[Android] 22.1 Lag, Crashing and Performance Investigation

Hi Summoners!
Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.
As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.
If you are experiencing crashing, lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the Android version of The Contest, please reply using the template below.
This thread is for Android users only.
In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name.
Device and Model: (Example, Galaxy S6)
Device Operating System: (Example 8.0) You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”
Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the Google Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. This thread is only for those on the 22.1 version of the game.
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.
Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.
Our team is working to identify and address performance issues in The Contest and we need your help as we gather relevant information.
As part of this process, it is important for you to understand that lag and game performance are affected by a host of factors including: device, operating system, connection and even Champions or maps. Complicated issues such as these involve an equally complicated investigation process, due to all of these variables. Your contributions to this thread will help in that investigation. This, however, does not mean that there is one single “fix” coming that will address all concerns for all players. It is an ongoing process of improvements that the team is continually working toward as the game progresses.
If you are experiencing crashing, lag, unresponsive controls or performance problems in the Android version of The Contest, please reply using the template below.
This thread is for Android users only.
In-Game Name: Please include your in-game (not forum) name.
Device and Model: (Example, Galaxy S6)
Device Operating System: (Example 8.0) You can find the operating system version on Android by going to Apps, then Settings and “About Device.”
Cellular or WiFi: Does this issue happen when you are using cellular data, WiFi or both? If on cellular, what is your mobile carrier?
Game Version Installed: To check which version of the game you have installed, go to the Google Play Store and confirm that you have the latest version installed which will show you the number. This thread is only for those on the 22.1 version of the game.
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest or Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Please include a full and complete description of the lag and performance issue you are experiencing with as much relevant detail as possible. This includes any specific Champions affected and how long you’ve been experiencing the issue.
Replies to this thread must use the template below and provide relevant, constructive information about the issue. This thread is for information gathering and not one-on-one support. Off topic posts, requests for status updates and general complaints will be removed according to the forum rules.
This discussion has been closed.
Device Operating System: Android Version 9
Cellular or WiFi: Both. Cellular carrier is Sprint.
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Event Quest, Boss Rush, Arena
Description of the Issue: My champs are moving very slow in between strikes. Additionally my phone is beginning to over heat and I have no other apps open except for contest of champions. This has never happened before and i began experiencing it immediately after the 22.1 update.
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy 2016
Device Operating System: Android 7.1.1
Cellular or WiFi: cellular data and WiFi
Game Version Installed: 22.1 version of the game.
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest, Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Bugs Visual ghost rider , Bugs of champions ghost rider sp1, domino break block, parry don´t work, etc.
Lag, crashing, overheat
it is impossible to make uncollected with these bugs
Device and Model: Samsung Galaxy S7
Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0,
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: All game modes
Description of the Issue: Lags spikes occur before and during fights. In the champion choose screen, they appear very slowly. When starting the fights, the loading screen fade out and at some point it freeze for a split of a second. The moves of the champs are not fluent and seems like playing in 30 fps rather than 60 fps. Also random freezes happens from time to time, making that fight usually a lost cause. These things are worse when fighting with or against champions that have a high graphic requirement (Ex. Human Torch, Symbiote Supreme, the new Captain Marvel, The Thing with Human Torch synergy etc). I want to add that the phone is not at fault. Before the update, on the same WiFi, it was working perfectly fine. Tried to uninstall the game and install it again, but no change whatsoever.
Game starts to lag, the fighting stats like power and health disappear, then the game ultimately freezes completely then crashes. Does that consistently on my LG Q7+, a pretty decent midgrade phone with a snapdragon processor. And since the update, my OnePlus 6T is now doing the same thing.
So great, now both of my phones suck to play this game. Nothing like losing half my health all the time. Or all the wasted time restarting the game. Or the inability to effectively do difficult content.
I even dumb down the resolution on the Q7+, and it's not even hi res, just 1080.
LG Q7+ is running Android 8.1.0. Oneplus 6T is running Android 9.0.
Happens on wifi or cellular, and doesn't care where I am I am in the game.
Android 8.0
Version 22.1
All game modes, Arena currently.
Controls are lagged completely, but the AI is amped up. Trying to be patient, but it's very difficult to play properly, mechanics like Evade aren't registering properly, and the AI is reacting twice the speed we are. Also, there is lag in selecting Champs for Teams in the Arena. Thanks.
Device and Model: Oppo F7
Device OS: Android 8.1.0
Celluar or Wifi: Both
Game version: 22.1
Game mode: All
Description of the issue:
- Ghost Rider, Medusa, or any other champion that uses tentacles, chains, other appendages to attack have jittery animations as if the appendages are flinging wildly. (Ex. Ghost Rider's SP1, Medusa's first and last medium hits)- Ultron Drone boss of Variant Ch. 1.1 throws a special while using Archangel to hit into it's block. Appears to happen if the character animation is a bit slower and the AI reacts too quick or recovers too quick from a blocked hit
- Fights feel jittery as if it's skipping frames and the sound effects sound muffled. It's very distracting.
