5* Awakening - worthy or wait?
Hi all
i have a 5* Generic Awakening Gem burning a hole in my pocket. Question is should I use it or wait for something special/else?
Currently have Cap IW at R4 and Hyperion and Ghost and R3
Any advice is appreciated
i have a 5* Generic Awakening Gem burning a hole in my pocket. Question is should I use it or wait for something special/else?
Currently have Cap IW at R4 and Hyperion and Ghost and R3
Any advice is appreciated
I know that CapIW is better duped but he doesn’t NEED it....His utilities aren’t god level anyways.
People like OR, AA, Medusa, Void... those are def worth it
@Endarkened save it
If you have more Cosmic, do Hype!
If you have more Science, do Cap!
I don't think you can go wrong from either, but I have Hype at R4 unduped and don't regret spending those resources. I am waiting for him to get duped to unlock ridiculous fury stacks and damage.
CapIW needs to be close to sig 200 to be at his best.
ie Aegon
There’s around 9 1/2 T2A as well as a 3-4 rank up gem from Act 4&5. Not to mention two T5B.
Seems odd he only has one 4/55.
1. The champion must be among the strongest champions in the game. Opinions differ on which these are.
2. The champion must be way better awakened than unawakened. Champions like Archangel, Void, Blade, and Omega Red fall into this category (but not everyone would agree they all fall in the first category).
3. You intend to use that champion RIGHT NOW to do content you either can't do, or would be too expensive to do, that will immediately improve your resource earning potential. For example, you're trying to become Uncollected, fully explore Act 5, become Cavalier, or you're gearing up for LoL. Or you're trying to improve your performance in war, and your alliance focuses (to some degree) on war. Or you spend more potions than you want in AQ, and you think awakening this champ will reduce your potion burn substantially (one of the reasons Blade gets awakened a lot, and a good reason to do so).
It is usually #3 that people don't consider as much as the first two. Never awaken something with a generic or even a class gem unless you plan on using that champ immediately. If you do it just because "they are worth it" but you have no use for the champ right now, then the almighty RNGesus is going to hand you a natural dup with a crystal and make you cry. If you awaken Blade or Omega Red and become Cavalier, and a month later you pull a natural dup, you can still be happy you got all the benefits of doing that content earlier than later. It is the natural dup after awakening before the champ even got out of the garage that tends to sting.
So, that’s what I try to do. For example, I HAD 4/55 unawakened Medusa and Hype for months. I now have a 3/45 unawakened Corvus too, but I digress. I’ve also had a 5* cosmic awakening gem since thanksgiving.
Why haven’t I used it on one of these champs that clearly deserve it? Two reasons.
1) Medusa is better for Variant ch.3 unawakened.
2) I’ve never needed to.
The upside to this philosophy is that a week ago I naturally awakened my Hype. One down!
And I still have the gem.