I’m very disappointed at the content released this month.

Title says it all. With the release of endgame I, and presumably others, thought that this month would be full of well thought out events and fun content. Instead it’s bugged, too hard, then nerfed to nothing. I’m not gonna start on the “rewards” because “not everything is aimed to help everyone”. I’m just very disappointed in the lack of creative, fun and functional events this month.
I love the infinity stone thing, but honestly only cap is worth anything. And since they always love money, the buff is not going to be great for the character poll either if you pick collossus. Colossus is going to be a defensive tank, and he will be still as garbage as he is today. There is a chance he could be good, but then again, quoting seatin,
Cash, money, cash, money.
Its the typical point of, if you dont want to do it, don’t do it, i’ve personally skipped every monthly event this month and only did UC last month, besides the bounties, i was just doing aq.
I wonder how much an automatic cheese grader is.........
Im not saying the Quest for the Stones was the best idea. I don't particularly like it but that's what Kabam decided to do to tribute the Infinity Stone arc coming to a close. In MCOC Universe, Thanos and the Black Order will continue to exist where as in the MCU (for all we know) they will not.
You built up this month in your mind and you were let down because you thought it was going to be more that what it is. No different than during X-mas and the "?" on the calendar when everyone thought we were getting RDT's or some other great surprise and turned out to be something way less.