Map 5 Nightcrawler?

Just wondering for those map 5 alliances, are you finding Nighcrawler unusually difficult this AQ? Our 2-3 hits seem to be decimating us if we can't get him to calm the F down. Getting him to switch is near impossible. He seems to be hitting about 10 x stonger than what he normally does?
Anyone else?
Anyone else?
Cause he is more likely to dash back and block
Also, instead of telling 'NC is a cake to beat, learn how to beat him, actually tell what tactic you use. That's called advice. Not what you're doing.
Also, that's an interesting way to play. I usually get the switch done easily, but timer kept disappearing in the middle today. Which is weird.
- he was really quick. Tried to dex his regular attacks to build poise, but many times parried instead.
- At the start of the fight, he just stands there (not blocking). I moved back, he moved forward and just stood there again. I don’t want to be backed to the wall, so I hit him, and lo and behold, he blocked me right at that instance. Coincidence maybe. But I had this for 3 miniboss fights already.
Not impossible to switch, but once you do, he keeps on baiting you to switch him back to Smashbuckler.
Kind of hard to bait... but I find that If he baits you when being passive and blocking and waiting.. I go in take 2 hits on his block, then baits and he fires the SP...
He hits hard enough to make you regreat any error you can make.
Too bad I ain’t got an 5* Iceman duped and ranked up for thos week of AQ!
I was trying to be too cute with tacticsI was deliberately dying to help the community understand NC's AI better. First time I tried to do a parry/heavy combo, but Karen decided to autoevade out of it. Second time I decided to try to heal up Ghost Rider with a heavy, you know, after already getting hit in the face once, because sometimes i r dum.For educational/informative/laugh out loud purposes.
I also agree that he seems to be hitting harder. In the past, you could take a combo with a 5/65. Now he drops all of my 5/65 champs with two hits into my block. I have to play him so that he completely avoids contact now.