6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • RedmistRedmist Member Posts: 31
    edited August 2017
    come on guys let see have they implement in to the game first. it can work they will have to make some changes to balance the game. I have faith they can get it done this is an heads up so some hacker doesn't ruined the announcement before tell us I'm pretty soon when they can they will give more information.
  • LewisTheLlamaLewisTheLlama Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    Please more gold, I can barley afford to r5 a 4 star let alone 3/45 or 4/55 5* and now 6*?! Please tell me there will be some sort of way we can obtain it apart from doing arena..
  • OmarOmar Member Posts: 36
    edited August 2017
    are the grandmaster crystals going to be purchasable like premium hero crystals are now? Or can you only purchase them once you have the required number of shards from the 14 day login calendar? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Commish
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    DJRipster wrote: »
    Will you be reducing the number of shards required for a 5* crystal or just revamping all the rewards in thinks like AW to give out more 5* shards?

    We won't be reducing the amount of shards needed, but will be making 5-Star Shards more available over time. This could include things like the AW rewards, but that's only one avenue we could take. There is also a new announcement on the Grandmaster Crystal that went live today, which contains 3,4, and 5 Star Champions.

    Will grandmaster crystals replace PHC for uncollected summoners ? or will I still be opening my 2*s off the PHCs I collect from every other event and arena ?

    The Grandmaster Crystal is in addition to the Premium Hero Crystal, although the Grandmaster's 14-Day Calendar will be replacing the 7 Day calendar that grants PHC Shards for Summoners.
  • KingKong666KingKong666 Member Posts: 48
    This move will make 4* obsolete
    Delete this comment as well if u wish but it's clear from this thread that the majority believe this to be a bad idea, it's hard to be constructive if you don't agree with any of it.
    An argument can be made for bringing in 6* at a much later date. But for now it's clear why you are doing it.
  • SkyRattlersSkyRattlers Member Posts: 56
    For all the people complaining about this being too soon....I want you to tell us when you'd add 6 stars to the game? Pick a month and year for when they should get here. I bet if I started a poll that the answer that would get the most votes is summer 2017. Anyone disagree? So here we have Kabam saying it'll actually be spring 2017 and everyone is flipping out over a few month difference.
  • OmarOmar Member Posts: 36
    are the grandmaster crystals going to be purchasable like premium hero crystals are now? Or can you only purchase them once you have the required number of shards from the 14 day login calendar? @Kabam Miike @Kabam Commish
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    Fugnasty wrote: »
    Can we get an impression of how you are going to make 4 * more accessible? I like to buy the 4* daily cards but don't want to spend anything if they're going to be the new 3*.

    One of the ways is with the new Grandmaster Crystal which was also announced today. It contains only 3, 4, and 5 Star Champions. Again, this is still a ways away, and a lot will happen between the announcement today and 6-Star Champions being playable.

    ditch the 3* and I would be excited.
  • ShinyMew2ShinyMew2 Member Posts: 187
    This is abosolutely ridiculous. I'm sorry Kabam but it really is. We can't even max out 5 stars yet. How about instead of 6 stars you add tier 5 catalysts?
  • rjancaszrjancasz Member Posts: 29
    Now more than ever, T4B and T1A needs to be more available. It is great that you are reducing the T5B requirement, but that is only relevant if we can get our 5* champs to r4...which requires 12 T4B and 16 T1A...for ONE champion. As it is, top tier players have to sit on all of the AQ-earned crystals due to expiring T4C. The balance for rank resources is completely off. There have been several posts about this and I have not seen a substantive response from the game team to any of those posts. In light of 6*, please address this issue.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    I ask again will there be 5* arenas? I ask this because as of right now there is no reason for me to do anything more than milestones in 4* arenas. 4*s are the new 3*s which I don't need or want so there is no point to even do arenas anymore. How sad.
  • OmarOmar Member Posts: 36

    Will grandmaster crystals replace PHC for uncollected summoners ? or will I still be opening my 2*s off the PHCs I collect from every other event and arena ?

    The Grandmaster Crystal is in addition to the Premium Hero Crystal, although the Grandmaster's 14-Day Calendar will be replacing the 7 Day calendar that grants PHC Shards for Summoners.

    so this is effectively starting a new race of crystal buying to earn five star champs without shards....unbelievable cash grab. Pretty disgusting honestly
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    R4GE wrote: »
    Badrose wrote: »
    TOTAL BS!!! We spent a lot of resources for 4s and now all of a sudden here comes 6s when we can't max 5s yet.

    Give us 1000 rank down tickets to get rid of 4s or you will quickly die and rot for good this time

    I wouldn't say "all of a sudden". This is still at least 5 months away, and the way that 5-Stars didn't make 4-Stars obsolete, these won't be making them obsolete very soon either.

    5 months is all of a sudden! t5 don't exist, t2 alphas are rare. 5*s won't even get ranked before 6*s appear

    We see where you're coming from, but when 5-Stars were first introduced, while it was possible to fully rank a 4-Star champion, it was something that only a very small handful of players had done, or were able to do. Remember, 6-Stars are going to appear in Content before you can get them, but that doesn't mean it's meant to be all content.

    While we are still working on exactly where you'll see them, we do know that they won't be in Act 5 Chapter 3.
  • AmonthirAmonthir Member Posts: 754 ★★★
    4* will become Obsolete... for those at the level to effectively get 6* champs at any sort of pace. But how many of those people use even r5 4* for more than niche uses anyway? 4* will always have a place on the path of progression. They are still perfectly usable in the first half of Act 5 and all non-LoL content before that, and even useful for part of LoL (Can't wait for that World of Legends of whatever with the 500+k rating 6* champs!). 5* will be the main focus for most players, with the top looking towards the 6* horizon (or quitting when the announced 24 champs are of the SG variety), with those lower in power ranking 4* to get to the next steps. As long as they increase the availability of resources, then people will not feel the pinch of using valuable materials on short-term champs.

    That being said, I feel it is still too soon, and they should be in the back half of 2018 at the earliest, with t5b and increased t2a gains coming as soon as possible, so that people have the time to max 5* and use them before worrying about ranking 6*.
  • CapWW2CapWW2 Member Posts: 2,901 ★★★★
    So now with 6 stars coming are we getting LOL 2.0?

    How about Act 6?
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    Indrick781 wrote: »
    I see you're reducing the amount of catalysts needed. What about champs that were ranked up recently? I just ranked up a 5* and now the costs are being reduced in two weeks? Are we getting the overages we spent ranking champions up back? If not, can we get rank down tickets to get back the extra catalysts we spent?

    The only cost that is being reduced is how many Tier 5 Basics it costs to get 5-Stars to Rank 5. There won't been any changes to the lower ranks.

    need to lower the Tier one Alphas or make them more easy to obtain.
  • IwasWONGIwasWONG Member Posts: 4
    I think this is a terrible idea. Should have ask the community first. People can clear your hardest levels with 3 star heroes. All this does is tell me that all the time, energy, and money spent on this game was a waste. I've spent so much time in development of my roster and it seems like a waste. If you want a money grab there are much better ways about it. Increase mastery points by paying for them. New masteries that require more expensive cores. Something besides adding 6 star heroes to make all of our 4 stars irrelevant. Something to progress further without demeaning our rosters.
  • SirnoobSirnoob Member Posts: 952 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    CapWW2 wrote: »
    So now with 6 stars coming are we getting LOL 2.0?

    How about Act 6?

    Act 5 isnt done yet man where no where near act 6
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