Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Version 14.1 Discussion Thread



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    wray1976wray1976 Posts: 459 ★★
    Akaon007 wrote: »
    Over the past few days, i have used 3 Four star Sig. Stones, on both Electro and War machine.
    Their Ratings DECREASED!!!
    What happened?

    Same here. I added Sig stones into GP and her P.I. dropped below Rocket. Makes no sense.
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    Mcord11758Mcord11758 Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    In aw I charged in on bpcw too early and he hit me with the last kick of his l2. Node 26. Did almost 20k damage on my rank 4 drax. How is that possible? He was only 9k rated.
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    Volcanic45Volcanic45 Posts: 86
    So for the first time in months I've loss all my champs in aw and AQ I have not used these many pots in months since that one update ??? What's going on with the game and I fought a invisible night crawler in aw and if u do a 5 hit combo you get stuck and can't evade wow wow wow oh and I used a few Sig stones and when I used them there pi and Sig ability went down smh
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    Volcanic45Volcanic45 Posts: 86
    wray1976 wrote: »
    Akaon007 wrote: »
    Over the past few days, i have used 3 Four star Sig. Stones, on both Electro and War machine.
    Their Ratings DECREASED!!!
    What happened?

    Same here. I added Sig stones into GP and her P.I. dropped below Rocket. Makes no sense.

    Same happen for me on my voodoo and AA I'm scared to use more
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    xoRIVALoxxoRIVALox Posts: 247
    Is ANYTHING actually ever going to get fixed?

    Nvm we already know the answer
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    NeoVampyrNeoVampyr Posts: 28
    If you can't fix this new batch of bugs, just allow us to dowgrade to 14.0 ... This update is really a pain ...
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    Nabz034Nabz034 Posts: 209 ★★

    How is it that once a player maxes out a 5*, meaning they reach 200 for the signature ability, if they duplicate the 5*, they get 24 pieces of ISO and gold?

    How is that fair? That's 10,000-15,000 5* shards and for some of us it takes months just to get 10,000.

    Is there a fix for this? Anything that's being worked on?

    This isn't a big issue right now for most players cause most players haven't reached that point yet, but if one does, then what? They are penalized for trying to advance in the game?

    Help me understand this?
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    nicoroman777nicoroman777 Posts: 24
    edited August 2017
    Nabz034 wrote: »

    How is it that once a player maxes out a 5*, meaning they reach 200 for the signature ability, if they duplicate the 5*, they get 24 pieces of ISO and gold?

    How is that fair? That's 10,000-15,000 5* shards and for some of us it takes months just to get 10,000.

    Is there a fix for this? Anything that's being worked on?

    This isn't a big issue right now for most players cause most players haven't reached that point yet, but if one does, then what? They are penalized for trying to advance in the game?

    Help me understand this?

    Wait until 6* shards comes out. That's the state of the game today. Just a few players have this issue. The same happened before the addition of the 5* champions to the game. Maybe around Juni, when every new 3*, 4* or 5* champ added to the contest would be available at the same time in those respectively cristals we will be able to see the announcement of the 6* and 6* shards. But for now long... wait.
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    DrFreakyDrFreaky Posts: 30
    edited August 2017
    Hey guys anyone knows how to change the password? I really don't know why kabam is making it difficult to change, I already tried reset password, and it says i will be able to reset on the main menu of the game, but its not true.
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    jp2835jp2835 Posts: 147
    @Kabam Miike this update is better but still getting kicked on half health after getting "connection lost " in AQ
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    Stonecross3Stonecross3 Posts: 0
    A_DOE_75 wrote: »
    Why do you guys have to play with parry every update? If it isn't broke don't fix it. It is completely inconsistent....and vastly different from the previous upgrade. Also seeing blocks broken like many users have stated. Also you claim to have fixed the ai recovering while in mid combo to block specials but this is still happening to me constantly. Most notably with iron man. All these together make the game almost unplayable. My alliance is not running map 6 because of it. Please get info on this. FIX PARRY PLEASE!

    Just discussing this same issue with fellow alliance members, almost seems like kabam is trying to see how much nerfing they can get away with.
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    S1N1STR3S1N1STR3 Posts: 53
    @Kabam Miike hello. Huge problems in mastery set up, like evasion and parry seems not working as they should be. I imagine it's not the only bug you guy's have, because every time u guy's add a new quest, heroe, or other kind off change, there's always several errors coming behind this updates.

    You guy's should create a backup configuration to intercept where the bugs are going after each update. Other thing u guy's should invite some players who have time to test you're further updates before they come out, in case u guy's dont have enough testers to the game in exchange some vip rewards. It's just an idea

    Because if you guy's want to us pay for some deal u guy's doing or orther offer for something broken it's not to great though. Image if you buy a phone for 400€/$, and the phone keeps doing restart for it's self every 30 minutes. I'm wondering you guy's going to the store to ask your money back.

    So, should we ask our money back? Should you guy's be more careful before releasing something new? I'm quite sure you guy's can do better than this, all players and MARVEL are counting on MCOC team.
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    Not sure if anyone else is having the same issue but my sig 99 DD has been getting tagged by projectiles since the update. Specifically happened on the collectors L1 and AVs L1 in the arena.
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    Kenny76Kenny76 Posts: 1
    This week I've seen it all, totally unresponsive champs, parry being unreliable, freezing during loading causing health penalty, 4 times I've been in the middle of a combo and ate a special, I've even had an av throw a 1st at me with no power on his power bar.
    No mention by kabam on any issues other then pi, maybe test your product prior to release instead of expecting us to pay you via units for your faulty product, at the very least run your ally revive/health discount the week after every bloody patch!
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    AmonthirAmonthir Posts: 754 ★★★
    Not sure if anyone else is having the same issue but my sig 99 DD has been getting tagged by projectiles since the update. Specifically happened on the collectors L1 and AVs L1 in the arena.

