Automated defense placement if inactive
I think automated defense placement when inactive could be a good way to cover if alliances mates are inactive from the AW placement phase for whatever reason. Just need a way to develop a good system. There’s the issue of once they are autoplaced. The leader and officers would need a new tab to place inactive members defense on nodes. There is also the issue if defenders are tied up in a a quest, maybe next highest PI or something. I know someone will say that people just need to be active but we all know that’s not always possibile with adult life and responsibilities.
What most people don’t realize is your champs are still useable when placed on Defence during placement phase.
No excuses
You have 20 hours to do it.
besides why not add features purely for ease of use and quality of life?
I have suggested this before too.
basically it would be a case of in your roster you mark 5 champs who will be used as your defenders. you select them and mark with a bg and node number. you can change these whenever you want very easily in a second.
then when war placement starts these champs are automatically selected and plopped on the battlefield. officers now have the entire time to adjust defence.
I don't know why anyone would shut this idea down?
it is literally just a quality of life. those that don't need this will not be negatively affected in anyway.
but those who struggle to get people placing or struggle to have the time to adjust defence properly will be benefited.
quality of life changes are something we should all look for
AW is mandatory if you don't like it you are not welcome in my alliance.
go find one where it is not.
but in my alliance I tell you you MUST war. if you don't war you have no place in my alliance.
its not telling someone how to play the game.
its their choice if they agree to be in your alliance or leave.
if they are not around I make the choice to kick them or keep them depending on why they can't / don't play.
but simple fact is mine like many alliance runs 3bg AW and war is a MUST.
if you cant war you need to leave.
in a 3bg war every single member needs to place defence. even if for some reason they cannot attack they must place defence. otherwise our defense is missing people and we lose points.
so yeah if you are in my alliance you place defence simple.
there has been some occasions where for example someone has been away with no reception and we have made an exception but that has cost us points by missing defenders.
auto placement would stop this.
simple. 3bg alliance. all members place defence.
if you run a 2bg alliance then great. only those members that mark defenders and select them will be auto placed. if you don't have defenders marked for auto placement they wont get placed and will still need to be manually placed.
as I said no one will be affected negatively. it will only benefit those that need it.
What you DON'T have the right to, is access to their Champs and the ability to place them, whether they want to or not. No one should be controlling anyone else's Champs. You can't force them to do anything.
WOW dude slow the **** down
talking about a system where you as the player selects 5 champs and earmarks them for defence.
then everytime defence come up they will be placed. in the bg and on the nodes you select.
if you don't select champs then nothing will be autoplaced.
no one is accessing anyones champs here.
you as the player select your champs and the nodes they will be placed on.
you go to your roster and you mark 5 defenders and mark wat bg and wat node.
when placement starts they get placed.
if you don't select any champs they will not get placed. its all on you to do this no one else accessing your champs or anything. I get your point.
but that's also a perfect example of Why not?
it may not matter to you if its done or not. but why be against adding this feature?
it can only have benefit to those who use it and cant be bad for those who don't.
TBH, despite having an accomplished account, I will never be in a top alliance. I work in a hospital, during snow and flu season I’ve pulled multiple 18 hours shifts, slept in my office so I could work back to backs, and generally failed to join war and AQ at inconvenient times. This game, apparently to the satisfaction of some of its adherents, is designed to reward a lack of desire to do other things. I guess we all make choices.
I still se benefit as it will give me and my officers the entire placement window to adjust placement rather than waiting on peeps to place first. its annoying being an aussie when someone doesn't place until the last 6 hrs.
6 hrs before attack starts im goin to bed and cant move defence.
so benefit there.