Superior signature monthly card

Urkel2Urkel2 Member Posts: 371 ★★
How does everyone feel about its pricing? A few days ago i went out and made the mistake of buying a $50 google play gift card thinking surely i can find a great deal for $50..then today came and i was so excited for that awakening gem..then i realized this months card was actually 70 instead of 50.. I was just wondering how others felt about these deals lately and their prices..and also what we in in comparison to the price when looking at other games.. I am certain if this deal was $50 i wouldve bought it.. But it isnt and i didnt because they dont sell $70 google play cards.. Just looking for opinions on this deal really

Superior signature monthly card 78 votes

Prices are too high
ThatweirdguyNEOVdh2008ShrimkinsDrZolaThe_OnezuffySIlverProfessorAgame86TerraCheddarBobBboychoboPwf57GramNichoas_1KennadoA l p h aAhitlawOsfan8Number72883 49 votes
Prices are Too low
They are just right
GroundedWisdomdanielmathRandomlyGeneratedNiteAndDaeB_Dizzle_01Mathking13CUBMrOnizukaTankRichardsonneilr3595mgj0630REiiGN15CapAvenger 13 votes
We want better rewards for the prices
ArcDeAngelusBigPoppaCBONEMaximus_SpankersonSpity68AlCapone27271haunted_memorySixshot1LilMaddogHTjtnave23LaVarBBBRougeknight87Denzel116FhfjghhggggjfhfjgItsDamienGeorgiaDawgLongtimegamer 16 votes


  • mgj0630mgj0630 Member Posts: 1,100 ★★★★
    They are just right
    It could be a gamble since it's a random class AG, but if you have a champ of each class worthy, then I'd say it's worth it.
  • Sixshot1Sixshot1 Member Posts: 459 ★★
    We want better rewards for the prices
    Personally haven't spent on the game in a while, but for a random class awakening gem that you can't guarantee, as well as half of the sig stones being for random classes, there's not enough guaranteed value to be worth the price for the average summoner. IMO.
  • TyEdgeTyEdge Member Posts: 3,127 ★★★★★
    Bigger issue to me is that we got a free gem at Xmas and another via Nick Fury. I got incredibly, incredibly lucky with a last stand crystal and got a third. Two of the three aren't useful to me and are sitting in my inventory. If I could guarantee one for Void, however...
  • Thanos_CarThanos_Car Member Posts: 298
    Prices are too high
    Should be 50 quid.
  • MrOnizukaMrOnizuka Member Posts: 121
    They are just right
    Not gonna spend $70 and get the same mystic AGs over and over again.. Currently I have 2 mystic AGs sitting in my inventory and I dont have any good mystic champs to use em on. If its a generic then I will be buying it
  • CheddarBobCheddarBob Member Posts: 64
    Prices are too high
    Especially with failures to fix bugs. Never get a dime from me. Corrupt company
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,619 ★★★★★
    They are just right
    First of all, those Gems are not that common. They were a great deal more this time, last year. Secondly, the Gems aren't the only Items being sold. There are others things included in that Offer. Thirdly, these Offers are for different demographics, and I don't think it's reasonable or to scale when people start determining what the price "should" be.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,619 ★★★★★
    They are just right
    If you asked me what the price of a Summer Home should be, I'll probably say free. Lol.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,619 ★★★★★
    They are just right
    You don't know anything about me, actually. Thanks for sticking to the Topic, though. Lol.
  • CheddarBobCheddarBob Member Posts: 64
    Prices are too high
    We ALL know everything about him. Infamous, not famous. And who said I was talking to him :)
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,619 ★★★★★
    They are just right
    Right......moving on.
  • GramGram Member Posts: 9
    Prices are too high
    Superior offer should be for 6* not for 5*, for five star offer should be generic gem
  • Urkel2Urkel2 Member Posts: 371 ★★
    Prices are too high
    I agree that it would be worth it if we could select the class.. But seeing as how we cant it feels like its less worth while... Im not saying its a bad deal by any means
  • KennadoKennado Member Posts: 999 ★★★
    Prices are too high
    Horrible value especially with the rng scaled to give you what you already have. Hard pass for those out there considering it.
  • ItsDamienItsDamien Member Posts: 5,626 ★★★★★
    We want better rewards for the prices
    Should have been a generic for the price. We've seen "returning" players get an offer for a Generic for less.
  • loader187loader187 Member Posts: 222 ★★
    I had thought about it. However, an alliance member got it and guess what.... Got his 3rd mystic in a row. Thank you Kabam for making that happen. You saved me $70.00.
  • SlimeballSlimeball Member Posts: 340 ★★
    seeing people pick fights with groundedwisdom is the best part of this forum
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,140 ★★★★★
    Prices are too high
    Anything determined by pRNG in game should be priced at a steep discount.

    After 4+ years of (mostly) getting the one class/item/champ I didn’t need, it’s hard to drop real currency for one more spin of the wheel—especially when I’ve been holding AGs in four classes for several months to a year.

    What entices me to spend on gems and rank-up items is having champs worthy of them. My most recent batch of OG Cap, AntMan, Falcon, Juggs and IP 5*’s are enough to make you lock away the wallet and take a pass on this month’s jumble of events.

    Dr. Zola
  • A l p h aA l p h a Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    edited May 2019
    Prices are too high
    If you could choose the class of your gem it would be abit more valuable... But I personally would never spend £70 on a freaking mobile game... Anything above £20 is a no go for me regardless what it is, you're paying for a small amount of data to upgrade more data... In some cases as an example you can buy a week's worth of groceries for usually enough t5b to be 1/10 of the way of ranking 1 champion...That's nuts... In my opinion! But thankfully with the whales who are willing to spend ridiculous amounts on a game to keep it running I don't have to worry.. Especially when really the only thing spending alot of money has a major effect on is staying ahead in alliance war... And with rewards the way they are in that right now... Definitely not worth spending hundreds of £ a month to stay relevant 😂

    Alpha Scorpion
  • Ultra8529Ultra8529 Member Posts: 526 ★★★
    Prices are too high
    Recent trends in the deals makes it very clear that Kabam is milking the last of the 5* materials. They have to because the game, at least at the end game, has pivoted towards 6*s. 6*s are for all intents and purposes the endgame of MCOC because I doubt anyone will still be around for 7*s (assuming each new rank takes a year, like r5 5*s did, thats another 3 years of relevance).

    That means that in 6 months time, every t5b, sig stone, and other rank up material spent on 5*s will be greatly diminished in value. Everyone is much better off saving either cash or in game units for 6* promotional deals. Most notably is the usual 4th July deals. That is usually a pre-cursor of where the game is going, and most likely this year it will feature 6* materials, possibly an AG or at least 6* sig stones, or t5cc for r3 6*s.
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