- At the end of a fight, when rewards show up, a consistent "skittering" sound keeps playing. As if the enemy that got defeated kept flopping around the floor
- AI is too quick during backdraft intercepts, need to very quickly tap in order to hit the enemy. Most times the intercept still works but sometimes the AI just immediately rushes into you. It's like their recovery time after being hit has been reduced. Most noticeable when using sentinel as his attacks are normally slower than average and he always gets clipped by a combo.
- X-23s SP2 cannot be punished immediately, Sentinel SP1 cannot be punished immediately
- Characterer animations in my phone was a bit slower than other android phones and after the update, animations are fast but jittery and as if frames were skipped to make it fast.
Device and Model: Samsung Note 9
Device Operating System: Android Pie
Cellular or WiFi: cellular data and WiFi
Game Version Installed: 22.1 version of the game.
Game Mode: Leveling up Champions
Description of the Issue: 6star Antman does not "get small" when he is leveled up from 1 level to another (animation).
May be trade my 6star antman for someone [anyone] else since he is bugged? ( :
Device and Model: Galaxy S8+
Device Operating System: one ui version.1 android version 9
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest , Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: Hi guys for the last few days my game is running really slow.It takes forever to load fights and between fights as well as going into crystals. It takes over a minute to open a crystal and i spins very slow. My champs are automatically heavying aswell.Thanks
Device and Model: Oneplus 5
Device Operating System: 9.0.4
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: Event Quest - The Living Death Who Walks!
Description of the Issue: In chapter 2.1 in the fight against Hela, Spider-gwen slow debuff doesn't stop Unstoppable from triggering. Is it on puropose or is it a bug ? In the nodes description it doesn't say that we can't stop Unstoppable from triggering.
In-Game Name: HËŁŁR城ÊR
Device and Model: Mate 10 Pro
Device Operating System: 9.0
Cellular or WiFi: Never until the latest Update. Maxis Malaysia
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: All events in the game. The whole game in particular.
Description of the Issue: All champions are having delayed response to the swipes. (FPS is slower than an old iPhone 6 Plus). Dashbacks, evades, double chain combos are having lags in response as well (ex: suicides masteries, Ghost used to be able to phase right before recoil pops up. Not being able to do so now). Please fix this as its deterring many current events going on
Device model: S8
Dos: oreo 8.0
Cell or wifi: both
Game version: 22.1
Game mode: I experienced pausing issue in EQ, AQ & arenas. I can not fight due to it pausing on me 2 or 3x during a fight. Its has become very frustrating. It's been doing this for about 4 5 days now. Please kabam fix these bugs so I can play my game
Device and Model: Galaxy S8+
Device Operating System: one ui version.1 android version 9
Cellular or WiFi: both
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: Story Quests, Event Quests, Arena, Alliance Quest , Alliance War.
Description of the Issue: after I use special 3, my hero dashes in immediately when it ends if I'm holding block. When opponent uses an sp3, then afterwards my hero dashes in. Game is very choppy and slow.
Device and Model: Galaxy S7
Device Operating system: Android
Cellular or Wifi: Wifi
Game version installed: 22.1
Game Mode: When I'm in the game texting in social, I don't see the Red icon on the Top right of the Green chat box, but it comes up when i sign oit of my account and go back in it. Kabam, please fix this glitch for me, would be helpful. Thanks!
Device and Model: OnePlus 6
Device Operating System: 9.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both - WiFi (1gb Fiber) and Cellular (ATT)
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: All events in the game. The whole game in particular.
Description of the Issue: All champions are having delayed response to the swipes. (FPS is slower than an old iPhone 6 Plus). Dashbacks, evades, double chain combos are having lags in response as well (ex: suicides masteries, Ghost used to be able to phase right before recoil pops up. Not being able to do so now). Please fix this as its deterring many current events going on.
Device and Model: Galaxy J5
Device Operating System: Android 7.0
Cellular or WiFi: Wifi
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: Monthly Event Quest.
Description of the Issue: When fighting against Human Torch parry mastery is not activating, my champion is not even blocking, he/she just stands there. Against other random champions same thing is happening but especially against Human Torch.
Second issue is Captain America Infinity War when Kinetically Charged he is supposed to reduce Opponent’s Defensive Ability Accuracy by 100% . He did this before. He does not do that anymore.
For example when fighting against Iron man and Superior iron man if I use special 1 and bring them down under 15% health their arc overload is not supposed to activate. And it never did. After the update it does, at least 2 times that I noticed.
