6-Stars Discussion Thread



  • Crosswolf1Crosswolf1 Member Posts: 27
    Should be announcing how we can get Tier 5 basic cats. Rather then announcing 6*s. Would love to max out some 5*s first
  • Mwhitaker23Mwhitaker23 Member Posts: 332 ★★
    will aw rewards be increased on the shards amount given? or will 10K for 5 star be reduced to 2 - 5k?
  • Operation10Operation10 Member Posts: 11
    If you are going to add 6* champs, i want it to be more fair for free-to-play Players to obtain 5* champs. for this, i had the idea of either reducing the amount a 5* crystal costs for those Players or making a calendar for only them. These are only ideas
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  • ZerkoZerko Member Posts: 8
    When the 6* crystals are released please DO NOT allow for Featured champs to be included in the crystals. This was a big problem with how 5*s were introduced into the game and caused a massive divide between the top players and the rest of the community very quickly. As well allowed for broken, or at least not perfectly balanced champs to be available to the top players of the game.

    By introducing only old champs slowly as 6*s you would be able to make changes to them to balance them out properly.

    For example the 6* Luke Cage may be significantly different than the other versions of Luke Cage and have different abilities, buffs, etc, to make him a more viable champ. Just the same the 6* SL or tech Spidey may be slightly nerfed so as to not make them so OP.

    It would essentially create new characters from the old ones while balancing the game out using real life data to see what needs changing.
  • Kabam MiikeKabam Miike Moderator Posts: 8,268
    will aw rewards be increased on the shards amount given? or will 10K for 5 star be reduced to 2 - 5k?

    The shard amount for 5 Star Crystals won't be lowered, but we will be making it easier to obtain more 5-Star Shards. No word on how exactly yet, but keep an eye out for that as we progress!
  • DD2DD2 Member Posts: 309 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    If you're outside the top 300 alliances there's a giant T4C wall that makes you wait 5 months to get enough T4Cs to rank 5.

    If you're in a top 1000 alliance you have to wait almost just as long to r5 that 4* as you would in a top 20 000 alliance.
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  • nebneb Member Posts: 453 ★★★
    And the top players cry about having t4cc expiring cause they get too many. Lol
  • edited August 2017
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  • LeftTurnAlbqrqeLeftTurnAlbqrqe Member Posts: 77
    I fully expected this to happen someday. I remember when 5* were introduced and there was a lot of talk then about requiring 10000 shards and it will take forever and ... much the same as being voiced today
    But now we have people hoarding 5* shards for featured crystals and taking up to R4
    An additional change they could make would be to also extend the max level over 60 when the 6* are released
    Don't need to add a mastery point for each level but I believe the new quests after then will be much longer in addition to ramping up the quest difficulty for 6*. This would provide an incentive for players like myself/ in my tier who have no urgency (or time or skill) to push through to continue to maintain interest in the game
  • HulksmasshhHulksmasshh Member Posts: 742 ★★★
    edited August 2017
    A lot of people seem to be overlooking that to get 10,000 6* shards, you have to dupe your 5* champion 36 times. As 500k player, I counted to about 40 5* crystals I've opened (accounting for 15k feature crystals). Maybe the MMX guys have opened 100+, but still that would equate to maybe 1-3 6* champions over YEARS. So let's face it, 6* champions are not going to become the norm anytime soon. They will only be there to serve as more difficult defenders facing 6* champions in Act V/VI, new event quests, new special quests, and the next ROL/LOL challenge. I am more excited hearing that T5 basics will be released very soon, which is much needed at this point in the game.
  • MightylibraMightylibra Member Posts: 185
    It's the best way to kill your game. I was there when your Heroes of Camelot was one of the hottest game on Apple store, then you inflated it by introducing 5*, 6* cards. As the result, The community fell apart and players left and the game died with their leaving. It seems Kabam don't learn from the past. Creative designer but horrible management. It's not even fun to play anymore.
  • Pry22Pry22 Member Posts: 136
    ddarko wrote: »

    What is the point of making things more available when you are releasing the stronger version of the same thing months away?

    I am also not sure Gold is available abundantly. Unless your job in life is gold mining, you are not going to have enough gold. I swear, sometimes I wonder if you are making a game for people to play, or a job for people to do.

    for sure. They made Gold Realms that took all your energy so you had to spend units and a ton of your time to get the gold. SMH.
  • ScorpiodsuScorpiodsu Member Posts: 21
    I'm ok with the idea of 6* champs as this game is supposed to be never ending. However, it just seems like it's a little too soon giving how hard it is currently to obtain, dupe and rank up 5*. I know it's mentioned that some things will become more accessible before 6* but how long before? That makes a difference. If the content is more accessible 6 months before then people have a good lead time to build up their 5* roster. But if it's only a couple months before then they don't. So I'm all for it, but you guys really need to figure out how to make it more accessible EARLIER for players to make the transition more seamless.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    A lot of people seem to be overlooking that to get 10,000 6* shards, you have to dupe your 5* champion 36 times. As 500k player, I counted to about 40 5* crystals I've opened (accounting for 15k feature crystals). Maybe the MMX guys have opened 70+, but still that would equate to maybe 1-3 6* champions over YEARS. So let's face it, 6* champions are not going to become the norm anytime soon. They will only be there to serve as more difficult defenders facing 6* champions in Act V/VI, new event quests, new special quests, and the next ROL/LOL challenge. I am more excited hearing that T5 basics will be released very soon, which is much needed at this point in the game.

