Thor Jane Foster.../Thor 4

TeamMRATeamMRA Member Posts: 14
Ok so announcement of Thor Love & Thunder with Natalie Portman being goddess of Thunder makes me think should current jane foster be buffed or we get a new Portman like thor character when the movie comes out
Thoughts ?


  • King_Leo321King_Leo321 Member Posts: 1,211 ★★★
    First they will not introduce any mystic characters.
  • Sundance_2099Sundance_2099 Member Posts: 3,183 ★★★★★
    *stares at Colossus, Gamora, She-Hulk and Spider-Gwen*
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    *stares at Colossus, Gamora, She-Hulk and Spider-Gwen*

    They are buffing or buffed those characters because they were underperforming and they changed them to specifically change their performance. But they are never, ever, ever going to delete an old champion and replace them with a new champion just to introduce a new character into the game. If they decide to add Thor Jane MCU into the game, that will be an entirely new fictional character different from the comic book Thor Jane Foster, and they aren't going to change one to be the other.
  • BowTieJohnBowTieJohn Member Posts: 2,363 ★★★★
    TeamMRA said:

    Ok so announcement of Thor Love & Thunder with Natalie Portman being goddess of Thunder makes me think should current jane foster be buffed or we get a new Portman like thor character when the movie comes out
    Thoughts ?

    What would be best would be a buff. We certainly don't need a new one just to simply look like movie version. Instead maybe at the time around the movie's release give us the villain or another character say Valkyrie. Just my two cents. :)
  • IKONIKON Member Posts: 1,351 ★★★★★
    Buffs don't promote movies nearly as well as new champions, so expect a new champ.
  • DjkrdjjDjkrdjj Member Posts: 444 ★★

    TeamMRA said:

    Ok so announcement of Thor Love & Thunder with Natalie Portman being goddess of Thunder makes me think should current jane foster be buffed or we get a new Portman like thor character when the movie comes out
    Thoughts ?

    I thought Natalie Portman hated working with Marvel or something along those lines...
    She literally only came back because they said she could be Thor

    I do admit that I am very pissed off that Portman is going to replace Hemsworth in the role of Thor. Before you start getting super mad and politically-correct-mode at me, I would like to say it has nothing to do with gender. I am so pissed off because Portman has literally said in the past that she hates Marvel and acting in superhero films. Why do you think she wasn't in Thor Ragnarok? She refused the role! And now suddenly Marvel is replacing the actor who we have all come to know and love with some B-list (yes, she is a B-list actress. You will realize that too once you start admitting the Star Wars prequels sucked) actress who is an outspoken critic of the MCU? WTF!

    And totally agreee I hate the idea of Natalie Portman taking chris’ place. She’s a terrible character and actress and Natalie Portman didn’t even want to be in the Mcu. I’d much rather see Thor in space or have a redemption( building up confidence arc) or interacting with guadians than have stupid freakin mg Natalie Portman come back.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    I have no interest in the movie and yeah it’s about gender and not wanting to see Portman. I’m not against female superheroes... Wonder Woman, cap marvel, scarlet witch characters that ARE FEMALE. NO INTEREST IN SEEING A GIRL POWER VERSION OF THOR INSTEAD OF THOR.

  • DjkrdjjDjkrdjj Member Posts: 444 ★★
    Sucks that Natalie Portman is coming back. she’s a terrible actor and I really don’t want her to be Thor.

    TeamMRA said:

    Ok so announcement of Thor Love & Thunder with Natalie Portman being goddess of Thunder makes me think should current jane foster be buffed or we get a new Portman like thor character when the movie comes out
    Thoughts ?

