New Matchmaking: Working as intended.

I mean i guess it's ok to tune in, but given AS ALWAIS you never give us and yourself proper time to test, how you gonna fix this mess before the week ends and season starts? That's even worse than before lol.
MAYBE, having a month of testing woulda have been much better.
Were you even aware of this? I mean, are you monitoring? Didnt read any posts around here, so just wondering. Fix that **** tho, it's worrysome to new levels.
We started a new allaince with a mixture of people and this was our first war haha
What context does this add?
Blatant brag/gloat context. Expect nothing less..
That matching is less about AW prestige and more about Alliance Rating
If that is the case, get ready for alliance members to begin selling off all the 1, 2, 3 and possibly some of their 4 stars.
Ally PI should NOT be included within AW matchmaking.
We have already been through this disaster before. Kabam, have you all forgotten? Maybe more disturbing is why it's not hard to believe you would make the same stupid mistake again. Sad.
The match we recieved was +81 WR, -9m AR (ally rating), and a difference of 300 WR. To me that’s a combination of factors not 1 single factor. Is it appropriate, good or bad? Hard to say given it’s the off season where people are prone to attempting to manipulate their WR for the season and this is our first exposure to the new mming system.
Based on early observations, my gut tells me people trying to manipulate their matches are not going to be as successful this season; which imo is a good thing.
War was started before they did split. AMOF, you can't start 3 bgs with 17 members. Wich means that system registered 3 bgs but the elaboration of the matchup was done real time, which opens to manipulation and ultimately makes the new matchmaking utter trash
If Enlistment had been open while mmxiv was splitting they fully had the capabilty to run a 3bg war then ignore it after losing members. For all we know it was left up intentionally to test the new mming system.
That’s a lot of conjecture leading to a conclusion considering match making starts at the end of enlistment. They could easily enlist with 3 bgs then break up and have 15 members left when they finally enter match making, when/where the match is actually determined.
I’d say match making potentially did something good. For all we know match making dumped what it thought was a shell alliance trying to manipulate the system on someone who has a chance to beneift from the match up without giving away easy points to the very top of AW resulting in skewed season results for the ally who’s points were artifically inflated by the empty nodes surely present with only 15 members participating. At the same time that match up dumps mmxiv’s WR so they’ll fall to a less valuable standing and not take up a teir 1 spot for point modifiers.
On a side note today we matched under similar conditions to the first match, +81 WR, 6-10m AR difference and ~200 WR difference. There appears to be more going on than just simple matches based on similar WRs and that a good thing unless you’re trying to manipulate the system.
P.S. The underdog won the match.
Another possibility is that they were trying to be clever with something like matching based on war rating normalized to number of players. In other words, if MMXIV had 17 members at the moment the match was formed, maybe the system believed that MMXIV had an "effective rating" of 17/30 * 3176 = 1800 or something more complicated that made the criteria being matched upon basically within the match parameters.
Once matched, stop showing +/- so no work can be done during defense placement to guess / work out who you are facing. Once attack phase starts show +/- along with foe
This is so riddicolous it aint even funny.
it adds the context that MMXIV are doing a full 3 bg while only having 16 members therefore it will be impossible for them to clear 100%. depending on how they split the membersthe may not clear any bgs as all bgs have 6 main paths.
it gives some explanation as to how the matchup could have happened as although they are high war rating the fact that they are down soooo many members makes them much much weaker for running a 3 bg war.