dont want this to escalate and have everyone start demanding compensation. You already have one content creator posting about this. When the rest starts doing the same, you can have another rally.
For years I have been enjoying this game, but this is just unacceptable. If I was still on iOS I might have continued, but I completely switched to Android for "reasons" That made me re-learn how to play this game, because IT IS different on the two operating systems.
This makes the game completely unplayable on my devices, it was totally fine with 21.2 and now with 21.3...
The issue is that Android devices react slightly SLOWER than iOS devices (10-50 ms) and the main part of that problem is that inconsistency, now with 21.2 and earlier the "parry window" was larger (more forgiving), but with 21.3 it is not as forgiving.
To successfully Parry, the Player need to have the game react between the start of the animation of the punch until it actually inflict damage, this differs from champion to champion, even if sometimes animation-wise the hit would land but you would still Parry, but that is fine. What is NOT fine, is when you start fiddling with this without proper testing about acceptability across all devices. On Android, since it is a bit inconsistent about requiring more time to react to inputs, you need to tap Block really early and this worked prior to 21.3. Now however you need to tap Block (depending on the opponent) sometimes BEFORE ANY of the animation of said punch, to successfully Parry.
Since I cannot see into the future and I most definitely will never buy another Apple device, I will not be playing this game anymore.
Kabam: This is your game, and you may change it without notifying the players, it says so in the EULA, but please be aware of issues like this in the future.
Just done in the hard EQ ,managed to land about 5 all up mainly took hits . My team rating 37000 tried to parry over 100 times but at least I didn’t get the connection error message that time .
I think parry timing varies alot depending on who you are facing and who you are fighting with.
Due to both the attack and blocking animations.
All that being said....
I did a test of my own the other night to test how much fighting is timing rather than reaction.
I closed my eyes during an arena fight.
Left sound on so i could hear parries.
And i parried and 5 hit comboed 5 times in a row. And then got hit by a sp3.
My point is that timing is everything. And i feel that my parry timing must be excellent if i am able to literally parry with my eyes closed.
there were time when i felt i had missed a parry and was blaming the game however now reading kabams response here i know that is due to hitting and releasing block to bait a dash, and then instantly attempting the parry.
a lot of parry problems are device based in my experience.
i rarely have problems on iphone 8 plus...
but onmy partners older ipad air 2 i find its harder to parry due to slight lag and framerate delays. it makes it so wat looks to be visually the right time to parry is actually not the correct time to parry. it is already too late.
on android / older iOs devices i find the need to not rely on the visuals to get the right timing as frames get dropped and instead rely more on muscle memory and sound.
here are two fights i recorded just now.
the fight against Mephisto you can see i easily make every parry i attempt.
the fight against Sparky you can see two missed parries occur.
on is where i completely mistime and miss the block entirely.
the other is when i attempt to parry very quickly after previously hitting block.
i feel this one had the exact correct timing and should have been parry however was not due to the timer between attempted parries.
I find my parry timing near perfect on iphone 8 plus.
using other devices i see there can be an issue which leads me to see it as a device / framerate issue.
all i can suggest to peeps is upgrade your device to a newer one and it should be better.
just like you need a newer computer for newer game you need a newer phone for newer games.
(mcoc may not be brand new itself but with the constant updates and additions it recieves it requires more and more power and space to run)
The very specific timing required to activate Parry is why you may see results like those in your video.
Hope that helps to explain!
Hi Lyra. To get more to the point that I think everyone is trying to address, can you please positively verify with the relevant developer team the EFFECTIVE TIMING WINDOW FOR PARRYING HAS NOT BEEN DECREASED? Thats all everyone really needs to know. Thank you in advance.
I find my parry timing near perfect on iphone 8 plus.
using other devices i see there can be an issue which leads me to see it as a device / framerate issue.
all i can suggest to peeps is upgrade your device to a newer one and it should be better.
just like you need a newer computer for newer game you need a newer phone for newer games.
(mcoc may not be brand new itself but with the constant updates and additions it recieves it requires more and more power and space to run)
To me this is absolutely reprehensible that Kabam changed a major meta of the game and is denying it. This in my view makes this company that much more untrustworthy. If this is the new parry .. fine just let us know. Please don’t insult the intelligence of your gamer base. I just don’t know what to do with ithis game as I was getting ready to work on variant but now I am just ready to hang it up after 3 plus years. Thanks dorky Dave for bringing this up as it can’t be brushed aside when a top community voice calls this out.
