How long do your periods of being unlucky usually last?

Mine is usually around 4-5 months. From experience, I pulled a 5* Hyperion in August of 2018 then my next great pull was in January this year where I pulled 5* Ghost. Then in June I pulled 5* Aegon. Been trash pulls since.
How long do your periods of being unlucky usually last? 117 votes
You tell me.
Some people get nearly every god tier champion both free to play or cash whales and some don’t get them regardless of free or not.
I’m back at it again after a solid run of very good champs. Redupe of Hulk, redupe of Beast, redupe of know the drill.
What punctuates it for me is the insane eruptions of luck some people seem to have—I’ve just never gotten that in nearly 5 years. Good champs, even super champs, but always sprinkled around. Seeing people pull 75% 5/6* from a slate of Cav GMCs can be nauseating.
Dr. Zola
The devs and mods say it is all random luck, but at this point, I don't believe that to be true. I think some accounts are set up to get better champs than others no matter what you do. When I do end up getting good champs, it is usually at a point where they aren't even of much much use, such as getting a god-tier champ that is a 4*. By the time I do get the god-tier 5*, I am sure 7* champs will be out by then, and 5* champs will be obsolete like how 4* champs are now. Now I am having to try way harder in my alliance because I don't have the god-tier champs as 5* or 6*.
It sucks because I am stuck in a perpetual disappointment state while I watch others pull god tier champ after another. I know someone will come on and say, you just have to keep playing and you'll eventually open something good. I've been hearing that same story for 4 years now. It isn't much you can do except just stop playing (I am getting really close) or continue to hope for the best (and that hope is running out swiftly).
I think this is the boat I am in. I easily have the worst roster in my alliance. I tried not spending. Nothing. I tried spending. Nothing. Regular crystals. Nothing. Premium hero crystals. Nothing.
The devs and mods say it is all random luck, but at this point, I don't believe that to be true. I think some accounts are set up to get better champs than others no matter what you do. When I do end up getting good champs, it is usually at a point where they aren't even of much much use, such as getting a god-tier champ that is a 4* and of no use anymore. By the time I do get the god-tier 5*, I am sure 7* champs will be out by then, and 5* champs won't have any value.
Now I am having to try way harder in my alliance because I don't have the god-tier champs as 5* or 6*. It sucks because I am stuck in a perpetual disappointment state while I watch others pull god tier champ after another. I know someone will come on and say, you just have to keep playing and you'll eventually open something good. I've been hearing that same story for 4 years now. It isn't much you can do except just stop playing (I am getting really close) or continue to hope for the best (and that hope is running out swiftly).
Evil RNG AI!
My name is SoulSurvivor95