Device and Model: LG G5
Device Operating System: Android 8.0.0,
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: All game modes
Description of the Issue: Lags spikes occur before and during fights. In the champion choose screen, they appear very slowly. When starting the fights, the loading screen fade out and at some point it freeze for a split of a second. The moves of the champs are not fluent and seems like playing in 30 fps rather than 60 fps. Also random freezes happens from time to time, making that fight usually a lost cause. These things are worse when fighting with or against champions that have a high graphic requirement (Ex. the new Human Torch and Symbiote Supreme)
Also, I know I am hitting first and yet they are still able to parry. It makes my Special 2 worthless on some champions. On the other had if they go to attack me, and I parry and I know good and well that I parried it, they just keep on comboing. I'm good at parrying I must say but now it just seems like my parries are ignored.
Also, I had to jump off my wifi in order to load up verses sometimes. Which sucks when I am trying for a champion I want.
Finally, my phone has been getting way warmer than it should when I've been playing for about 10 or 15 minutes.
I will add that my phone maybe 2 years old, but before the update I was fine. Now it is just hard to play sometimes. I'm pretty sure I won't be getting that basic verses champ I have been fighting for because of some of these issues, which is okay.
Whatever y'all have done, please fix. I have been playing this game for 4 years and I find it quite enjoyable.
Device and Model: Galaxy S7
D.O.S: Android
Cellular or wifi: Wifi
Game version installed: 22.1
Problem: Whenever I send a text message to one of my friends in social, it sends it later on when i sign out of my account and go back in it. The other problem is I don't see the red icon on the top right of the green chat button. It still keeps happening to me and i don't know why, I can't take it. Kabam, please fix this for me, Thanks! Have a great day!
Device and Model: Samsung J3(6)
Device operating system: 7.1.1
Cellular or WiFi: WiFi
Game version installed: 22.1
Game Mode: All
Issue: Constant combat lag and screen loading errors and glitches
Device and Model: Galaxy J7 Metal 2016
Device Operating System: Android 8.1.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both (Wifi 60Mbps and cellular 4G Claro)
Game Version Installed: 22.1 version.
Game Mode: All events
Description of the Issue:
• Strokes are too slow. IA is faster.
• In the middle of the combo I get a counterattack or a special.
• ep1 of the Ghost Rider crashes.
Device and Model: iphone 8
Device Operating System: IOS 12.2
Cellular or WiFi: cellular data and WiFi
Game Version Installed: 22.1 version of the game.
Game Mode: Story Quest, Act 6.1.6.
Description of the Issue: Cant counter Sentinel boss after he activates his special attack 1.
Please let me know if this will be fixed any time soon, so that I know if I should wait or try takeing him as it is now
In game iname : Emperor Stark~02
Device and model: Redmi Note 5, 4gb variant , Indian version
DOS: Android 8.1.0
MIUI: MIUI global , recently updated to
Connection: wifi BSNL, Data: Jio
Game mode: everywhere
Game version: 22.1
Note: game used to run extremely fast and efficient till last Nov, I play pubg, Asphalt 8 etc with no lags or touch issues on phone, Only MCoc has issues
Pre patch bugs:
Since November patch the controls were screwed. Nothing works . Champs stand still walk forward and get hit while commanded to block/dash. Specials do not activate when commanded. They do not dex when commanded and when they do it is 2 seconds late. I dont have to tell you that 2 seconds is a big time while you play this game. Kabam has not even said that you are aware or are looking into the issue. Android players are constantly neglected.. We spend money on this game too, we popularize it as well.
Post patch:
Parry fails. I am timing it perfectly.
Block breaks. yes it is still going around.
If one parry fails, the next 3 times the opponent comes at you result in block breaks.
Champions dash in after an sp3 .
backdrafts are a night mare 2/5 intercepts fail due to first hit not registering or AI doing something super weird.
FPS is super slow , animations of champs like human torch, sinister , dormammu etc who employ fancy blocks and amped up graphics looking energy attacks, heavy attacks render the fps to extreme low rates that render any hope of dexing/blocking (Unblockable nodes suck here) useless.
We are dying for no reason . just to get a completion require hard grinded units for no reason at all.
The game is unplayable . It used to be enjoyable but for android users it has become a rage time now and we have quit spending on it and are considering leaving. That being said if you can fic the game to a point were android runs as optimal as an ios device we will consider spending at our own discretion . thank you.
Device Operating System: Android Version 8.1.0
Cellular or WiFi: Both. Cellular carrier is Rogers
Game Version Installed: 22.1
Game Mode: In which game mode did the error occur? Story, Event Quest, Boss Rush, Arena, AQ, AW
Description of the Issue: FPS dropped significantly even with the 120Hz refresh rate on my phone. Also beginning to over heat even when I have no other apps open. This has never happened before and i began experiencing it immediately after the 22.1 update.