The rhetoric that "it's device based" is null. I play on a galaxy s9+ with gigabit wifi. It's not just myself who shares the consensus that Parry is broken or has been changed, which was partially explained by Kabam Lyra. Nonetheless, it's not functioning the way it was at a minimum since last patch (in my heart, it was the patch prior to that).
Parry is a huge meta in the game, even Kabam changed the mastery layouts to emphasize it's importance. Yet to change the way it functions without any notification to the player base is offending. Furthermore, WHY WAS IT CHANGED??? This has yet to be explained why the change/bug has taken place.
I believe it’s the block that’s also not registering correctly. Actually all the left side of the screen is shady. No dash back pressing block nothing happens.
Something is completely off. I just went into Variant and landed 2 in 2 fights. I also took so much block damage that I just gave up. The AI is doing some kind of slide or pause before every step that is throwing the timing off on everything. If this is the way the game is going to be from now on it’s almost unplayable. When you combine this with the overall passive AI there’s hardly any openings at all. In AQ the AI just stands there with it’s hands down the whole time. I try to run in and do my line at work and what used to be a 30 second fight is now 2 mins because we set there and have a staring contest. Whatever is going on is absolutely ruining this game.
To prevent spamming block to activate Parry without skilled timing by the player, another short timer is in place that will not allow Parry to activate if the player blocks again within that window.
The very specific timing required to activate Parry is why you may see results like those in your video.
Thanks for the rapid response, Lyra.
This attempt to avoid unskilled spamming of block would be fair enough if mcoc hadn’t become so extremely laggy or if controls weren’t randomly being unresponsive too frequently (taps for blocking, dash attack or dash back not registering at all which leads to multiple, increasingly frustrated taps). If a player is skilled enough to adjust block to account for lag (or for the weird stutter step the AI has introduced - which is itself another issue) they get penalised. If the game is dropping frame rates the player gets penalised. The game is responsible for the lag, frame rate drop (or stutter step) in the first place. The team need to have a closer look at this and develop some way to make this work for the players because the recent changes are not working for us. It’s no good developing the game for ideal conditions when almost your entire player base is not experiencing anything close to those conditions. And yes I am blaming lag, frame rate for this situation but that might not even be the most salient reason this is not working, not even for the most skilled members of the community.
Hey there everyone, just wanted to jump in and clear up something: Parry has not changed. The explanation given yesterday was some more details about how Parry does and has worked. It is not some new system or change, but has been a part of Parry's function since it was added to the game.
For years I have been enjoying this game, but this is just unacceptable. If I was still on iOS I might have continued, but I completely switched to Android for "reasons" That made me re-learn how to play this game, because IT IS different on the two operating systems.
This makes the game completely unplayable on my devices, it was totally fine with 21.2 and now with 21.3...
The issue is that Android devices react slightly SLOWER than iOS devices (10-50 ms) and the main part of that problem is that inconsistency, now with 21.2 and earlier the "parry window" was larger (more forgiving), but with 21.3 it is not as forgiving.
To successfully Parry, the Player need to have the game react between the start of the animation of the punch until it actually inflict damage, this differs from champion to champion, even if sometimes animation-wise the hit would land but you would still Parry, but that is fine. What is NOT fine, is when you start fiddling with this without proper testing about acceptability across all devices. On Android, since it is a bit inconsistent about requiring more time to react to inputs, you need to tap Block really early and this worked prior to 21.3. Now however you need to tap Block (depending on the opponent) sometimes BEFORE ANY of the animation of said punch, to successfully Parry.
Since I cannot see into the future and I most definitely will never buy another Apple device, I will not be playing this game anymore.
Kabam: This is your game, and you may change it without notifying the players, it says so in the EULA, but please be aware of issues like this in the future.
I play on my iPhone 8+ and my Razer phone for my other account as well. Yes there are noticeable timing differences between iPhone and Android but putting the blame on Kabam for a device issue doesn’t seem right ya?
I’m 100% sure Kabam doesn’t say, in their development office, “alright let’s screw over android users! narrow their parry windows by 0.05s and make their frame rates lag.”
