Killshot, engage.

Something a few of my buddies and I have always done is try capturing the most epic KO screenshot on MCoC, as not all phones have built-in video recorders but most can screenshot.
What’s your best or favorite “killshot” you’ve had the luck of capturing the perfect screenshot?
The only rule is “KO” has to be present onscreen. Here’s my most recent, and favorite:

What’s your best or favorite “killshot” you’ve had the luck of capturing the perfect screenshot?
The only rule is “KO” has to be present onscreen. Here’s my most recent, and favorite:

My first time fighting him
Sorry i know its not a killshot but i love this photo, hit him where it hurts for a crit and armor break
SH Spidy lighting up NC...
I used to do this a lot back then, I have a bunch so here are some of my favorites that I took. Enjoy!
A few more.
they asked for KillShot SS,
not just any SS that you think looks cool.
if you wanna post random screenshots of watever start a random SS thread.
this has been started with a theme.
be respectful to the person who created this and follow it.
Jus a rank 1 Sabre lol
Bringing back the symbiotes we had
Just by looking at this picture, you feel the mutant power of OR.
It doesn’t say KO. Hope @MaatMan doesn’t ban me
Green Gobble pretending he ain't K.O.'d
My first korg fight in Aw, with my girl x23
He aint unstoppable when u hit him in the janglies
There is definately a big spark between these two.
The electricity between Medusa and IMIW is “shocking”
A lot of fireworks when these two go at it
My favorites have been Omega Red, Hype, and Havok so far but there have been some great submissions.