Community's Choice: Champion Update



  • KestonDecker13KestonDecker13 Member Posts: 14
    I would love to see Magneto or Falcon get buffed. I definitely think they both deserve to be so much better than they are in game
  • NabiletyNabilety Member Posts: 54
    I vote Hulkbuster, pulled him as a 6-star the other day as I did a rollover from Captain America (Infinity War). I took that very personally, consumed by hatred, knowing damn well he is a mold serving no purpose in this game other than being decorative, thus should've been disregarded from the 6-star pool like all other outdated rotten champions. As a matter of fact, you can delete Hulkbuster from the game, and nobody would care. He's so dull.
  • adramelchadramelch Member Posts: 98
    Everyone on that list + for future reference: Hulkbuster, Deadpool X-force, Magneto(both), Cyclops(both), Iron Man(og), Cap(og), Phoenix, Joe Fixit, Jane Foster, Falcon, War Machine and a couple of others I'm sure I'm missing
  • MahampoopMahampoop Member Posts: 1
    Venompool and Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)
  • TAIN61TAIN61 Member Posts: 8
    Doctor Strange should be on the list and brought back to his original glory. We’ve all forgot about how much fun he used to be because he was neutered horribly so long ago. Rework DS please 🙏🏻.
  • TheSovietDJTheSovietDJ Member Posts: 55
    Colossus and Or Iron patriot please
  • Haldir1983Haldir1983 Member Posts: 20
    Collossus pls :smiley: and make him top 5 attacker!!!! :wink:
  • Igu4n4Igu4n4 Member Posts: 31
    edited May 2019
    Omg... IRON PATRIOT,.. he’s been useless since the day he was released.

    Ig (hi Craig)

  • JgrnotJgrnot Member Posts: 43
    Colossus or OML. And Wolvie could use an adjustment. I’d trade SOME regen for bleed and posion resistances. And give him his hot claws for incinerate.
  • CreatyCreaty Member Posts: 6
    Mutant: DPX and Colossua
    Science: Fixit (kabam’s forgotten champ)
    Skill: Netflix DD
    Mystic: UC (Iron Fist has more utility than he does)
    Tech: Hulkbuster hands down
    Cosmic: Groot ( Even KK does more)
  • Mr_NightcrawlerMr_Nightcrawler Member Posts: 1
    Now I have only Old Man Logan and Iron Patriot 5* version and I'll vote for them))
  • 7Deko77Deko7 Member Posts: 1
    Groot forever!
  • RodriguesetRodrigueset Member Posts: 1
    Groot upgrade
  • Dose_rocksDose_rocks Member Posts: 29
    Iron patriot pulled him as a 5* a few times buff him and then i can actually use him
  • PedrozeiroPedrozeiro Member Posts: 0
  • JohnHSJohnHS Member Posts: 509 ★★★
    Give him great block proficiency, long stuns on the special, and some Luke Cage-style Indestructible for SP3s. Also he should just hit really hard. Maybe he can stack armor and fury by parrying.
  • Whododo872Whododo872 Member Posts: 1,042 ★★★
    baggins said:

    OML is available as a 6*, you know...

    Where he at?

    Woah that’s so weird
    I was basically certain he was in the 6* pool.
    Wow, that’s kinda embarrassing. My bad 😅
  • ChanMan007ChanMan007 Member Posts: 9
    @Kabam Miike can this rework poll be a reoccurring thing? Every 2 months there’s a new old champ reworked and another one taken in for reworking? It would be a lot of work having to do this consistently, but the community would really enjoy it because we all have a lot of champs we’ll never rank up because they are that far out of the meta. Doing this would be a great way to involve the community into the game we plat and continue to stay on the community’s good side!
  • ZuroZuro Member Posts: 2,849 ★★★★★
  • TaZ_4178TaZ_4178 Member Posts: 506 ★★
  • iamthegodofwariamthegodofwar Member Posts: 74
    Can’t they just rework all of them?
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian

    Old Man Logan
    Howard the Duck
    Iron Patriot
    Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)

    My vote would probably go to Colossus. Second place would be Groot. Third would be Old Man Logan.
  • HeroBoltsyHeroBoltsy Member Posts: 785 ★★★
    I think I'd vote for Groot or OML...Colossus is such a meme at this point I don't want his meme to go away, lol. Also, love that the devs are doing something like this; I understand that these take a while to do, and I love that we get to have a say in what it is. Awesome event!
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian

    So, my vote is definitely going to be Colossus. I've personally been pitching a rework for him for quite some time that would give him a little more attack power, but really amp up his defensive capabilities. I'm not designer though, so I doubt that my idea would make it.