I think this might be the issue. I’m not saying my parries are perfect but sometimes when I’m tired after a long day at work, or just not in the right frame of mind and have to do a fight, my timings go off.
Parries/Evades/Intercepts etc that I feel should be successful (because they do 90% of the time) fail. You just need to come to terms that we aren’t perfect and will slip up on the most basic things that we FEEL that we are very good at.
Kabam Lyra, I don't like your explanation of the 'window' Tell me how continuously spamming parry is judged plse. For instance is AA stun parry heavy game play spamming? Is Hype stun parry heavy to build furies spamming? These are well known tactics used in the game. Changing the mechanics to prevent this happening is pretty much a silent nerf.... and not a 'fix.
I believe Lyra means to rapidly tap your block the same way most of the playerbase taps the right side of their screen when they attack, “like their lives depended on it”.
I think this might be the issue. I’m not saying my parries are perfect but sometimes when I’m tired after a long day at work, or just not in the right frame of mind and have to do a fight, my timings go off.
Parries/Evades/Intercepts etc that I feel should be successful (because they do 90% of the time) fail. You just need to come to terms that we aren’t perfect and will slip up on the most basic things that we FEEL that we are very good at.
Same...but it is considerably worse this patch. In duels or pvp, not so much an issue. So test it on AQ. Most of us do have problems with it...not all, but seems most Android users do.
I think this might be the issue. I’m not saying my parries are perfect but sometimes when I’m tired after a long day at work, or just not in the right frame of mind and have to do a fight, my timings go off.
Parries/Evades/Intercepts etc that I feel should be successful (because they do 90% of the time) fail. You just need to come to terms that we aren’t perfect and will slip up on the most basic things that we FEEL that we are very good at.
Same...but it is considerably worse this patch. In duels or pvp, not so much an issue. So test it on AQ. Most of us do have problems with it...not all, but seems most Android users do.
Yeah I’ll record a few fights in AQ tml and see.
Oh btw, how do people screen record on Android? Lol
Just did 2 fights for AQ. Seems working fine to me.
Kabam’s posted they have not changed anything. If nothing changed to parry itself then trying to prove nothing’s changed isn’t going to do much for those who “believe” it has. The burden of proof is on them, and it’s a huge burden because there are so many factors a simple screen recording cannot account for.
It’s important to note that parry is dependant on timing which can be altered by the user/device and has an anti spam mechanic to it. These leave a multitude of possible causes for what people are experiencing; to name a few screen protectors, device malfunction, device lag, and user error. For instance my old ipad developed “insensitivity” and lag on one side of the screen after about 18mos of usage; if i didn’t account for my device then what’s left for me to do other than blame the game.
Been playing for 2 1/2 years and it’s never been this bad.
I've always been a Parry-based player and can say these adjustments have happened every update saince 12.0 (basically when I had first learned the technique).
No. We all know how to time a parry. Everyone is correct here that the timing has been drastically changed especially in AQ. Please be transparent about it being intentionally changed. Or admit the last few patches have caused a bug in parry. The game has caused me hundreds of units from using potions for losing health fue to a well timed block that did not register due to a very small window of opportunity hindered by frame rate and lag. It is a mistake to decrease the window of opportunity for a parry because you have to give players enough leeway to account for lag, frame rate, etc. Easy fix, just revert it back to how it was last June. You dont want this to escalate and have everyone start demanding compensation. You already have one content creator posting about this. When the rest starts doing the same, you can have another rally.
For years I have been enjoying this game, but this is just unacceptable. If I was still on iOS I might have continued, but I completely switched to Android for "reasons" That made me re-learn how to play this game, because IT IS different on the two operating systems.
This makes the game completely unplayable on my devices, it was totally fine with 21.2 and now with 21.3...
The issue is that Android devices react slightly SLOWER than iOS devices (10-50 ms) and the main part of that problem is that inconsistency, now with 21.2 and earlier the "parry window" was larger (more forgiving), but with 21.3 it is not as forgiving.
To successfully Parry, the Player need to have the game react between the start of the animation of the punch until it actually inflict damage, this differs from champion to champion, even if sometimes animation-wise the hit would land but you would still Parry, but that is fine. What is NOT fine, is when you start fiddling with this without proper testing about acceptability across all devices. On Android, since it is a bit inconsistent about requiring more time to react to inputs, you need to tap Block really early and this worked prior to 21.3. Now however you need to tap Block (depending on the opponent) sometimes BEFORE ANY of the animation of said punch, to successfully Parry.
