Dominos sp1 broken
Ok so I have two points which seem to be broken
1. The first hit does 40k damage while the second hit does 3k even though the second hit does 3k damage without the bonus meaning the sp1 damage bonus is only applying on the crits which it does not state in the ability section
2. The crit bleed is not scaling with the damage boost as you can from the 40k damage hit it is only 700 bleed damage which is the normal amount meaning it is not going up which the attack boost
it increaes as you progress in the same fight by hitting your opponent with basic attacks that turn out to be critical hits
they accumulate up to 100 and eventually give your crit bleed a massive boost
Special 1: Stroke of Luck – Domino fires a bullet that strikes a grenade at exactly the right angle to maximize damage.
Each hit has a 25% chance to inflict Bleed, dealing 1381 damage over 7 seconds.
If Domino is Lucky, this attack refreshes all Stun and Bleed effects on the opponent.
If the opponent is Unlucky, this attack has +251 Attack Rating for each second that passed since the last time Domino hit with a Special Attack.