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Account Sharing Bans - InfoBot "Services"

GamerMalidosGamerMalidos Member Posts: 37
You all know InfoBot, yeah? Well they just sent out a reminder about their services where a team completes parts of the game for you for money.
They claim you won't get banne because they don't use mods. Wouldn't that still be bannable, even if they don't use mods, because it's considered account sharing?



  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,965 ★★★★★
    Is still bannable. I remember there was a thread about this in the past, and a MOD said that the team knows about this and that it would take actions against it
  • GamerMalidosGamerMalidos Member Posts: 37
    I figured it was, and was therefore confused as to how InfoBot is thinking it's still a good idea to openly advertise their services.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,965 ★★★★★
    I'm sure that infobot knows about account sharing, but they still take advantage of it because we aren't seing any account sharer being banned
  • JuggerneyksJuggerneyks Member Posts: 275 ★★
    i love the sneaky wording in there to. WE GUARANTEE you wont be banned for modding because we dont mod. LOL but you very well could be banned for acct sharing.
  • Shadow_roastShadow_roast Member Posts: 399
    i love the sneaky wording in there to. WE GUARANTEE you wont be banned for modding because we dont mod. LOL but you very well could be banned for acct sharing.

    Never seen one get banned for account sharing
  • Luismarquez131Luismarquez131 Member Posts: 164
    Why'd i get flagged? I honestly never heard of it.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 13,965 ★★★★★
    I'm sorry but what's InfoBot?

    Is basically an app that gives you news about the game.
  • Luismarquez131Luismarquez131 Member Posts: 164
    Thank you, @GamerMalidos
  • CoatHang3rCoatHang3r Member Posts: 4,965 ★★★★★
    Yeah not sure why you trust the assertions of someone who cheats for a living.
  • Madman_marvinMadman_marvin Member Posts: 666 ★★★★
    I saw this. As I'm sure a mod will say soon, this is a bannable offense. Don't pay a merc to do your work and you won't need to worry about being banned.
  • MEŦAPħҰSMEŦAPħҰS Member Posts: 340 ★★
    how them showing bans be nice? we just witnessed 2 weeks of banned players complain on the forum.
  • HavardHavard Member Posts: 10
    Pm for inquiries. :wink:
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,547 Guardian
    I figured it was, and was therefore confused as to how InfoBot is thinking it's still a good idea to openly advertise their services.

    Because people are idiots. Many people are willing to assert things like "they won't ban people for account sharing because everyone does it" and "they only ban for mods, 'normal' sharing is fine" and "they can't really tell who's account sharing so they can't ban for it."

    In the general case, it is very difficult to prove someone account shared. Key words: in the general case. If someone is offering a commercial mercenary service to complete content for other players and they get on someone's radar, that can theoretically be traced on a case by case basis. If it is worth the trouble, you can figure this out. Deciding to make an example of a merc might make it worth the time.

    A pet peeve of mine is the person who believes that it is impossible to "prove" they did something wrong, so they double down on any accusation of wrongdoing. Its the whole "you can't possibly prove I did this wrong thing, so the fact that you are accusing me implies you are someone willing to accuse someone of wrong doing without evidence, which makes you the bad person." They are never as clever as they think they are.
  • wray1976wray1976 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike would be nice if you guys showed bans for acct sharing happen

    maybe even ban the guy advertising these services
    kinda seem like a slap in the face to be like screw your tos ill do what i want

    They won't ban accounts for sharing. They know they will take a big $$$ hit. It would affect way more accounts then most people would think.

    Its the Merc's they don't want and hacks/3rd party cheats. This is my personal opinion so it holds no value but I know Kabam aren't stupid/naive.

  • DeathBringer77DeathBringer77 Member Posts: 159
    Lost a ton of respect for infobot seeing this. If you can't beat hard content on your own, stop playing. It's insulting to everyone who plays this game. Kabam should go undercover and find these guys and ban them for life.
  • unknownunknown Member Posts: 378
    wray1976 wrote: »
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    @Kabam Miike would be nice if you guys showed bans for acct sharing happen

    maybe even ban the guy advertising these services
    kinda seem like a slap in the face to be like screw your tos ill do what i want

    They won't ban accounts for sharing. They know they will take a big $$$ hit. It would affect way more accounts then most people would think.

    Its the Merc's they don't want and hacks/3rd party cheats. This is my personal opinion so it holds no value but I know Kabam aren't stupid/naive.

    Sure, and I bet every account banned was only for modding.....smgdh
  • DavidHokeDavidHoke Member Posts: 22
    They even responded to this thread:


    I haven't been using infobot for long but I lost complete respect for them when I saw these services being offered just as I have no respect for anyone who has to cheat to get ahead. Time to start making examples of these people.
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    @Kabam Miike An example needs to made of "mercs" and people who offer to beat content for you in exchange for money. If someone is willing to pay someone else $200 to complete a path in LoL (that $200 not counting the units they have to buy), then that's $200 that player spent on this game that's not going into Kabam's pocket.

