Dr Strange worth more than his Yankee ability

Please can someone here tell to KABAM or take it to the hearing that Dr Strange worth more than he's. He should be one of the top 3 champ in this contest. He's the champ in charge of time. He should not be nerfed like others. Please make this champ worth having.
Can you imagine; low health, low attack, no power gain from hits,33% power over 9 secs. Just nullifies, inflict weakness and amor break. That's too poor. Give him power lock, the most power gain champ than Hyperion. Also find the chance of giving him life steal from every special attack.
Hope you listen.
Can you imagine; low health, low attack, no power gain from hits,33% power over 9 secs. Just nullifies, inflict weakness and amor break. That's too poor. Give him power lock, the most power gain champ than Hyperion. Also find the chance of giving him life steal from every special attack.
Hope you listen.
KABAM downgraded him enough. Give Hyperion, SW, and even mere mordo such abilities and a high prestige. How can you compare Dr Strange and mordo? For Christ they should switch their ability. Who the hell is mordo?
This Dr Strange should be given more.
Prestige doesn't matter to me though.
Thank you, He is great if you know how to use him. He was my MVP in act 4's final. I got so tired of others whining when he was nerfed. It was like they did not know how to play with out a god tir healing factor.
Decrease the time to 6 seconds not 9 secs.
That's my point
This. He gains power pretty slow which is my only issue with him. He's still a killer. Just in a stacked class.
No you put it down to 8... which is between his old power gain and his current gain by exactly 1 second each way.
Then maybe a slight crit rate boost in attack, block proficiency in defense, and Enervate while pink
(And maybe scale up life steal on special attacks again? That's a MAJOR issue many people complain about)
Well, I'm planning on putting him in my to champs do deal with it.
He deserves.