Suggestion to Kabam re: disliked champs/6-star crystal rage quitting...

Hi @Kabam Miike @Kabam Zibiit @Kabam Vydious @Kabam Lyra @Kabam Wolf
Apologies to all in advance for any ranting/moaning/entitlement below.
There seems to have been quite a lot of uproar this week about perceived bad champs being added to the 6-star featured, as well as about targeted offers (generic 5 star awakening gem & signature stones) for players who haven’t played for a long time/quit etc. I can see the logic behind the latter but I think ultimately the negative effect such exclusive offers have by annoying regular players outweighs any positive impact it may have to bring people back. I think it might be more beneficial to mitigate reasons why people stop playing in the first place.
The disliked champ issue is the motivation for this post. I opened a basic 6-star earlier after waiting ages for the previous featured champs to be added this week. To say I was disappointed with the pull is something of an understatement. I already have the character I pulled at 5-star (unfortunately), hate playing with him, hate fighting him and just generally loathe him. I would have preferred literally anyone else. For a 5-star this is disappointing, but for a 6-star crystal at this point in the game, it really is depressing. I’ve been bummed out by it all day and will probably be on a downer with the game for quite a while. 6-star shards are still rare and incredibly difficult to get. Each crystal takes months of effort and/or expense for your average player. I’d been saving for this for a long time by completing the event quests each month, bought the 6-star shard offer recently, and used a lot of resources (ie units) to complete the Captain’s Clash event to get to the requisite 10,000 shards (any regular player would have to be crazy to go for the featured at this point).
Having done all that, waited months and then pulling a character you completely hate really feels like a kick in the teeth, and I can really understand why people rage-quit or take extended breaks from the game. RNG or not it still feels ****. I would really hesitate before buying future 6-star shard offers or spending money to complete events specifically for 6-star shards.
So my main point after all this explaining (and moaning) is to make a simple suggestion. Why not offer players some kind of resource that can be bought or purchased with units or loyalty, glory etc that allows a player to blacklist a champ (preferably up to three...) they hate from a basic (not featured) 6-star crystal pull. I think it would be pretty popular, would make you money and would enable people to spin the highest value crystal in the game (given the effort and resources required) without the fear of pulling the champ they hate the most. There will still be plenty of others in there people would prefer not to pull but won’t get upset about.
Regardless of the generally accepted rankings, I think everyone has specific champs they either love or hate. Why not use that to improve the player experience?
Apologies to all in advance for any ranting/moaning/entitlement below.
There seems to have been quite a lot of uproar this week about perceived bad champs being added to the 6-star featured, as well as about targeted offers (generic 5 star awakening gem & signature stones) for players who haven’t played for a long time/quit etc. I can see the logic behind the latter but I think ultimately the negative effect such exclusive offers have by annoying regular players outweighs any positive impact it may have to bring people back. I think it might be more beneficial to mitigate reasons why people stop playing in the first place.
The disliked champ issue is the motivation for this post. I opened a basic 6-star earlier after waiting ages for the previous featured champs to be added this week. To say I was disappointed with the pull is something of an understatement. I already have the character I pulled at 5-star (unfortunately), hate playing with him, hate fighting him and just generally loathe him. I would have preferred literally anyone else. For a 5-star this is disappointing, but for a 6-star crystal at this point in the game, it really is depressing. I’ve been bummed out by it all day and will probably be on a downer with the game for quite a while. 6-star shards are still rare and incredibly difficult to get. Each crystal takes months of effort and/or expense for your average player. I’d been saving for this for a long time by completing the event quests each month, bought the 6-star shard offer recently, and used a lot of resources (ie units) to complete the Captain’s Clash event to get to the requisite 10,000 shards (any regular player would have to be crazy to go for the featured at this point).
Having done all that, waited months and then pulling a character you completely hate really feels like a kick in the teeth, and I can really understand why people rage-quit or take extended breaks from the game. RNG or not it still feels ****. I would really hesitate before buying future 6-star shard offers or spending money to complete events specifically for 6-star shards.
