Correction: Why Mutants are Overwhelming,

Mutants are one of the best classes in the game. Sure colossus might be trash, but thats how he is going to remain. Because of the green paper, he will only become a def tank. I mean, what can they do with armour up? The only decent armour up is iron man iw, but please, counter me in the comments if you want.
Also, mutants are one of the best classes in the game, and dont tell me that they need more in that catagory. Magneto has irritating ab accuracy reduct to tech, which pretty much makes him have an advantage towards tech anyways. Havok pure and simple oneshots people, domino is probably going to be nerfed, if not being silent nerfed at the moment. Sabertooth stacks fury, wolverine regens somuch that he is only a 4 star, archangel bleeds insanely, iceman is pretty much a tank with insane immunities, omega red is good with suicides, and has insane degen, bishop is very underrated, x23 good for labryinth, deapool regens, emma frost is also good with suicides and hits hard...
Need I say more? This is why mutants are already good.
Now I dont mean this in any offensive way, but really consider before you push the vote button.
Also, mutants are one of the best classes in the game, and dont tell me that they need more in that catagory. Magneto has irritating ab accuracy reduct to tech, which pretty much makes him have an advantage towards tech anyways. Havok pure and simple oneshots people, domino is probably going to be nerfed, if not being silent nerfed at the moment. Sabertooth stacks fury, wolverine regens somuch that he is only a 4 star, archangel bleeds insanely, iceman is pretty much a tank with insane immunities, omega red is good with suicides, and has insane degen, bishop is very underrated, x23 good for labryinth, deapool regens, emma frost is also good with suicides and hits hard...
Need I say more? This is why mutants are already good.
Now I dont mean this in any offensive way, but really consider before you push the vote button.
Groot was a close second for me on the list though. I currently have too many good cosmic 5*s to spread resources to right now.
I voted Colossus because of that. Be honest.
Hes better on defense than offense, but he can do things like stop parry and all that.
And his sp2 dmg is good, so maybe.
The only time that i think he will get kinda good is if he has indestructable and unstoppable, which would make sense. Im just saying he will get a high def rating and useless.
I don't think the odds are good he gets indestructible or unstoppable. I would bet on faster armor stacking and better damage mechanics with armor stacks.
Red Hulk
Luke Cage
And polling for more changes. What about this effort to revamp champs considered trash says they want trash champs in the game?
Sure I wouldn't expect anything too crazy or complex, but I don't think it'll just all revolve around just his armor ups, either.
Yes Im salty about pulling a five star groot that other day,
But that is irrelevant.
Im just pointing out that mutants have a use,
Skill- Blade gets danger sense against him and kills him easy.
Tech- Starlord makes quick work of him.
Cosmic- Corvus makes it easy and gets a mission.
Science- He can't touch quake.
Mystic- Magik limbos him to death.
These just to name a few. Hes horrible as is.