19 attempts at 5* Iceman...should i be surprised with the result?



  • AppleisgodAppleisgod Member Posts: 1,420 ★★★★
    I'm 0/2 Now :neutral:
  • xNigxNig Member Posts: 7,336 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 wrote: »
    But if there was no chance of losing, I wouldn't care much about winning.

    Word!! :)

    Personally I'm not a fan of Stark Spidey. Yes he's cool and stuff but I don't see where he fits in with regards to team setups except in questing.

  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 37,096 ★★★★★
    Donn1 wrote: »

    So you don't think the more crystals you open, the better your chances of getting a featured?

    That was 'approx'. Just what ive heard from a few sources. I hope I'm wrong. Sounds like you know so maybe you can correct me?

    Better? No. More. The odds are the same for each Crystal you open. We have no idea what t actually is. However for example sake, if the odds are 25%, that doesn't mean 1 in 4 will be. The computer generates an outcome for every Crystal. 4 does not make 100%. You would have 4 chances at 25%. No matter how many you open, the Drop Rate doesn't change.
    People get lucky people dont. Next feature you might get lucky and the enitre alliance might get the feature. This was a hugely popular champ to go after. One guy went 0-7 ,another went 2-2 another 0-5, i went 1-1, one went 0-3, 1-2, 0-2, and so on. We spun about 30 all together. Only 5 of us got him. So get lucky or you dont. Sucks but hence the phrase kabammed
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,564 Guardian
    danielmath wrote: »

    And I repeat: you do not understand how subfeatureds work. If the odds of pulling featured are something between 20% and 25%, the odds of pulling subfeatured are probably in the range of 1%-5%. It was explicitly stated by Kabam Miike to be a very small chance, and *much* smaller than the odds of pulling featured. Subfeatured is not easier to get than featured. So you should not expect to see "at least" a few subfeatureds. Out of 19 pulls, on average I would personally expect to see about zero of them.

    The average wouldn't be zero, the mode (most common outcome) would be zero. [/quote]

    I didn't say the average would be zero. I said I personally would expect to see about zero. The statistical average would be between 0.19 and 0.95 pulls. The statistical average value, however, is unobservable.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    Deadbyrd9 wrote: »
    My alliance is like 3/15 currently and one guy went 0/7 for him

    Please send my deepest of condolences to your deeply unlucky alliance member. That is just so sad, I don't know what else to say.
  • TillerTheKillerTillerTheKiller Member Posts: 280 ★★
    0/5 for me, and all junk basics. My alliance probably opened 20 all together and 2 of the crystals produced an Iceman.
  • gnews85gnews85 Member Posts: 96
    Thems the breaks. I've been unlucky in recent history as well but went 2 for 5 today
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    We had guys go 1/2, 0/2, 0/7, 2/5, 1/1, 0/4, 1/2. I think one more tried. You would think the guy with 7 tries would get him but he struck out. It's just bad luck
  • Deadbyrd9Deadbyrd9 Member Posts: 3,469 ★★★★
    I duped drax and got sl so I'm happy even though I didn't get him
  • Aaron131109Aaron131109 Member Posts: 47
    % Chance to get featured is 19% , 80% is basic and 1% for sub featured,,
    Everytime and u pull a featured 5*... TRUST ME... you can get featured or BASIC..
  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    Sorry to all that had poor luck. :( that being said I don't get the iceman hype. He's one of the few bosses I feel I can beat with any of my aw attackers with little difficulty. Is it just the immunities? Evaders are almost always on debuff immune nodes so it's not the coldsnap evasion removal.
  • FrankenHammerFrankenHammer Member Posts: 127
    I watched one YouTuber open 2 Spidey crystals and get 2 Spideys!!
  • FrankenHammerFrankenHammer Member Posts: 127
    It's gotta be purely random. I don't know the drop rate but it HAS to be like .9% or something equally ridiculous.

