Domino's Sinergy with Massacre not working in the new AW map node 51 (Tier 2)

Good morning @Kabam Miike
Since the last time i fought node 51 in the new AW map, i realized that Domino's sinergy with Massacre was not working with limber. Today i fought again in the same node and i recorded the fight so you could see the bug and correct it.
I have parry mastered (3/3) so with Domino's sinergy i should start the fight with 3.0 seconds of stun when well-timed block occurs.
You can see that this is not working....only the 2.0 regular seconds of parry was working. As the fight goes on and limber triggers, the stun duration is reduced considerably until it is almost impossible to start the heavy attack. I should still have 1 second because of the sinergy...
It is necessary to point out that the sinergy with red hulk is ok and working, because incineration is inflicted when Domino uses heavy attacks...
So, if you could check that and gives us a feedback as soon as possible, i would appreciate.
Attached i send the files and print screens needed to prove what i am stating.
Best Regards!
Video Link:

Since the last time i fought node 51 in the new AW map, i realized that Domino's sinergy with Massacre was not working with limber. Today i fought again in the same node and i recorded the fight so you could see the bug and correct it.
I have parry mastered (3/3) so with Domino's sinergy i should start the fight with 3.0 seconds of stun when well-timed block occurs.
You can see that this is not working....only the 2.0 regular seconds of parry was working. As the fight goes on and limber triggers, the stun duration is reduced considerably until it is almost impossible to start the heavy attack. I should still have 1 second because of the sinergy...
It is necessary to point out that the sinergy with red hulk is ok and working, because incineration is inflicted when Domino uses heavy attacks...
So, if you could check that and gives us a feedback as soon as possible, i would appreciate.
Attached i send the files and print screens needed to prove what i am stating.
Best Regards!
Video Link:

There are differnt limber nodes. Some reduce it by a percentage, some reduce it by a set amount. The ones that reduce by a percentage will work with masecure how you expect, those that reduce by a set amount will not, because the set amount will eventually lower it to the point of uselessness.
In my opinion, the sinergy with masacre should always give her 1 sec on all matter what kind of limber she faces.
This is not how it should work, but this is how it working