Which champ has the most devastating special 2

Which champ has the most devastating special 2
Ive really been liking my she hulk’s Superman punch
Emma Frost is insane
Domino Crit bleed is absolutely crazy
Corvus is always reliable
Venom’s is nasty
Storm’s always was and still is nasty
Vision is super useful
Magik is also super useful
Ive really been liking my she hulk’s Superman punch
Emma Frost is insane
Domino Crit bleed is absolutely crazy
Corvus is always reliable
Venom’s is nasty
Storm’s always was and still is nasty
Vision is super useful
Magik is also super useful
Talking about CAIW: with some kinetic charges and a fury passive active does the trick as well.
I find Hyperion to be good as well. His sp2 can crit & armor break so that can be even greater damage than the sp3.
Those 5× incinerate are damn cool
Lol but really these are just some from my personal experience and I always thought storm and Gamoras were great before the influx of new champs. Incredible storm still measures up so well