Is it me or fight against human torch is way too difficult, can't fight without incinerat immunity..

I'm genuinely pissed off due to master difficulty, incineration damage is too much, and I don't have immune champ.....
Is it me or fight against human torch is way too difficult, can't fight without incinerat immunity.. 76 votes
Venom 5* r4
cap iw 4* 5\50
Sw 4* 5\50
Imiw 4* 5\50
Void 4* 4\40
Of course, I had that sort of problem with Dr. Oct as well, but I can handle him easy now .. so I guess it's just practice needed at this point
FYI .. so far my best runs vs him have been with OG Daredevil!
(love those auto evades .. hehe)
Dont care what other people say.
(Tried going against him with a 3/45 sparky, it's doable and I've done it but 3 stacks of incinerate and he's pretty much going to die.)
He's quite easy after that.
L1 is quite simple four times swipe backs
L2 is one swipe and then three swipes right when he comes at you.
Just one shot U epic bounty HT with 3/45 SL..
The game is really dependent on specific champs not so much on skill. For example with average skill you still can beat Magik easily with Blade. Or in the last EQ I fought Nick Fury with Iceman and it’s a easy fight while I would had to spend many revives using other champs to take him down.
You really need a deep roster and luck to compete in the game.
Edit: He might gain smoulders from blocking his SP2 also, but I can't remember.
Not saying i never died in any of my attempts, but i can usually finish the job with my remaining champs without using revives.
AQ map 5 mini boss HT with Bleed immunity is nightmare.
Especially champs with Energy damage.
Even my r3 NF sustains major health loss.