Act 6 Chapter 2 Gates - Why do 6* not count towards 5* requirement?

Let's say we all agree to bend over and take it for Act 6.2... get to a gate that requires a minimum of 4 class 5*....why would a 6* not count towards this requirement? If I have a R2 6*, I should not be forced to use a lessor version. This is just dumb.
Could you imagine if Act 5 or Act 6 had 4* gates that would not allow you to use any of your newer champions? This is just a terrible design by Kabam.
As our rosters improve and we are ranking more 6*, we will not even be able to use them for these paths....needs to be addressed IMO
Poor game design in my opinion in terms of fun, but good design in terms of creating resource demand and forcing spending.
That... Or one doesn’t have the roster for the time being, so... cant negotiate, bro.
1- in a year you take 3 rank 3 6 stars. Destroy path
2- you waste resources ranking a 5 star you wouldn’t of ranked in the first place.
Cash rules everything around kabam
The reason is almost certainly the obvious, which is that the gates force players to build more diverse rosters. People keep tacking things onto the end like "to force people to spend" or whatever, but in this case this is likely an end, not a means to an end. The game's progress is focused in large part on roster development which is two-dimensional: you can grow roster wider and you can grow it "taller" via rank ups. A lot of players believe the "correct" way to play the game is to focus on taller to the point of ignoring wider. Find "the best" champs and rank them up as high as possible, and then use them to take on everything. The structure of the game - which started out extremely simple - allowed for that. The game is placing gates like this to increase the need to go wider as much as taller, so the roster structure is more pyramid and less tower. The game has been moving in that direction since 12.0.
It is a completely arbitrary requirement, but only in the sense that all the "winners" of the roster lottery also won under purely arbitrary rules. There's no reason why champs like Corvus or Ghost won the beyond-god-tier lottery except purely by the coincidence of the game's current requirements. Forcing players to possess some number of 5* or 6* or specific class champions is no less, and also no more arbitrary than needing the highest burst damage or the anything else.
Simply because of the way the original devs chose to make combat, the game encourages the use of some champs and discourages the use of others. That is no more or less arbitrary than any arbitrary decision about who you can use and not use on a specific map. I'm not saying map restrictions are the same thing as champion utility. I'm only saying they are equally arbitrary.
Think the original premise of OP was that gates should be 5* OR ABOVE.
But as @klobberintyme points out, Arena can't just use any “OR ABOVE” hero's, they are specified as only certain Star-Rarity entry.
Although better correlation for Arena would be WHY CAN'T I USE SPECIFIED STAR LEVEL “OR BELOW” for Hero Arenas, sort of like the 2-day CAT Arenas. It’s just the way they designed and want it to be.
That logic should not apply to an event quest. The game should not be forcing a player to bring in weaker champs when he has a stronger option. I think that is the gripe over this design. When a gate prevents you from bringing in a 6* as a substitute for a 5*, that is poor game design since it is giving you two poor choices: (1) go in with a weaker champ than one you currently have (ie, your 5* instead of the 6* you have), or (2) waste resources ranking that 5* to a r4 minimum so that it is on par with the 6* (which you already have and therefore makes that rank up a waste of resources).
But point being, even though that would make sense, they don't do it that way, and so they can dictate a similar thought to Gates too.