So my main point after all this explaining (and moaning) is to make a simple suggestion. Why not offer players some kind of resource that can be bought or purchased with units or loyalty, glory etc that allows a player to blacklist a champ (preferably up to three...) they hate from a basic (not featured) 6-star crystal pull. I think it would be pretty popular, would make you money and would enable people to spin the highest value crystal in the game (given the effort and resources required) without the fear of pulling the champ they hate the most. There will still be plenty of others in there people would prefer not to pull but won’t get upset about.
Regardless of the generally accepted rankings, I think everyone has specific champs they either love or hate. Why not use that to improve the player experience?
My perspective is this: I love this game and plan to play it a long time, so if I pull a 5-star Cyclops or whatever, that's fine. I'll pull other champs. Better luck next time, at least that's the hope.
Also, the speed at which you will acquire your next 6-star will decrease every time, and pretty soon you'll get a Domino or Corvus or what not. Don't let a disappointing RNG ruin a really fun and engaging game.
Good luck.
In principle, I wouldn't have a problem with a blacklist token that a) only worked on basic crystals and b) was limited to at most one for 6* and three for 5* (due to the difference in pool size). I think it would be interesting to see first, how many players actually use them at all, and second, which champs it were used on. That could be interesting data for Kabam to collect, and its statistical impact on crystal pulls would be limited.
I agree that it would be useful data for Kabam to see who isn't wanted in the game. Perhaps add more data to support revamping certain champs.
The same could be done with another poll though. Like they did over a year ago with the "players choice" crystals.
Kabam can use polls for things like the players' choice crystal, because that's literally just a kind of marketing participation. But when it comes to game balance decisions, polls have no value. But if players actually spend time and money on something, that becomes a much more noteworthy "vote."
Games are balanced around what players do, not what they say. There's lots of reasons for that, but the fundamental one is that the devs can't ask every single player for their opinion, so they can never be sure what they are hearing isn't a highly skewed or misrepresented view (and it often is). But they can see literally everything we do, so they don't have to rely on a representative sample of the playerbase.
Beyond that, talk is cheap, but anything that players will spend their actual time and money on adds substantial weight to the point of view those actions represent.
If you think because you spent to buy 6* shards, done every Uc monthly and did Marvel’s Challenge (like many many people have done), you deserve a 6* that is to your liking, then you’re sorely mistakened.
Does it feel bad? Sure it does. But it’ll be really really boring if every single 6* pull were domino Corvus etc.
Without disappointment there is no joy.
DXF (devastated)
King Groot (equally devastated)
Thor Rag (forced optimism)
Iron Fist (expected at this point)
CAIW (overjoyed, estatic!)
Jane Foster (1 out of 6 ain't bad!)
Yeah it blows but you'll get over it and one day you'll pull someone cool and useful.
its ridiculous
2 good 6 trash
But if I duped a bad champion, don't you think you should at least give me 275 six-star crystal shards?
And @John757 : what rules violations? I honestly have no idea what you’re referring to? I can assure you that I wouldn’t have violated them knowingly. I’m not a regular poster btw.
Any further questions about RNG? 3 times in a row ...
I´m so done with this 6*crytals
To all the suck it up people, shame on you. If you don't feel that months of time, effort and perhaps money as well is worth feeling excited and bringing more joy to the game then I hope you never design games... well, you may fit in at Kabam.
This isn't the daily 3-4 phc that are just whatever. This is something people plan for in games months in advance, know exactly when they will open, on,y to get screwed royally.
But then you hav people with Corvus ghost domino out of 4-5 champs and iyou look at your loki, Jane and less effective version of cyclops and wonder why you even bother. And that's not something you want dedicated players to ever think.
It's quite similar to pre 12.0 when if you didn't have witch or Starlord you just played a different game than everyone else. One that was stuck on hard mode and cost more.