    Make an example, do some investigations, ban the serial offenders for 14 days. This doesn't warrant a permanent ban or anything like that. That's all you need to do and this will stop. Send out a warning in-game mail that anyone caught paying someone else to play on their account will be issued an appropriate punishment for breaking the TOS. If you really want to scare people shitless, echo out that message again that cheaters and "mercenaries" will have their Uncollected status permanently removed, so they will be ineligible for any benefits that come from being Uncollected.
  • StefffStefff Member Posts: 121
    I won't get into heavy detail or start a debate with Mike cause he'll never admit to it anyways but what Kabam is threatening is illegal. You cannot ban somebody for account sharing, and thats why they haven't. And it doesn't matter what they print in the TOS because anybody that knows anything about business law knows that if the TOS is deemed unlawful, then the act itself cannot be punishable. Account sharing is no different then me handing you my phone and letting you play. They don't own the accounts, we do, they don't own the passwords, we do. They offered the service of accessing for a different mobile device so now they are stuck with it. And again, for all they people that will tell me I'm wrong, go look it up, there are plenty of internet gaming precedents out there. Once we start an account and dedicate time, money and effort into it, it's ours. They can close the game, but they don't own our saved info..... which is also why they legally can't stop us from selling our accounts. They just assume nobody has the time or money to sue them. Mods get banned because they are altering patented and copywrited material owned by Kabam, but that's where it stops. I'm not suggesting you let people do things for u, Kabam definitely isn't going to help u if you get scammed, but just know that not everything Mike and Kabam pitch is a strike.

    Kabam actually owns all accounts in their game. It is not unlawful, therefore, to determine what can or cannot be done with them. Furthermore, I personally know players who have been banned for account sharing. Also, Kabam doesn't own the copyrights to most of the stuff in the game because it is marvel characters and they are using the unity game engine, not their own.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,524 ★★★★★
    I won't get into heavy detail or start a debate with Mike cause he'll never admit to it anyways but what Kabam is threatening is illegal. You cannot ban somebody for account sharing, and thats why they haven't. And it doesn't matter what they print in the TOS because anybody that knows anything about business law knows that if the TOS is deemed unlawful, then the act itself cannot be punishable. Account sharing is no different then me handing you my phone and letting you play. They don't own the accounts, we do, they don't own the passwords, we do. They offered the service of accessing for a different mobile device so now they are stuck with it. And again, for all they people that will tell me I'm wrong, go look it up, there are plenty of internet gaming precedents out there. Once we start an account and dedicate time, money and effort into it, it's ours. They can close the game, but they don't own our saved info..... which is also why they legally can't stop us from selling our accounts. They just assume nobody has the time or money to sue them. Mods get banned because they are altering patented and copywrited material owned by Kabam, but that's where it stops. I'm not suggesting you let people do things for u, Kabam definitely isn't going to help u if you get scammed, but just know that not everything Mike and Kabam pitch is a strike.

    You can absolutely ban someone for Account Sharing because it violates TOS. It is not illegal. What is illegal, is profiting from the digital property of Kabam. Which is what these people who are racketeering are doing. There is nothing illegal about enforcing the TOS that everyone agrees to, which state that no one is allowed to share Accounts, and we are not allowed to give our Login Information to anyone. For any reason.
  • Imthatdamnbad82Imthatdamnbad82 Member Posts: 181
    I won't get into heavy detail or start a debate with Mike cause he'll never admit to it anyways but what Kabam is threatening is illegal. You cannot ban somebody for account sharing, and thats why they haven't. And it doesn't matter what they print in the TOS because anybody that knows anything about business law knows that if the TOS is deemed unlawful, then the act itself cannot be punishable. Account sharing is no different then me handing you my phone and letting you play. They don't own the accounts, we do, they don't own the passwords, we do. They offered the service of accessing for a different mobile device so now they are stuck with it. And again, for all they people that will tell me I'm wrong, go look it up, there are plenty of internet gaming precedents out there. Once we start an account and dedicate time, money and effort into it, it's ours. They can close the game, but they don't own our saved info..... which is also why they legally can't stop us from selling our accounts. They just assume nobody has the time or money to sue them. Mods get banned because they are altering patented and copywrited material owned by Kabam, but that's where it stops. I'm not suggesting you let people do things for u, Kabam definitely isn't going to help u if you get scammed, but just know that not everything Mike and Kabam pitch is a strike.

    You dont own anything in regards to the game. They have made that clear with their regard to change whatever purchase you make in the game. Illegal? No, its not. Every website, game, forum, whatever it is, all have their rules, regulations, terms of service. And they can all very easily ban you for breaking that content. Tell Mark Zuckerburg hes not allowed to ban an account because that person owns it. They clearly state in their TOS they own all content, and they do.
  • TheSoundMcgeeTheSoundMcgee Member Posts: 3
    I've been told by many people that having multiple accounts is like account sharing and against ToS
  • klobberintymeklobberintyme Member Posts: 1,547 ★★★★
    source: thinkgamingdotcom

    This is all fun kids, but nonsense about account sharing, bans, snitching, youtube kids making hack videos, jackasses playing games for other jackasses for pay, sniping on message boards, in the big picture it's all a joke and largely inconsequential for a game worth $800 million. No one in senior management cares about account sharing or mods.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,524 ★★★★★
    I've been told by many people that having multiple accounts is like account sharing and against ToS

    Multiple Accounts is allowed. Sharing Accounts is not.
  • TheSoundMcgeeTheSoundMcgee Member Posts: 3
    Then what does the infobot have to do with this?
This discussion has been closed.