    I thought Natalie Portman hated working with Marvel or something along those lines...
    She literally only came back because she was told she could be thor
  • KoperBoyKoperBoy Member Posts: 210 ★★

    I do admit that I am very pissed off that Portman is going to replace Hemsworth in the role of Thor. Before you start getting super mad and politically-correct-mode at me, I would like to say it has nothing to do with gender. I am so pissed off because Portman has literally said in the past that she hates Marvel and acting in superhero films. Why do you think she wasn't in Thor Ragnarok? She refused the role! And now suddenly Marvel is replacing the actor who we have all come to know and love with some B-list (yes, she is a B-list actress. You will realize that too once you start admitting the Star Wars prequels sucked) actress who is an outspoken critic of the MCU? WTF!

    Lol at judging an actor or actress based on two movies. And Portman is a great actress. If your choice of her movies don't expand beyond Marvel and Star Wars, that's your fault and not hers.
  • ExHavokExHavok Member Posts: 519 ★★★
    Jane Foster is one of the most disappointing characters in this game, she basically just sits somewhere around the back at all of our rosters. :(
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 12,247 Guardian
    Nice insight into the studio side of things, @DNA3000 .

    And it’s a far cry to say that Portman was the reason for lackluster Prequils of StarWars. (Can you say Jar Jar, as well as who they settled on for Skywalker after it was deemed that DiCaprio would have been too short to play the eventual Vader). And Portman has had some other good performances (Black Swan, etc).
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 19,301 Guardian

    Nice insight into the studio side of things, @DNA3000 .

    And it’s a far cry to say that Portman was the reason for lackluster Prequils of StarWars. (Can you say Jar Jar, as well as who they settled on for Skywalker after it was deemed that DiCaprio would have been too short to play the eventual Vader). And Portman has had some other good performances (Black Swan, etc).

    I've been a fan of Portman's since The Professional. I liked her in Mars Attacks and V for Vendetta, and I thought she did a good job with Black Swan. I also liked her in the first Thor movie.
  • Hector_1475Hector_1475 Member Posts: 1,794 ★★★★★
    Very mediocre and over-advertised actress, as far as I am concerned about Natalie Portman. The fact that after turning Thor as the most disappointing figure (well, perhaps after Banner) in the Endgame they will turn him into another girl role model, is even more disappointing.

    As far as the game goes, perhaps we do get lucky this time to get a rework on Thor-JF. Perhaps.
  • AlphA101AlphA101 Member Posts: 285 ★★★
    edited July 2019
    If Thor Jane foster can stack armour breaks and power drain when opponent is stunned , she will be very useful
  • FhfjghhggggjfhfjgFhfjghhggggjfhfjg Member Posts: 4,492 ★★★★★
    Knowing kabam we'll get a new jane foster like we did with captain marvel and twice with spidey
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    Ironically Portman’s best acting came in her child roles. As an adult she’s terrible.

  • DrAwkwardPhDDrAwkwardPhD Member Posts: 234 ★★
    DNA3000 said:

    TeamMRA said:

    Ok so announcement of Thor Love & Thunder with Natalie Portman being goddess of Thunder makes me think should current jane foster be buffed or we get a new Portman like thor character when the movie comes out
    Thoughts ?

    I thought Natalie Portman hated working with Marvel or something along those lines...
    Well, she isn't working for Marvel now.

    It is important to remember the backstory to all of this. When Thor 2 was being filmed Marvel Studios was still a subsidiary of Marvel Entertainment and under the control of Marvel itself. And Marvel's relationship with its movie production was to put it mildly adversarial. Marvel was known to negotiate hardball with actor salaries and very controlling with directors. In particular, Kenneth Branagh (the director of the first Thor) dropped out of directing Thor 2 because the studio pressured him into delivering the sequel too quickly, and his replacement Patty Jenkins (who went on to direct Wonder Woman) dropped out after "creative differences" with the studio. The rumors at the time were that Marvel was pressuring her to go in a more action-oriented direction at the expense of the relationship-driven movie she was originally told she would be allowed to make, and wanted her to start preproduction on those set pieces before the script was even completed. Natalie Portman was said to be upset over the way Jenkins was dismissed from Thor 2, as well as her more passive role in the film, which caused her to pass moving forward.