Since I cannot see into the future and I most definitely will never buy another Apple device, I will not be playing this game anymore.
Kabam: This is your game, and you may change it without notifying the players, it says so in the EULA, but please be aware of issues like this in the future.
Due to both the attack and blocking animations.
All that being said....
I did a test of my own the other night to test how much fighting is timing rather than reaction.
I closed my eyes during an arena fight.
Left sound on so i could hear parries.
And i parried and 5 hit comboed 5 times in a row. And then got hit by a sp3.
My point is that timing is everything. And i feel that my parry timing must be excellent if i am able to literally parry with my eyes closed.
there were time when i felt i had missed a parry and was blaming the game however now reading kabams response here i know that is due to hitting and releasing block to bait a dash, and then instantly attempting the parry.
a lot of parry problems are device based in my experience.
i rarely have problems on iphone 8 plus...
but onmy partners older ipad air 2 i find its harder to parry due to slight lag and framerate delays. it makes it so wat looks to be visually the right time to parry is actually not the correct time to parry. it is already too late.
on android / older iOs devices i find the need to not rely on the visuals to get the right timing as frames get dropped and instead rely more on muscle memory and sound.
the fight against Mephisto you can see i easily make every parry i attempt.
the fight against Sparky you can see two missed parries occur.
on is where i completely mistime and miss the block entirely.
the other is when i attempt to parry very quickly after previously hitting block.
i feel this one had the exact correct timing and should have been parry however was not due to the timer between attempted parries.
using other devices i see there can be an issue which leads me to see it as a device / framerate issue.
all i can suggest to peeps is upgrade your device to a newer one and it should be better.
just like you need a newer computer for newer game you need a newer phone for newer games.
(mcoc may not be brand new itself but with the constant updates and additions it recieves it requires more and more power and space to run)
Hi Lyra. To get more to the point that I think everyone is trying to address, can you please positively verify with the relevant developer team the EFFECTIVE TIMING WINDOW FOR PARRYING HAS NOT BEEN DECREASED? Thats all everyone really needs to know. Thank you in advance.
Arena is ok. Try harder content like AQ map5 or uncollected eq. Seems the higher the pi, the smaller the window.
Parry is a huge meta in the game, even Kabam changed the mastery layouts to emphasize it's importance. Yet to change the way it functions without any notification to the player base is offending. Furthermore, WHY WAS IT CHANGED??? This has yet to be explained why the change/bug has taken place.
Doesn’t the game run locally on your device?
No idea what y’all are talking about. Most of the time it’s on the user that parry doesn’t really work properly.
I play on my iPhone 8+ and my Razer phone for my other account as well. Yes there are noticeable timing differences between iPhone and Android but putting the blame on Kabam for a device issue doesn’t seem right ya?
I’m 100% sure Kabam doesn’t say, in their development office, “alright let’s screw over android users! narrow their parry windows by 0.05s and make their frame rates lag.”
This just doesn’t make good business sense.
I think this might be the issue. I’m not saying my parries are perfect but sometimes when I’m tired after a long day at work, or just not in the right frame of mind and have to do a fight, my timings go off.
Parries/Evades/Intercepts etc that I feel should be successful (because they do 90% of the time) fail. You just need to come to terms that we aren’t perfect and will slip up on the most basic things that we FEEL that we are very good at.
I believe Lyra means to rapidly tap your block the same way most of the playerbase taps the right side of their screen when they attack, “like their lives depended on it”.
Same...but it is considerably worse this patch. In duels or pvp, not so much an issue. So test it on AQ. Most of us do have problems with it...not all, but seems most Android users do.
Yeah I’ll record a few fights in AQ tml and see.
Oh btw, how do people screen record on Android? Lol
Just did 2 fights for AQ. Seems working fine to me.
It’s important to note that parry is dependant on timing which can be altered by the user/device and has an anti spam mechanic to it. These leave a multitude of possible causes for what people are experiencing; to name a few screen protectors, device malfunction, device lag, and user error. For instance my old ipad developed “insensitivity” and lag on one side of the screen after about 18mos of usage; if i didn’t account for my device then what’s left for me to do other than blame the game.