    The Collector reduces ability accuracy, so he can eventually overcome DD's evasion. AV has something to reduce evade chances as well.
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    my parries are not working. i am a skilled player that is quite used to parrying, and the timing has become too limited. before it was just 5 hits and block, rinse and repeat, but when i went in for rol i barely got any parries. pls fix this kabam
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    What about Vision Sp2???
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    Bambam7700Bambam7700 Posts: 38
    @Kabam Miike is there a fix coming soon for the champs moving when swiping left. I have been swiping left since the update and my champs are just standing there not moving. I have been hit with more heavies and l1, l2's then I have ever since I started the game two years ago. I've had to spend my units just to do normal parts of the game. This is not cool please get a fix out soon. My whole alliance is suffering because of this bug. Also Hyperion is missing his first hit in his l1
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    Carnage313Carnage313 Posts: 359 ★★★
    Soooooooo ummmm yeah. I agree with the above. When and is a fix coming for all the champs(AOU vision) for example and all the mechanics that you completely wrecked with the last update. Really quiet on your end. Hmmm must be too busy rolling out all these deals you want us players to keep buying. Because those happen without fail. Hopefully we get an answer before the email comes out with the level 1 revives saying your sorry the contest wasn't up to your standards. Oh and this isn't intended for a handout. What I want is a product that actually works.
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    Personally before the update I could 100% masters now after the update the paths are basically hope they don't punch through a block(yeah that happens alot now) cause you're almost dead after they do and it's honestly bs masters should be hard yes for the rewards but it shouldn't have people in paths stronger then some of the bosses, it's a trap to get people to buy units to get potions and it's ridiculous I've played this game for 2 years
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    Mcord11758Mcord11758 Posts: 1,249 ★★★★
    Master was harder but not that much. Yes people punch through block. Appears to be by design since they are largely ignoring it
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    DannyDanny Posts: 42
    Unbelievable update,parrys hit an Miss might work might not..game lags all over the place...
    Top job done once again ....like all the other updates pants...needs a update to fix the update to fix the update to fix the update...on and on and ...
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    MorphtronicXMorphtronicX Posts: 7
    Alguém pode me explicar porque isto acontece ? Se FORÇA DE VONTADE FULL recupera 0,7% de saúde por segundo e CORAGEM LÍQUIDA FULL envenenamento de 0,6 de saúde por segundo, deveria recuperar mais do que envenenar, além de estar com UNGUENTO e RECUPERAÇÃO FULL, detalhe que UNGUENTO te dá mais 4 de saúde duas vezes por segundo por 60 segundos, mais não está acontecendo desde que alguns Campeões perdem mais do que ganham e outros não recuperam essa diferença. Obrigado pela atenção, esperando resposta. Morphtronic X.
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    MisFit7GottiMisFit7Gotti Posts: 72
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    Sith_LordSith_Lord Posts: 230 ★★
    Still nothing on this??? Come on, Kabam! We're literally playing a broken game. Almost as bad as the 12.0 update...
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    Carnage313Carnage313 Posts: 359 ★★★
    Sith_Lord wrote: »
    Still nothing on this??? Come on, Kabam! We're literally playing a broken game. Almost as bad as the 12.0 update...

    They were to busy rolling out the $70.00 cat deal. Which FYI your crazy if you think I'm buying that. Sad thing is people will.
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    Carnage313 wrote: »
    Sith_Lord wrote: »
    Still nothing on this??? Come on, Kabam! We're literally playing a broken game. Almost as bad as the 12.0 update...

    They were to busy rolling out the $70.00 cat deal. Which FYI your crazy if you think I'm buying that. Sad thing is people will.

    you do realise that they only give trash deals to make other ones look better? a great offer always comes out after the trash ones, and these rubbish offers only make the other ones look 1000% better
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    Sith_LordSith_Lord Posts: 230 ★★
    Carnage313 wrote: »
    Sith_Lord wrote: »
    Still nothing on this??? Come on, Kabam! We're literally playing a broken game. Almost as bad as the 12.0 update...

    They were to busy rolling out the $70.00 cat deal. Which FYI your crazy if you think I'm buying that. Sad thing is people will.

    I refuse to purchase that deal, as well. My stash is full of multiple T4c's for every class. I need full T2A's & 5* sig stones.
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    Sith_LordSith_Lord Posts: 230 ★★
    Carnage313 wrote: »
    Sith_Lord wrote: »
    Still nothing on this??? Come on, Kabam! We're literally playing a broken game. Almost as bad as the 12.0 update...

    They were to busy rolling out the $70.00 cat deal. Which FYI your crazy if you think I'm buying that. Sad thing is people will.

    you do realise that they only give trash deals to make other ones look better? a great offer always comes out after the trash ones, and these rubbish offers only make the other ones look 1000% better

    I hope a good deal is coming. It's about time we get a class specific 4* signature stone deal, that comes with an awakening gem & 40 signature stones for said class. And a 5* signature stone deal that comes with 40 sig stones of said class (no gem).
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