Should individual player win and LOSSES for AW be posted after matches

BurningSpear72BurningSpear72 Member Posts: 23
edited July 2019 in Suggestions and Requests

Should individual player win and LOSSES for AW be posted after matches 15 votes

60% 9 votes
20% 3 votes
20% 3 votes


  • BurningSpear72BurningSpear72 Member Posts: 23
    I truly would like to know from kabam why this isn’t done already. Thank you
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,354 Guardian
    There should be a “statiic” map of the previously ended AW (also previous AQ day too) that you could SPECTATE or VIEW to see what the final state of that War or AQ was. Including switching to you Defense to see how far opponent got on you, remaining defenders, and kill counts for each defender.

    Not everyone is around to be able to look at this as the AW/AQ is coming to an end, and would be nice to be able to VIEW it after-the-fact.
  • BurningSpear72BurningSpear72 Member Posts: 23
    SummonerNR could you vote in the poll it’d be beneficial thank you.
  • PrimetimeglcjPrimetimeglcj Member Posts: 2
    This would allow you to also see players progress die 8 times all season try to get better than that going forward gives you a goal.
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    More data that most likely would cause more lag to the game.
  • BurningSpear72BurningSpear72 Member Posts: 23
    @Fantasy_91 I highly doubt that as they already show the wins
  • Fantasy_91Fantasy_91 Member Posts: 243
    I'm not a computer genius so maybe it wouldn't. With an extra data point for 30 members for thousands of allies for multiple wars in history, it could add up. But that's really only one reason and the one that was easier to explain.

    First, those 4 stats are tracked because they are used for calculating MVP and skirmish rewards. I'm not sure losses wouldn't be truly accurate in the long run. Do you count each death even if you don't clear the node. Or only the deaths if you do? Was it against a tough fight or a boss? A miniboss or the very first fight? That they got disconnected? Did the game go into emergency maintenance? A timeout?

    Why would you truly want the information? To be demoralized that you had X deaths during the war/season? To rationalize kicking someone because they had too many deaths? Kabam already removed anyone with 0 pts on alliance events. They don't seem to eager to get involved with alliance decisions.

    Personally, I don't even look at that information even though I know its there. Keep it or add to it. But I'll get my information during the war by observation and discussions with my teammates to determine if someone is playing by the alliance rules and is a contributing member to the ally.
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