    Today things are way different. Kevin Feige has essentially 100% control over Marvel Studios: in fact Marvel Studios is organizationally speaking completely outside the control of Marvel Entertainment. The MCU actors now work for Disney more than they work for Marvel, in that no Marvel Entertainment exec has any real say over the projects. Kevin Feige seems to have a much better relationship with the talent at Marvel Studios, and has the clout at Disney to take calculated risks with giving the talent some freedom to work within the MCU's constraints.

    I think it is a huge oversimplification to say that Portman only came back because she was going to be Thor. And people saying they are "replacing" Hemsworth with Portman are crazy: Hemsworth is still extremely popular and I doubt Portman wants to be playing Thor for a dozen movies. I think Kevin Feige lured her back with the simple promise that they had something interesting for her to do other than be someone's girlfriend, and it was interesting enough for her to come back to do it.
    Well said, she definitely cited problems with the production. And after seeing what Taika Waititi did with Ragnarok (I think it is one of the most enjoyable entries in the entire series), why shouldn’t she be willing to give another go 🤷‍♂️
  • FingfangfoomfanesFingfangfoomfanes Member Posts: 1,102 ★★★
    What I read is that Portman criticized MCU for the exodus of Patty Jenkins in one of the Thor movies. She wanted a female director but she didnt sound like an SJW like Brie the Cheese Larson. Besides, I love her in Black Swan. I like Thor Jane Foster in Mcoc at r3 sig 80. Although she collects dust in my roster.
  • Deadpool87Deadpool87 Member Posts: 573 ★★★
    Megavok said:

    Jane Foster is one of the most disappointing characters in this game, she basically just sits somewhere around the back at all of our rosters. :(

    I don't get all of the hate for Jane Foster's almost a guaranteed stun lock after SP1 and critical hits on every hit while they're stun locked. Sure she might be boring to play, but I don't think she's as bad as a lot of people make her out to be.
  • Bear3Bear3 Member Posts: 996 ★★★
    edited July 2019
    Not concentrating on “ they’re replacing my bro”.... just the girl I hate part. She’s a weak female to play this role. She just is. She not a tenacious female or actress.. she’s also almost 40... super hero’s are meant to be kind and vibrant in their DEBUT AT LEAST! Jeez this is straight my little pony super hero version. She’s the wrong choice for the super hero version of Thor Jane Foster... she was bothered to just be third girlfriend? That’s honestly all she’s good for. Hemsworth is 34.... now.... not when he started as Thor though! He was 23! So now they’re gonna drag Portman’s 40 year old skinny bones in and supposed to be believable she’s a bad ***? Lmao.... hard pass. They should have picked someone young and vicious.

  • chunkybchunkyb Member, Content Creators Posts: 1,453 Content Creator
    Kabam gotta lend out some of those server hamsters to 4chan during their time of need imho.
  • InfinityM04InfinityM04 Member Posts: 118
    I'm glad some people here have some common sense. There was not a single line at Comic-Con or in any official words from Marvel or Kevin that Chris Hemsworth was being replaced. No one outside them knows the story line yet, so we don't know if she's taking over the role of Thor. If you know from the comics, Thor Odinson was never replaced, Thor Jane Foster became Thor was Odinson wasn't worthy anymore, which later he becomes worthy again. They both still wield the hammer. They obviously set up Chris/Thor to be with GOTG. Jane Foster might just be a helping hand as well, as also introducing the character of Thor Jane for other fans. Unless you specifically work with Marvel and know it's secrets stop being dramatic .
  • Kabam ZibiitKabam Zibiit Administrator Posts: 7,033
    Hey there, appreciate the feedback from TeamMRA and those who kept it on topic and provided feedback about the game. This thread has gone a bit off the rails though, so we'll be closing it down.
This discussion has been closed.