How was your Atlantean rifts experience??



  • spaceoctopusspaceoctopus Member Posts: 1,111 ★★★
    Okay-ish 😏
    9 unstable runs.

    1 t2a
    1 5* mutant AG (my third mutant collecting dust)
    1 5* featured (2nd dupe of Hood)
    Some 6* shards I believe
    5 various class sig stones
  • JRock808JRock808 Member Posts: 1,149 ★★★★
    Meh 😢
    You are missing the utter trash option.

    Same old same old. Although a fitting note to go out on. End my mcoc career The same way most of it played out. Deal with ****, using **** until I can't take anymore ****.
  • TheHeroDeservedTheHeroDeserved Member Posts: 761 ★★★
    Meh 😢
    Not worth time and effort for low rewards. I got sigstones 5/7 times and 250 6* shards the 6th time. Finished with an t2a. Know its risiky business to do unstable, but I definitely had hope for a bit more.
  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Okay-ish 😏
    Did it twice and got 5500 total 5* shards. Not great, but could've been worse.
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  • Jwallace25Jwallace25 Member Posts: 481 ★★★
    Okay-ish 😏
    gsil6374 said:

    Four unstable rifts in Epic and this is what I got:
    1. 250 6 star shards
    2. 5 star sig stones
    3. 500 5 star shards
    4. 500 5 star shards


  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 866 ★★★
    Meh 😢
    7 epic runs:

    Sig stones 4 times
    500 5* 2 times
    2k 6* 1 time

    Last run was more sig stones and I didn't even bother finishing. Big waste of time.
  • digital-SOBdigital-SOB Member Posts: 261 ★★
    Meh 😢
    Unstable rift epic:
    250 5* shards x 3 times

    250 6* shards just now landed in this lane and left immediately without even finishing.
    Complete waste of energy, ran a daily quest for t2b on auto fight. Got 2 of those instead.
    2000 6*, 5000 5* shards should have been the bottom tier rewards for an epic level quest.
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  • AnkalagonnAnkalagonn Member Posts: 539 ★★
    Meh 😢
    I couldn't find disappointing on the options. But disappointment is my fault, I was expecting too much. Reason why I didn't spend this month, and that will be my philosophy from now on. Throw me a good bone, and Ill spend, give me nothing, Ill spend nothing
  • allinashesallinashes Member Posts: 866 ★★★
    Meh 😢
    gsil6374 said:

    7 epic runs:

    Sig stones 4 times
    500 5* 2 times
    2k 6* 1 time

    Last run was more sig stones and I didn't even bother finishing. Big waste of time.

    You and I should go grab a beer.
  • DukeZmanDukeZman Member Posts: 698 ★★★
    Meh 😢
    100% garbage:
    5 Rifts
    2x 500 5* shards
    3x 5* Sig Stones
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,478 Guardian
    Better than okay 🥴
    Seven unstable epic runs

    One fully formed T2A
    2x 2000 6* shards
    3x 500 5* shards
    One sig stone

    I consider that somewhat better than average drop results. In terms of expectations for rewards for an event like this, I'd say that exceeds expectations.
  • Woody15Woody15 Member Posts: 544 ★★★
    Better than okay 🥴
    Not good enough to run epic, but got a 4 star mystic gem from unstable master
  • Dtl7714Dtl7714 Member Posts: 493 ★★★
    Okay-ish 😏
    My overall was probably better than alot of people I'm sure. And indefinitely got some good rewards. But man it sucks when you land on the lane with the sig stones.

    5*feature (pulled Medusa)
    2k 6* shards
    250 5* shards
    5* skill awakening gem
    200 or 250 6* shards
    Rest was sig stones, 4 or 5 times I think
  • Ezra7676Ezra7676 Member Posts: 691 ★★
    Better than okay 🥴
    Ended up with 2 full t2A so can't complain. Even though I got the 250 6* shards twice I wasn't entirely dissapointed. I got the 5k 5* once and duped SL again so basically 775 more 6* shards and 2 t2a from a side event is pretty good. I was of course hoping for a science AG for my Void, which my ally mate actually got. I'd say it was a good event, pretty much anyone who could do master EQ could do the Epic difficulty rifts so that was cool.
  • IamGROOT420IamGROOT420 Member Posts: 233
    Okay-ish 😏
    They we ok, did 3 epic stable runs and got 18,000 t4tech catalyst shards which helped me r3 Ghost, 1 5* crystal which was crossbones and 2250 t5basic shards. On the unstable epic run was tech sig stones.
  • BadroseBadrose Member Posts: 781 ★★★
    Meh 😢
    Terrible! Got sig stones for five times, 2.5k 5* Shards one time and I don't remember anything significative in the other runs.
  • Denzel116Denzel116 Member Posts: 537 ★★★
    Okay-ish 😏
    Got the featured 5 star crystal......

    Then pulled Ronan from it.

    Le sigh.
  • edited July 2019
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  • GhjjsjkGhjjsjk Member Posts: 32
    Not good overall but it was neither bad
  • Repto23Repto23 Member Posts: 848 ★★★
    Better than okay 🥴
    I got mostly duds but my last one I got the featured 5* crystal and pulled movie Cap M
  • PrathapPrathap Member Posts: 583 ★★★
    Ghjjsjk said:

    Not good overall but it was neither bad

    You searched all the way to 2 months old poll and posted an update.... Why !?!?!?
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