Explore Stable and Unstable Atlantean Rifts for Great Rewards!



  • Baron_LaCroixBaron_LaCroix Member Posts: 5
    So Kabam have not resolved the issue and have now closed the ticket. According to their support person, they are "relying on the accuracy of their system"... even though I clearly remember completing the quest given the value of the rewards. Others have experienced similar issues with these rifts, so I'm not alone.

    After 3 years and countless dollars spent, I believe I'm now done with this game. I'll ride out the AW season as I won't abandon my alliance, but after that I'll be glad to see the back of it (as will my family and my bank account, I'm sure).
  • MenkentMenkent Member Posts: 889 ★★★★
    This highlights the biggest issue with support. They are so disconnected from what's happening in the game that you can't get a straight answer in most cases.
  • Baron_LaCroixBaron_LaCroix Member Posts: 5
    edited June 2019
    Menkent said:

    This highlights the biggest issue with support. They are so disconnected from what's happening in the game that you can't get a straight answer in most cases.

    Yeah. I've defended them plenty in the three years I've been playing and criticised the community for being outraged over the smallest thing. I've never been one to rage out at Kabam and threaten to quit, but this issue comes down to trust and it's not something I can just move on from.

    I can forgive laggy and janky gameplay... I can forgive update bugs (I work in an IT-related field and I get it, it's hard)... and I can even forgive bad content decisions... but I can't forgive rewards not being paid for content I know I've completed and then being told I'm wrong and the system is right, even though others are experiencing the same issue. I am not interested in playing a game that I need to keep an audit trail for to ensure I get the rewards I should be receiving.
  • ForwardForward Member Posts: 115 ★★
    My total rewards from 5 epic rifts is 6500 5 star shards and a +5 sig skill stone. I seriously hate rng rewards like this. Feels like another complete waste of a month because I didn't get lucky at all.
  • Lightning_ZeusLightning_Zeus Member Posts: 32
    Forward said:

    My total rewards from 5 epic rifts is 6500 5 star shards and a +5 sig skill stone. I seriously hate rng rewards like this. Feels like another complete waste of a month because I didn't get lucky at all.

    i totally agree. big difference if someone had the chance to get 3 featured 5 star crystals
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    Forward said:

    My total rewards from 5 epic rifts is 6500 5 star shards and a +5 sig skill stone. I seriously hate rng rewards like this. Feels like another complete waste of a month because I didn't get lucky at all.

    You got super lucky compared to me 😂 I got one 250 6* shards and nothing but sig stones after that lol....also thanks for that kabam🙄😂
  • SparkAlotSparkAlot Member Posts: 957 ★★★★

    Forward said:

    My total rewards from 5 epic rifts is 6500 5 star shards and a +5 sig skill stone. I seriously hate rng rewards like this. Feels like another complete waste of a month because I didn't get lucky at all.

    You got super lucky compared to me 😂 I got one 250 6* shards and nothing but sig stones after that lol....also thanks for that kabam🙄😂
    These RNG based events are just terrible.
    My total score so far is 4x sig stones, some t4b frags, and 2x 500 5* shards. Ridiculous.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Still waiting for the GREAT REWARDS, unless you think 5 stones is considered great. Not even a reward for me, 5th time in a row I get those stupid stones, 3rd time I'm quitting the rifts.
  • PintzzPintzz Member Posts: 297 ★★
    6 unstable Epic rifts run
    3 - T2A
    1 - featured 5 star (got thing!)
    1 - 2000 6 star shards
    1 - 250 6 star shards
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Think I’ve done 6 or 7
    1 cosmic AG
    1 Tech AG
    1000 or 1500 shards
    Sig stones
    Can’t complain but after getting sweet FA in last months event this could have been horrible
  • Rougeknight87Rougeknight87 Member Posts: 599 ★★★
    Pintzz said:

    6 unstable Epic rifts run
    3 - T2A
    1 - featured 5 star (got thing!)
    1 - 2000 6 star shards
    1 - 250 6 star shards

    Pretty epic rewards there mate, shows how big the disparity can be for someone pulling bitten tier prizes all month
  • KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 454 ★★★
    SparkAlot said:

    Forward said:

    My total rewards from 5 epic rifts is 6500 5 star shards and a +5 sig skill stone. I seriously hate rng rewards like this. Feels like another complete waste of a month because I didn't get lucky at all.

    You got super lucky compared to me 😂 I got one 250 6* shards and nothing but sig stones after that lol....also thanks for that kabam🙄😂
    These RNG based events are just terrible.
    My total score so far is 4x sig stones, some t4b frags, and 2x 500 5* shards. Ridiculous.
    Yeah I hate these types of rewards lol especially when I’ve already been getting a big FU from Kabam for the last month or so on anything slightly rgn based lol

  • Baron_LaCroixBaron_LaCroix Member Posts: 5
    Lots of complaints about bad RNG... but my complaint is that I ran and completed a run with 2000 6* shards and then didn't receive the rewards. I filed 2 separate help tickets and they were closed as they said I didn't complete the quest, even though I know for a fact I did and have seen others are experiencing the same issue.

