Should the Black Order be Villains

Kabam Why I mean look at the Black order they are all mercenaries and they helped Thanos Raze and Kill over Half of all living things each planet after planet and they helped to try and wipe 50% of all living things and let's not forget they tried to kill the avengers but that's what Villains do Right The black order has killed Hundreds maybe more and they are mercenaries they should be Villains why did kabam make them mercenaries it makes no sense at all Kabam MAKE THEM VILLAINS
Should the Black Order be Villains 109 votes
Take Taskmaster for example. In the comics he was once an agent for shield. Now he sells his services to highest bidder. He doesn’t care if you are a despot or a benevolent person that champions the weak and downtrodden. Pay him and he’ll do whatever you ask.
Prox and cull are stupid simple to fight, corvus just requires you to be a bit careful on certain nodes. You dont need danger sense at all for them. Blade doesnt need to cut through every single thing. 🤷♂️
Black order are also villains, they dont have to be the boss to be one. The definition for a villain is 'a character whose evil actions or motives are important to the plot'. As far as I can tell the black orders actions fall into this category. Whether they should be tagged in game as villains due to balance or not is another story but they definitely are villains in the movies