    I propose they drop the requirements for a 5* to say 7k. Make the featured 10k. That would seem rather fair. More people get 5*s so you can bring in more 5*s. Like Scarlet Witch. Or Black Widow. Or....
    The list goes on, but it could be more incentive to grind harder to get those shards. So when you pull a rhino, or iron patriot, or spidergwen, or war machine, you're less likely to be turned off from the game. Many players take a break from it after grinding really hard and pull iron patriot and hulkbuster.
    You can leave the drop rate the same too. Just saying. May be worth considering. If any kabamers read this.
  • TheMageHunterTheMageHunter Member Posts: 711 ★★
    It's gotta be purely random. I don't know the drop rate but it HAS to be like .9% or something equally ridiculous.

    I propose they drop the requirements for a 5* to say 7k. Make the featured 10k. That would seem rather fair. More people get 5*s so you can bring in more 5*s. Like Scarlet Witch. Or Black Widow. Or....
    The list goes on, but it could be more incentive to grind harder to get those shards. So when you pull a rhino, or iron patriot, or spidergwen, or war machine, you're less likely to be turned off from the game. Many players take a break from it after grinding really hard and pull iron patriot and hulkbuster.
    You can leave the drop rate the same too. Just saying. May be worth considering. If any kabamers read this.

    Nope crystal costs shouldn't be dropped. Many of the top tier players are hoarding tons of 5* shards and this would be a huge imbalance to the game.
    If you wanna do something then increase the shard drop amount or ways to get them
  • Mr_PlatypusMr_Platypus Member Posts: 2,779 ★★★★★
    The whole point of random, is that it's random.
    I'm sure if you looked at the number of iceman pulled to total number of crystals between everyone in the game it'd come out at about 20%.

    In my alliance we had 3 crystals opened, 2 iceman, doesn't mean the drop rate is 66% though.
  • Tmasters1984Tmasters1984 Member Posts: 451
    I do think it'd be fair to reduce the 5*s a little now that there are so many champs in them.
    9000 for the basic and 12000 for the featured, say.
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    Wow, I wonder what happened to "save all crystals until they add the good champs"
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  • Thejake74Thejake74 Member Posts: 1
    I think if you're paying money for chips to buy crystals, you should be getting the hero you want. Back when Rogue was released, I musta spent $100 if not more to buy her featured crystal, and I got nothing but 2 star heroes. Same when Phoenix was released. At least give the option to by a specific character.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,521 ★★★★★
    Three things that no longer surprise me about the forums:

    1) Players who are disappointed about crystal drops, but should know better given the gambling model at the root of MCoC. Bottom line is this: RNG is a thankless b***h. Don't expect anything from her except scorn and abuse.

    2) Players who try to justify the crummy returns on time/resource investment in game via mathematical or coding arguments. Bottom line: This is a game meant for enjoyment. If it isn't enjoyable, the probabilities of it don't make one whit of difference. The game is also one that relies on obfuscation of basic variables to keep players chasing the carrot. Absent first-hand knowledge of how Kabam codes the chances in-game (and I don't mean inferences from Miike's missives), educated guesses about the math behind outcomes are just that.

    3) Players who have hit the RNG jackpot that enjoy lording it over those who have not. Just be happy that you are lucky as well as good. Or just lucky. Or whatever. Bottom line: Cut your fellow players some slack and let them vent. Everyone who plays this game for any amount of time knows how bad it feels to save for something big and wind up with junk. If someone wants to gripe about it a little (key phrase: "a little"), let it roll.

    With that said, this thread has veered back to a more civil tone, which is good. And to everyone burned on Iceman, my condolences. I'm still licking my wounds from Voodoo, GwenPool, Hyperion...not fun. Featureds are no longer part of my in-game experience.

    Dr. Zola
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    KALIZO wrote: »
    your argument holds no water, ill understand if the 18/19 crystals where opened by 1 person. there is no consistency when opening a crystal, its all by chance. now the feature needs to be change, cause the more champs they add monthly, the lesser the chances of obtaining a feature. this needs to change.
    seatin in the other hand is just one lucky turd. you have other Ty like the analyzer who opened two features and got iron patrion and and forgot who else. the analyser is way more skilled than others, but you are taking a chance when u open these crystals

    I'm with you except where you say more champs added equals less chance at feature. This isn't true. When a Crystal is rolled, the first determination is whether it will be feature or sub-feature or basic. The number of champs is immaterial to people getting the feature as it is a set % since they started feature 5* crystals.

    It is known (that Missandei scene anyone...? ;)
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