Auto fight turning on by itself

I have had the auto fight option turn on randomly in difficult matches and totally kill me.
This has happened to me a several dozen or more so times in the last year and it is very frustrating. I have seen it happen so much in fact I know for certain my thumbs are nowhere near the button to activate it.
Can auto fight be an option that we can enable in settings instead of having always as a threat to undermine players in UC quests or other harder matches. No one ever is gonna use it on a difficult fight, why have it be there if it doesn't need to be?? @Kabam Miike
This has happened to me a several dozen or more so times in the last year and it is very frustrating. I have seen it happen so much in fact I know for certain my thumbs are nowhere near the button to activate it.
Can auto fight be an option that we can enable in settings instead of having always as a threat to undermine players in UC quests or other harder matches. No one ever is gonna use it on a difficult fight, why have it be there if it doesn't need to be?? @Kabam Miike
but while its off it never ever goes on by itself