    Why do I think Colossus should win? Partially just because he is one of my favourite Marvel Characters. I remember seeing him appear on the old Cartoon for the first time. This big metal man with a heart of gold, and all he wanted to do was protect his village and his sister (spoiler alert: It's Magik, even though she never used her powers in the show).

    Then in X-Men vs Avengers, when he takes on part of the Phoenix Force, he became part of the Phoenix 5, which are still one of my favourite iterations of the Mutant team.

    Fast Forward to Deadpool (his roles in the other X-Men films were sometimes cool but never at the forefront of the film), and there's Colossus again, once again the big metal man with the heart of gold. Only now, he's ready to kick ass, which he really gets into in Deadpool 2.

    Anyways, game wise, I think he could be a great tanky defender, but personally, I just want to buff up one of my favourites.

    PS. In case of a tie, I get to cast the tie breaking vote, and if it's a tie with Colossus... You've all been warned :tongue:

    Anyways isn't a word. It's anyway. Can't be plural. 😝
    A lot of people colloquially use "anyways" instead of "anyway" but proper English does mean all those "anyways" should really be a bunch of anyways instead.
  • DiegoPiekasDiegoPiekas Member Posts: 1
    Colossus and iron Patriot
  • JayCeeJayCee Member Posts: 732 ★★

    Old Man Logan
    Howard the Duck
    Iron Patriot
    Ms Marvel (Kamala Khan)

    1. Colossus
    2. Iron Patriot
    3. Groot
    4. Kamala Khan
    5. Old Man Logan
    6. Venompool
    7. Howard the Duck
  • KingStarckKingStarck Member Posts: 1
    Colosso deve e merece ser melhorado
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,511 ★★★★★
    Since we have only one to choose, I'd have to say KK. She's been a Meme for far too long. #justiceforembiggen
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,423 Guardian
    Vdh2008 said:

    Not sure why we need a 3 month process to update one champ. Why not just do what you did with Gamora and up them all?

    Gamora took more than 3 months to update.
    That’s not my point. You updated her without an announcement or build up. You guys should honestly be releasing 2-4 champ updates a month with how many truly terrible champs there are.

    You need to prioritize those in the 6* pool first. There is nothing worse than waiting months to get a crystal only to pull a:
    Both cyclops
    Ant man
    Pun 2099
    Hulk buster
    Cap WWII
    black bolt
    King groot
    Jane foster
    King pin
    Thor rags
    Moon knight
    Civil warrior

    This garbage make people want to quit the game. One champ that isn’t even a 6* three months from now doesn’t mater.
    2-4 Champion Updates a month would mean that we can't release a New Champion for over a year. This is not an easy process, takes a lot longer than it may seem. There is almost no difference between reworking a Champion and creating a new one from scratch.

    We are trying to get to do as many of these reworks as we can, but I want to make sure you guys understand that doing them at a pace quicker than we have been or have laid out is not physically possible, and I don't want anybody to get ahead of themselves and think that we'll be able to update a new Champion every month or two.
    I think the issue is that some of these trash tier champs can be "fixed" very easily. You don't need to completely reinvent the wheel here. Add some attack to some that need it. Some armor or fury to others. By all means if you want to select 1 or 2 to "re-design" go ahead, but some of these can be made relevant very easily.
    If you were the only designer working on the game, answerable to no one, managed by no one, and working in conjunction with no one, this would be easy. But in the real world, this isn't easy. You'd get stopped immediately by a producer or a manager asking you to justify the work you want to do to "easily" fix those champs, demonstrating that those changes would work, would not introduce balance issues, did not have any unusual interactions with other champs, and wouldn't need to be immediately revisited in their haste. And if you bribed your way past that gatekeeper, your coworker that has been thinking about much more interesting ways to buff those champions other than with a numbers fudge would toss you out the window, as those quick hacks would, if they worked, immediately destroy any chance of getting anything better into the game in the future.
    Vdh2008 said:

    We are constantly being told that the team that creates new champs is different from the team that fixes bugs, etc, etc. You can easily create new champs AND fix trash tier champs.

    I'm pretty sure that the same people that make new champions also rebalance older champions. Those would be champion designers. They work on champion design. They can't generally investigate game mechanics, systems design, server implementation, cloud APIs, platform engines, or the artsy content (sound, visual fx, model animations and kinematics, etc). Most "bugs" aren't in the champion design, although some are. When the bug is or is likely in the design, it is probably the responsibility of the designer of the specific champion to investigate.
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