Omega Red 90% bleed reduction bugged?

I was testing OR out in AQ and his bleed from MS seems way off compared to what it should be. These pics are the same Mini on the same day. This would mean her bleed would be over 2k right? Can anyone help me with the math?

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He has both actually
As for omega red im not sure...
Use his l1 and l3 against ms. OR won't died I hope. Also I thought bleed can be regeneration node for omega with will power. With calculation the bleed should be 52 per tick for omega red. It's bugged.
Are you saying that armor and resistances reduce base damage before its enhanced by nodes? Is that how The Thing’s safe guard works? I don’t think so. Bleed damage is bleed damage. This must be fixed
OR ability is to reduce bleed damage by 90%, this value shouldn't be affected.
Just like the mastery Coagulate which makes your champion take 30% less damage from bleeds
neither of these have any indication that they're effectiveness can be decreased.
Therefore i would expect them to do as they say.
The node is enhancing the bleed not reducing my resistance to bleed ( How i see it)
Someone pointed out this is working fine for beast but i can't think of any other champs to test this with. As majority either shrug off or reduce the duration.
Now if what you are saying is true in regards to this reduction only being applied to the base bleed then why is it not working like that for the rest of the game. When you get a bleed from a champ with increased attack, the reduction is not applied only on the bleed damage from the base attack but by the 'enhanced' bleed damage from the increased attack node. I also doubt the enhanced critical rating and damage is being ignored by armor or crit reducing abilities
I just think its a cop out because maybe the way the node is coded you don't want to go back.
I believe whats happening is Omega Red gets a bleed he reduces it by 90%, The enhanced bleed node is then calculated after this which is why we get the higher bleed damage as opposed to the enhanced bleed being calculated then applied then OR should reduce that damage.
a node which enhances bleed is not the same as reducing bleed resistance, which is what is happening
The choice is therefore have this enhanced bleed cause the extra damage (90+10-40 = 60% reduction), or have coagulate not make OR take no bleed damage (90+10%*10% = 91% reduction)
What do you mean by "base damage of the bleed" said by KABAM?
Does it mean the actual Morningstar's base bleed damage which is 1150.5 over 5 seconds?
Doesn't the bleed damage increases due to the attack boost node too? I'm confused.
We all know any DoT timer that we see on the screen is per 0.5 second or we all call it 'per tick'.
Morningstar's bleed last for 5 seconds.
So, 198 x 2 x 5 = 1980 bleed damage total.
@Kabam Zibiit said there's a 40% enhanced bleed after Omega Red reduces the base bleed damage. (I seriously have no idea what does he mean by 'base bleed damage')
Anyway, let's make ? = Original bleed damage that Omega takes before 40% enhanced bleed node.
1.4 x ? = 1980
? = 1414.29
Now I don't know where to go from here.
If 1414.29 is the 10% bleed damage taken by Omega, then Morningstar's original bleed damage would be 14,143 which is ridiculous!
@Kabam Zibiit care to explain the math here? Because I really feel like something is off. It's suspicious.
If I dex quick, the defender loses anywhere from 1-4 spores when the dex processes. I'm compiling some video comparisons. This is a game mechanic that would only be node affected by ability accuracy modification nodes, right?
This still needs to be revisited and fixed.
Also anyone who has any points in coagulate, can you verify how that mastery works with enhanced bleed nodes. i.e. is this mastery only applied to the base bleed too.
you continue to regurgitate the same response without reading or addressing what people have stated in the thread.
Honestly anyone who posted in this thread and is trying to discuss this topic is fully aware of what the mods have said in this post.
Since you like to keep commenting, maybe you can explain how a "enhanced bleed" means a reduction in resistance ?
The node doesn't say
" A Players resistance to bleed is reduced by 40%"
Care to explain what a base bleed is, seeing as enhanced attack nodes are also increasing the bleed damage.
Also why is this this the only resistance that applies to base bleed only ?
we have enhanced armor, Enhanced Crit, Enhanced Crit damage. You telling me mechanics like crit resistence, armor, block proficiency, block penetration, armor penetration all are applied to the base values of each ?
if your response is going to be "because the mods have said that how it is working" then please refrain from responding unless you are going to add any value to the discussion.