Even Nameless Thanos in Master cannot be KOd

I’ve spent over a thousand units on revives and he wouldn’t go lower than 17%. I am just going to skip the master and epic final quest this month. Not worth the unit spend and the Kabam folks didn’t bother scaling the rewards to make fighting Thanks on both master and epic worth the pursuit.
Good job, Kabam. Thanks for only thinking about the folks who are either willing to drop thousands of dollars for garbage rewards or those who have a full deck of R5 5*s.
Really, really, good job.

Good job, Kabam. Thanks for only thinking about the folks who are either willing to drop thousands of dollars for garbage rewards or those who have a full deck of R5 5*s.
Really, really, good job.

Used a team of:
Thor Ragnarok
Gladiator Hulk
Avengers have an advantage as they only take up to 15% damage from a special, and after 10 seconds into the fight, they gain a class advantage.
Here's what I did:
1st part - spam heavies & don't stun (Hyperion worked great)
2nd part - burst damage (again used Hyperion & a combo of heavy & sp2) once he gets down to 40% he can't be stunned, so I switched to sp1. If you don't have Hyp to chain stun him, the way to remove the inverted controls is by ending a combo with light attack.
3rd part: took some trial & error but the best way to do it is stay as close to Thanos as possible for as long as possible without putting yourself in harm's way. The closer you are, the more armor breaks he stacks on you, which means when you intercpt, you'll do more damage. I ended up finishing him with GP. She tanks his sp3 & can never be knocked out by them. After a few sp3 from him, you'll have huge amounts of armor breaks on you. I waited til I had enough for sp3, then I intercepted & immediately hit sp3. Ended up doing like 22k damage and knocking him out.
It's challenging, but definitely not impossible. You just have to approach it strategically.
Especially that you spent 1k units
Took me 2 team revives and a couple 20% solos I used...
R5 5 star Aegon
R4 5 star cap IW
R5 4 star hulk
R5 4 star hawkeye
R5 4 star gulk
Almost all those revives were the last phase... In hindsight I wish I didn't use Hawkeye or aegon... He did manage to clear Thanos down to 35% in 1 try... But then cap kept shrugging off the armor breaks in phase 3 making the fight harder for myself... OG hulk ended up being the best for that section! Timed a hulk smash with an sp3 and damage was huge even at 4 star! Willpower mastery also helps with avengers as the armor breaks allow you to heal back alot of the 15% sp3 damage! Then it's just a case of time an intercept and an sp3 since you gain power quicker in that phase... I imagine hyperion would be great for that phase too!
Alpha Scorpion
Only spent about 120 units and beat him. Used revives that were already in my stash.