Does the Summoner Have a Physical Form?

Does the Summoner in the game (the player) have a physical form in the Battlerealm? Or do all champions break the fourth wall by talking to the player directly? I'd love to hear a statement on this from the mods
Carina : Ahh, so this is one of them, huh?
Ægon : They are, yes.
Carina : Well it's a real treat to meet you, summoner! I've heard you and your people are responsible for cleaning up a lot of messes around here.
Carina basically is acknowledging all the players when saying 'one of the them.' You happen to be that one who's in communication with her at that moment. So, in essence, each summoner's form is unique. We all are different, and come from different places. So the summoner is in fact you. Your Summoner ID is part of the representation of you within the story.
It would be interesting if they could replace 'summoner' with our individual IDs during the in game dialogue. Would be further indication that it is in fact the player within the story. To make the 'summoner' a singluar entity with 1 form would in my eyes diminish the aforementioned statement from Carina.
Hey, I could be wrong, but it makes the most sense overall in my eyes. To each their own with this one as it seems open to interpretation. Just a bit of perspective on the matter
Archangel, I choose you!!!!!!
I guess not
I imagine most summoners look similar.