    You don't need 6*s yet, plus 6* shards from crystals are only a small part of obtaining one. Look at 5* shards right now, I get a 5* feature a month right now.
  • xxxsidewinderxxxxxxsidewinderxxx Member Posts: 74
    If Kabam wanted to keep higher ranked players interested and engaged why not increase the player ranking from lvl 60 to lvl 70. Also why not increase 4* maximum from r5 to r6. This way our current rosters don't become obsolete but gives us something to still work towards while also increasing the strength of the character instead of diminishing the importance of 4*s altogether. You could do the same for 5*s. All 6*s do is set players back by now having to build a whole. Ew roster of 6*s that I'm sure will take a lifetime to do for 90% of players who play
  • RagamugginGunnerRagamugginGunner Member Posts: 2,210 ★★★★★
    6* are going to a pain in the ass to fight with that damage back. They'll prolly have the 4 best defenders of each class in the initial 24 to make sure their profits skyrocket.
  • GreywardenGreywarden Member Posts: 843 ★★★★
    I have some questions, sorry if they have already been addressed, this thread is getting long!

    1) Any chance for 4* rank down tickets? They use the same materials that would be needed for 5 and 6* champions and will basically be useless on higher level accounts.
    2) Is there any way that the first 20 6* can mostly not rely on being duped to be useful? Grinding for so long only to get something like a Juggernaut which requires being duped to be of any use seems weird.
    3) Is there any way that the first 20 6* can leave out the incredibly useless champs that every single player has negative feelings towards? Pending character re-designs a 6* She-hulk or Hulkbuster would be a bad idea, at least at the start.
    4) Are there any more character redesigns coming up soon? Getting a 6* Hulkbuster is already making me cringe.
    5) Will gold be easier to obtain with the increased cost for 6* ranking?
    6) Can challenger rating be addressed? A bit confused as to how that will work with 6*. If new content will have 6* enemies will 4* really do next to no damage to the new 6*? If you are phasing out 4* due to 6* and challenger rating, then not much of the content will be attainable seeing as even with increased 5* shards not many people will have a deep enough roster for the content.
    7) Will featured 5* crystal cost change? I don't see anybody that is aware of the pending changes actually spending 15k for a featured anymore.
    8) Will the OG champs like Vision and Deadpool be a part of this? Both of those characters are currently unattainable unless you participated in a single arena or had 4k units laying around at a specific time.
    9) There are certain champs that won't be available as 5* such as Electro, Black Widow, Cap WW2 and Scarlet Witch. Same for 6*?
    10) Other than the 1 t4 class catalyst you plan on giving out in the calendar are the chances for t4 class cats to drop out of AQ crystals being addressed? There are plenty of Youtube videos with people popping 100 crystals and getting 2-3 fully formed catalysts (not counting shards that complete a catalyst).
    11) Can you increase cost of crystals so that we can pick a class or so we can go for sub-featured? If the goal is to make sure we are equipped with 5* for the new 6* content it will be impossible if all I have in terms of 5*'s are Ant-Man, Luke Cage, Hulkbuster etc.

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  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    Also the new Grandmaster crystals will have 5* champs in them, so there will be many more dupes than there previously were @Hulksmasshh
  • LeftTurnAlbqrqeLeftTurnAlbqrqe Member Posts: 77
    Fully expect that T4cc to be the equivalent for 6* the same way that T3cc are used for 4*. You'll need them to get past L1. Result-a new tier of CC, the T5cc. Which will be as impossible to get as when T4cc were announced
    Now look--fully formed T4cc crystals in AQ. Future Map 7 in AQ will offer T5cc shards. Same rewards methods just different rewards
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Also the new Grandmaster crystals will have 5* champs in them, so there will be many more dupes than there previously were @Hulksmasshh

    You get one every 14 days, and those 5* drops will be rare based on how things work on here

  • Kronos987654321Kronos987654321 Member Posts: 584 ★★★
    DJRipster wrote: »

    You get one every 14 days, and those 5* drops will be rare based on how things work on here

    Bro they can be bought for 200 units too. The whales are going to be thousands
  • DJRipsterDJRipster Member Posts: 169
    Lots of the changes made in 12.0 were with a new customization for champs in mind (aka gears which won't be called gears)

    What is happening with that ? and will we hear more about that before 6*s debut ?

    Things like Challenger rating were introduced with this system in mind weren't they ?
  • LocoMotivesLocoMotives Member Posts: 1,200 ★★★
    DJRipster wrote: »

    You get one every 14 days, and those 5* drops will be rare based on how things work on here

    Agree, but lots will spend 200 units/ea for chances at 5* champs (and some pretty good ones if it matches the current phc pool).
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