    I've been looking for a way to break this game's grip on me... glad I finally found it.
  • DrZolaDrZola Member Posts: 9,451 ★★★★★
    V1PER1987 said:

    Rifts always suck. Can’t ever seem to get the better rewards. I try to chalk it up to “it’s better than nothing” but still wasting energy and time to run them sucks.

    I will wind up with 7 Epic unstable total. Three yielded the lowest 5* shards, one yielded a T2a, one yielded T5b shards and one yielded 200 6* shards (last one a couple of days away).

    That’s decent, in my opinion, for an event that promises disappointment 2/3 times. But I share your disenchantment. There’s always so much hype, and yet there’s inevitable letdown.

    Scrap store type events are more satisfactory for me (and I suspect many others) because there’s greater player influence over outcomes. 4+ years of this game and that lament still falls on deaf ears—there should be a tighter correlation between time and effort spent in game and rewards earned.

    Dr. Zola
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  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    RanoMano said:

    So if I count corrctly i will get 5 (or maybe 6) runs at epic even with the new solo obj, wasn’t it supposed to be 10 runs? Are there more shards coming?

    They clarified and said the max is 10 and that would include having to get the top spot in the solo objectives every day. So, one person in the entire game MAY get 10 runs...
  • Spurgeon14Spurgeon14 Member Posts: 1,665 ★★★★
    edited June 2019
    After 4 runs of Epic Unstable, which gave me some sig stones and 1500 5* shards, I decided I would do Stable because those have a higher percent chance of getting something good, right? Well...here's what I got:

    Initially just the chance of sig stones in Stable was the reason I went Unstable, but at least Unstable had a small chance at some phenomenal rewards...sig stones should not have been an option in Stable...this is just terrible.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    DalBot said:

    This event should be titled "Kabams Way to Lose Summoners and Alienate People".

    Considering how many people keep complaining about how they are trying to drive people away from the game, year after year after year after year, I think this is another one of those things Kabam isn't particularly good at.
  • AndyB1985AndyB1985 Member Posts: 41
    Decided to open the crystal after getting shafted on the previous 5 rifts (three x5 sig stones and 1000 five star shards).

    Got 250 five star shards. Lol!

    This is a joke. I've been Kabammed all month long.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    edited June 2019
    DNA3000 said:

    DalBot said:

    This event should be titled "Kabams Way to Lose Summoners and Alienate People".

    Considering how many people keep complaining about how they are trying to drive people away from the game, year after year after year after year, I think this is another one of those things Kabam isn't particularly good at.
    It's called churn and burn. As long as new Marvel fans learn about and download the app they will happily replace the old players.

    If say no less than 75% of the people I played with 2-3 years ago are long gone. Newer folks take a while longer to get totally burnt out.
  • IksdjvanIksdjvan Member Posts: 239 ★★
    Kabam, We really need to work on your definition of the word “great”. These rewards all month long have been the most depressing things I've ever done. Heres hoping for next month.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,438 Guardian
    DalBot said:

    DNA3000 said:

    DalBot said:

    This event should be titled "Kabams Way to Lose Summoners and Alienate People".

    Considering how many people keep complaining about how they are trying to drive people away from the game, year after year after year after year, I think this is another one of those things Kabam isn't particularly good at.
    It's called churn and burn. As long as new Marvel fans learn about and download the app they will happily replace the old players.

    If say no less than 75% of the people I played with 2-3 years ago are long gone. Newer folks take a while longer to get totally burnt out.
    It has been a while since I've looked at the numbers, but I think if I were to extrapolate those numbers into annualized retention and a stickiness factor, that would be considered wildly successful in the mobile gaming space. You've just implied they are better at retaining players than I was implying.
  • DalBotDalBot Member Posts: 1,632 ★★★★★
    DNA3000 said:

    It has been a while since I've looked at the numbers, but I think if I were to extrapolate those numbers into annualized retention and a stickiness factor, that would be considered wildly successful in the mobile gaming space. You've just implied they are better at retaining players than I was implying.

    How many games in the mobile space are built around characters as wildly popular as Marvel characters? In a time where the MCU dominates the public conscious it should be an easy formula to keep interest as long as you're adding new characters from the existing comics and tying in familiar plotlines.
  • rmilana41rmilana41 Member Posts: 34
    @Kabam Miike what happens with leftover coral. I have completed every tier that I had enough coral for. I do not have enough in any tier to open a rift or purchase the crystal. Do these convert to something else or do we just lose them?
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  • Mr_F15KMr_F15K Member Posts: 1
    I’ve now lost all my Coral I had saved, WTF
  • Frivolousz21Frivolousz21 Member Posts: 438 ★★★

    2 featured five star crystals
    3000 five star shards
    500 five star shards(twice)


    3 fully formed four star crystals
    Skill t4cc
    Tech 4 star AG

    Pretty freaking lucky.

    Pulled Mr. Sinister and Aegon I think. Or maybe Cyclops. Can't remember.

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